6.4. Routing
Table 6.4, “Routing Enhancements in 6.3.0” lists the enhancements in version 6.3.0.
Enhancement | Description |
ENTESB-4135 | Update to the JMS 2.0 API |
ENTESB-4597 | Review examples shipped in extras directory for camel & cxf |
ENTESB-5375 | Avoid creating an empty default Camel context in Camel CDI |
ENTESB-5877 | Support cassandra-core 3.x in camel-cassandraql feature and bundle |
ENTESB-5184 | Create camel component for ServiceNow |
CAMEL-1002 | Quartz support should allow stateful jobs |
CAMEL-1005 | should we have an annotation - maybe @Handler or something which can mark a method as being the default method invoked by the Bean Binding if no other Camel annotations are used to bind parameters |
CAMEL-1011 | improve the Bean Ref usage on DOT files generated |
CAMEL-1024 | [IDEA] could we refactor the expression implementations (invoking JavaScript / Groovy / Ruby / XPath / XQuery et al) so they are easy to invoke from any library - not just from an Exchange? |
CAMEL-3907 | Component camel-sql needs the abiliity to process sql from the body of the exchange |
CAMEL-4576 | Make exception throwing as flexible in XML as in Java DSL |
CAMEL-4917 | To avoid to confuse end users, a different name should be used for output position of CSV and not position as now (pos vs postion) |
CAMEL-5398 | Optimize String.replaceAll() to cache Patterns where suitable |
CAMEL-5402 | Parameter Binding Annotations used for Camel Proxy |
CAMEL-5452 | DoCatch doesn't notify ExchangeFailureHandledEvent |
CAMEL-5561 | allow camel:run to auto detect OSGI-INF/*.xml for blueprint XML files or META-INF/beans.xml for CDI to avoid users having to customize camel-maven-plugin configuration on a per project basis |
CAMEL-5857 | Add server side encryption to header options when constructing an ObjectMetadata for a PUT in the S3Producer |
CAMEL-5958 | Bindy ignores bean class type |
CAMEL-6062 | Placeholder cannot be determined in camel property definition |
CAMEL-6094 | Cannot specify which converter to use when several can do the same conversion |
CAMEL-6269 | MainSupport in camel-core should make it easier to have callbacks when starting / stopping etc |
CAMEL-6338 | camel-cdi shouldn't use deltapsike bean manager provider in the CamelExtension |
CAMEL-6406 | Add support to ObjectHelper.getException() for Java 1.7 Throwable.getSuppressed() |
CAMEL-6439 | camel-jms - Add thread pool for handling timeout when doing request/reply and allow to configure this thread pool |
CAMEL-6469 | Add StatusLine object to exchange in populateResponse |
CAMEL-6646 | Support static method calls on OGNL expressions |
CAMEL-6858 | Delayer EIP - Add JMX attribute to know if any messages are delayed |
CAMEL-6913 | Add dynamic unmarshalling capability to JiBX data format |
CAMEL-6934 | Create new Address for every openConnection call |
CAMEL-6944 | Add exchangeId in the toString() method of the DefaultExchange |
CAMEL-6955 | Migrate camel-hl7 and camel-syslog from mina to netty |
CAMEL-7054 | CamelNetty - No way to get ChannelGroup |
CAMEL-7193 | Assertions are applied an extra, unnecessary time after an assertion period |
CAMEL-7247 | No way to 'abort' the onCompletion action of the MailConsumer |
CAMEL-7454 | Camel-Quartz2 Scheduler Name Difference |
CAMEL-7463 | Why tokenize (and some others) does not support properties substitution? |
CAMEL-7474 | Error blocks mail-consumer |
CAMEL-7528 | Aggregate - Allow aggregation repository to report back in-flight exchanges for in-memory repos |
CAMEL-7638 | Use response input stream directly in http producer |
CAMEL-7683 | Upgrade camel-hbase component to hbase 0.98.0-hadoop2 |
CAMEL-7753 | xslt component - Store warning/errors etc as exchange properties so end users can get hold of those |
CAMEL-7800 | camel-swagger - Upgrade to swagger that is pure Java based |
CAMEL-7813 | Make camel-jms more robust for replyTo |
CAMEL-7905 | New option to ignore missing consumers on direct endpoints |
CAMEL-7907 | Add support for JMSCorrelationIDAsBytes to jms component |
CAMEL-7974 | Provide CircuitBreaker state in an exchange property |
CAMEL-7985 | camel-test-blueprint - Upgrading to newer felix fails with NPE in fileinstall |
CAMEL-8027 | Add ByteArrayCodec implementation for udp to camel-netty4 |
CAMEL-8075 | Camel sftp should send a command to check if the connection is broken |
CAMEL-8147 | Using @ManagedResource on an Endpoint removes all the default JMX properties |
CAMEL-8175 | camel-swagger - Add support for multiple CamelContexts |
CAMEL-8243 | Enhance the Infinispan module to add support for HotRod events |
CAMEL-8258 | camel-twitter - Support Streaming from User Endpoint including Direct Messages |
CAMEL-8323 | Provide ability to specify node type |
CAMEL-8381 | XML XSD enriched documentation should maybe word wrap for easier read in raw format |
CAMEL-8392 | Upgrade Camel-Gora to Gora 0.6 |
CAMEL-8397 | Support Salesforce Analytics |
CAMEL-8410 | Add stream caching for CxfPayload |
CAMEL-8415 | DefaultExchangeHolder - Only transfer primitive headers/properties |
CAMEL-8438 | [Aggregation] [Optimistic Locking] [Hazelcast] Binary representation of same exchanges are different |
CAMEL-8446 | Camel Toolbox - Add support for @UriParam / @UriParams on component level |
CAMEL-8452 | Camel route model - Preserve {{ }} placeholders in model |
CAMEL-8459 | Java DSL - Align beanRef as bean to be similar to xml dsl |
CAMEL-8468 | Usage of camel-xstream depends on TCCL |
CAMEL-8473 | DeadLetterChannel - Add onPrepare |
CAMEL-8478 | IdempotentRepository - Add clear operation |
CAMEL-8483 | MongoDB Endpoints: Allow ReadPreference to be set on consumers |
CAMEL-8488 | Java DSL - Improved CBR to detect if endChoice vs end was invalid used |
CAMEL-8489 | camel-sjms - Allow to create empty message for null body |
CAMEL-8491 | Camel POJO producer/consumer should defer starting until CamelContext is starting |
CAMEL-8497 | Add extra capabilities to the github component |
CAMEL-8503 | camel-jms - Have replyTo options for concurrent consumers |
CAMEL-8506 | Add SEARCH operation to Elasticsearch component |
CAMEL-8509 | camel-catalog - Add api to parse endpoint uri and reverse |
CAMEL-8511 | Properties component - Add encoding option to use when reading the properties files |
CAMEL-8512 | Simple - Add exchange as function to access the exchange easily |
CAMEL-8513 | FTP consumer - Add option to use a larger buffer size so download is faster |
CAMEL-8514 | camel-castor should depend on castor-xml |
CAMEL-8516 | Salesforce component does not return the list of matching records for HTTP status code 300 |
CAMEL-8517 | Salesforce session handling must declare shared fields volatile |
CAMEL-8522 | Set OriginalDestination AMQ message property before sending it to DLQ |
CAMEL-8523 | Spring Boot should automagically load XML routes definitions from classpath |
CAMEL-8525 | Aggregate - Expose statistics about completed exchanges |
CAMEL-8526 | EIPs - Expose more statistics for the different EIPs in Java and JMX |
CAMEL-8527 | Processor in routes should be IdAware so we can easily map from/to its model definition |
CAMEL-8528 | rest-dsl - Allow producers to control what content-type header to return |
CAMEL-8532 | Spring Boot applications should block the main thread of the execution |
CAMEL-8541 | Camel main TestSupport class is incompatible with the CDI specification |
CAMEL-8543 | Support easy configuration of HTTP proxy parameters for Camel salesforce component and maven plugin |
CAMEL-8544 | Camel - Dynamic router - unsupported cacheSize attribute |
CAMEL-8545 | Allow camel-swagger component to run in an internal container |
CAMEL-8552 | camel-jackson should provide Map => Object converter |
CAMEL-8554 | camel-jackson should provide Map => Object converter |
CAMEL-8558 | Camel Catalog - Add humanize component name |
CAMEL-8560 | camel-mail - Make it easier to configure sort term in XML DSL |
CAMEL-8561 | Camel Catalog - Add better description of components and others |
CAMEL-8562 | Removing a route - Should check if the route input endpoint is static and used by other routes |
CAMEL-8564 | Add support for dataformat ref parameter |
CAMEL-8569 | Ability to easily extract email attachments |
CAMEL-8571 | Split EIP - Should use new message id per splitted message |
CAMEL-8572 | Upgrade aws sdk java version and add support for DynamoDB v2 |
CAMEL-8576 | Added a option to let camel netty take the message body as byte buffer |
CAMEL-8579 | Upgrade to jclouds 1.9.x |
CAMEL-8586 | File component optimization required for file response body |
CAMEL-8593 | JmsEndpoint.configureListenerContainer() some debug logs miss {} |
CAMEL-8598 | Set default timeouts on workflows registered by the camel-aws / aws-swf component |
CAMEL-8600 | Change the ftp default separator to be Unix style |
CAMEL-8601 | Add Support for SFDC-specific Field Types To The Camel SFDC Component |
CAMEL-8615 | Update Dropbox-core-sdk from 1.7.6 to 1.7.7 |
CAMEL-8616 | Update Twitter4j to latest version |
CAMEL-8617 | camel-vertx - Add timeout during startup to wait for EventBus to be ready |
CAMEL-8618 | Camel Catalog - Remove the label commands |
CAMEL-8620 | Update LightCouch version from 0.1.3 to 0.1.6 |
CAMEL-8621 | Update Apache Kafka version from to |
CAMEL-8622 | Update Apache PdfBox from version 1.6.0 to version 1.8.9 |
CAMEL-8623 | Update Dropwizard Metrics from version 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 |
CAMEL-8632 | httpBindingRef & httpBinding for the servlet component documentation |
CAMEL-8634 | Wire tap - Should emit event notification about sending to tapped endpoint |
CAMEL-8635 | XStream no longer supports dynamic CL updates |
CAMEL-8640 | BacklogTracer allocates 100k elements for an array even it is not enabled |
CAMEL-8642 | Support to use custom classloader when deserializeJavaObjectFromStream in HttpHelper |
CAMEL-8645 | Camel Netty component should not intercept consumers with httpMethodRestrict=OPTIONS |
CAMEL-8647 | Make Camel OSGI Extender Subsystem-Aware |
CAMEL-8653 | camel-kafka need to commit the last batch offset when shutdown the consumer |
CAMEL-8666 | Infinispan add other operations to the available |
CAMEL-8670 | Add spring-ws:uripath endpoint mapping |
CAMEL-8681 | Camel-Infinispan: use Lifespan and Max Idle Time in the implementation |
CAMEL-8684 | Load balancer model should not implement processor |
CAMEL-8685 | Netty should resolve OPTIONS prefix matches earlier |
CAMEL-8686 | Camel-Infinispan Replace operation can use options Lifespan and Max Idle Time |
CAMEL-8691 | Camel-docker: Add FollowRedirects and LoggingFilter options to client configuration |
CAMEL-8692 | Improve the PredicateBuilder with the missing vargs and list or helper method |
CAMEL-8693 | java.net.URISyntaxException: Invalid uri syntax: Trailing & marker found error should be configurable or skipped |
CAMEL-8695 | Update apns library to 1.0.0.Beta6 |
CAMEL-8698 | Camel-Infinispan: Add size operation |
CAMEL-8700 | Camel-OpenShift: Add new operations to available set |
CAMEL-8703 | Camel-Openshift: Scaling management operations and gitUrl feature |
CAMEL-8706 | Increase set of parameters for elasticsearch component |
CAMEL-8709 | Camel-Infinispan: Add Async operations to available set |
CAMEL-8710 | Make auth configurable for Google app components |
CAMEL-8711 | JMS Session not exposed to Camel route |
CAMEL-8712 | User the Netty Timer per Component |
CAMEL-8714 | Camel-Openshift: Add Environment Variables management |
CAMEL-8716 | camel-http - Make it easier to extend DefaultHttpBinding and have default no-arg ctr |
CAMEL-8725 | explainEndpointJson should order the options according to the given order from the endpoint |
CAMEL-8726 | Camel-Openshift: Add multiple environment variables to application |
CAMEL-8728 | Hazelcast idempotent repository - Should use locks |
CAMEL-8729 | Add query all capabilities in hazelcast map producers |
CAMEL-8730 | Camel-Hazelcast: Add replace operation to map producer |
CAMEL-8731 | Camel-Hazelcast: Add clear operation to map and multimap producers |
CAMEL-8732 | File consumer - Allow to sort by random |
CAMEL-8733 | Camel-Hazelcast: Add the possibility to specify a ttl related to a specific key |
CAMEL-8734 | camel-netty-http - Should ignore case of context-path |
CAMEL-8735 | Camel-Hazelcast: Add putIfAbsent operation to map producer |
CAMEL-8736 | Create new component using Hazelcast JCache implementation |
CAMEL-8739 | Camel-Hazelcast: Add Replicated Map support |
CAMEL-8750 | Camel-Infinispan: Add Remove, RemoveAsync, Replace, ReplaceAsync operation for a specific value |
CAMEL-8752 | camel-fop - Allow to set output format easier |
CAMEL-8753 | camel-twitter - Allow to configure http proxy on component level |
CAMEL-8755 | No Message History on deadLetterChannel |
CAMEL-8761 | Idempotent Consumer EIP - Allow to commit when EIP scope ends |
CAMEL-8763 | Default error handler should use default redelivery delay of 1 sec |
CAMEL-8766 | camel-cache - CacheConfiguration - parseURI not needed |
CAMEL-8767 | camel-elasticsearch - ElasticsearchConfiguration should be a plain pojo |
CAMEL-8779 | camel-mail - Message copy can be optimized if mapMessage=false |
CAMEL-8790 | Kafka producer hard coded to use Strings |
CAMEL-8795 | camel-kafka - Support for Scala 2.11 |
CAMEL-8799 | Make it possible for JsonPath to suppress PathNotFoundException |
CAMEL-8801 | CamelContext auto-configuration should be conditional |
CAMEL-8807 | camel-ftp - Add option to turn off sendNoop as alive check |
CAMEL-8811 | No data coding headers in deliverSM |
CAMEL-8818 | Set default for SO_TIMEOUT in camel-ftp |
CAMEL-8820 | Allow to do post logic when creating expression/predicate from routes |
CAMEL-8821 | Support to disable the stream caching in camel-servlet from the camel context |
CAMEL-8824 | Add startTimestamp to JMX attributes |
CAMEL-8826 | Add timezone parameter to Cron Scheduler Route Policy |
CAMEL-8835 | Replace PojoSR with felix-connect |
CAMEL-8836 | Remove the joda-time bundle camel-elasticsearch |
CAMEL-8842 | Camel-Hazelcast: Add addAll and removeAll operation to list |
CAMEL-8843 | Camel-AWS EC2: Add DescribeInstancesStatus operation to available set |
CAMEL-8844 | Treat absolute FTP directories as invalid and convert to relative |
CAMEL-8845 | Property placeholder - service lookup should use underscore instead of dash |
CAMEL-8846 | camel-archetype-web - Should use servlet as example |
CAMEL-8849 | Camel-Hazelcast: Add retainAll operation to list |
CAMEL-8850 | Camel-AWS EC2: Add rebootInstances operation |
CAMEL-8851 | Camel-AWS EC2: Enabling/Disabling monitoring on instances |
CAMEL-8852 | Camel JCR doesnt include Connection to a repository workspace except the default one |
CAMEL-8856 | Camel-Hazelcast: Add evict and evictAll operation to hazelcast map |
CAMEL-8857 | Camel SCR should create OSGi service for CamelContext |
CAMEL-8863 | Camel-Hazelcast: Add valueCount operation to multimap |
CAMEL-8865 | Remove version from URL in Camel web examples |
CAMEL-8868 | Camel-Hazelcast: Add remainingCapacity operation to queue |
CAMEL-8870 | Remove version from URL in Maven web archetype |
CAMEL-8872 | Camel-Hazelcast: Add new operations to HazelcastAtomicNumber producer |
CAMEL-8876 | Add an option for HttpProducer to ignore response body avoiding stream caching |
CAMEL-8877 | Camel-Hazelcast: Add containsKey and containsValue operation to map Producer |
CAMEL-8879 | Camel-sjms doesn't treat InOnly and InOut equally |
CAMEL-8882 | Camel-AWS EC2: Add options to Run Instance command |
CAMEL-8883 | Camel-Hazelcast: Add containsKey and containsValue operation to ReplicatedMap and MultiMap Producer |
CAMEL-8893 | Upgrade to CXF 3.1.x |
CAMEL-8894 | Support to reconnect the server in ClientMode. |
CAMEL-8897 | camel-example-servlet-rest-tomcat should include rest-dsl query params docs |
CAMEL-8903 | Camel-Infinispan: Add ClearAsync operation to producer |
CAMEL-8910 | Camel-JClouds: Add new operations to JClouds Compute Service Producer |
CAMEL-8918 | Camel-Jclouds: Add countBlobs and removeBlob operation to Blobstore component |
CAMEL-8920 | Camel-JClouds: Add new operations to Blobstore component |
CAMEL-8921 | Cleanup a bit on the example-cdi and archetype |
CAMEL-8922 | Camel-Jclouds: Use ObjectHelper to check if headers exists |
CAMEL-8924 | camel-maven-plugin - The goal that generates the list of components etc |
CAMEL-8925 | camel-vertx - Upgrade to vertx 3 |
CAMEL-8926 | camel-spring - contextScan should allow to exclude non-singletons |
CAMEL-8930 | Add removeHeader and family to route DSL |
CAMEL-8935 | camel-spring-ws - Expose more options |
CAMEL-8941 | Restlet supports binary files only with media type application/octet-stream |
CAMEL-8942 | aws-sqs - Make it easier to configure http proxy |
CAMEL-8943 | camel-jetty should use jetty9 as default |
CAMEL-8944 | Routing engine - When UoW done let the route context be present so MDC logging is possible |
CAMEL-8946 | Original SSLHandshakeException was overridden by Camel Netty Http producer |
CAMEL-8948 | CamelBlueprintTestSupport tests have issues with namespace handlers |
CAMEL-8956 | camel-cxf - The namespace parser should use FactoryBean |
CAMEL-8960 | direct component - Should defer failing if no active consumer until camel context is started |
CAMEL-8961 | Update Camel-Docker to support docker-java 1.4.0 |
CAMEL-8965 | Wire Tap EIP - Support dynamic uris |
CAMEL-8966 | Add a dynamic to that is simpler to use than recipient list |
CAMEL-8970 | File consumer - Add option to turn on/off whether to delete orphaned marker lock files |
CAMEL-8972 | Classloader leak reported in Apache tomcat |
CAMEL-8974 | DefaultPropertiesParser does not support the system properties mode |
CAMEL-8976 | netty-http - Allow to configure max size of headers |
CAMEL-8977 | Enrich and PollEnrich - Add option ignoreInvalidEndpoint |
CAMEL-8980 | Add Camel-git feature |
CAMEL-8981 | camel-test-spring - Allow to use UseOverridePropertiesWithPropertiesComponent |
CAMEL-8983 | Add random function to simple |
CAMEL-8986 | Add specialized mbean for enrich and pollEnrich |
CAMEL-8987 | Vert.x endpoints should support mutliple consumers |
CAMEL-8990 | camel-guice - Upgrade to v4 |
CAMEL-8991 | rest-dsl - Add support for toD |
CAMEL-8992 | EIPs with Expression - Allow to detail those in jmx friendly information |
CAMEL-8994 | Large memory use on Large core count(512) servers |
CAMEL-8995 | camel-restlet - Should defer UoW done until after writing response |
CAMEL-9003 | Allow multiple producers with differing request timeouts |
CAMEL-9010 | camel-stream - When using scanStream it should be able to deal if the file is deleted or not present |
CAMEL-9011 | Circuit Breaker LB - Only supports 1 processor so validate it has only 1 |
CAMEL-9015 | JMX agent - JVM system properties should always take precedence |
CAMEL-9016 | <jmxAgent> in XML DSL should not output default values when dumped |
CAMEL-9020 | Splunk component should use TLS instead of SSLv3 |
CAMEL-9023 | Use Redis String instead of Set as datatype for idempotent consumer |
CAMEL-9033 | Abstract undertow HttpHandler creation |
CAMEL-9036 | Camel-Hazelcast: Add support for set Data Structure |
CAMEL-9039 | Feature camel-core contains bundles, which should be made optional for micro-services deployment |
CAMEL-9044 | aws-sns - Make it easier to configure http proxy |
CAMEL-9045 | Camel-aws: Make it easier to configure http proxy |
CAMEL-9050 | Camel-cassandraql: Add loadbalancingpolicy as uri option |
CAMEL-9052 | HttpHeaderFilterStrategy should filter any Camel header on consumer side as well |
CAMEL-9054 | sftp - Reduce logging noise from JSCH |
CAMEL-9055 | camel-aws - SQS should not allow handover the delete task |
CAMEL-9056 | Aggregator - Allow to clear closed correlation key cache |
CAMEL-9061 | Java DSL - Allow to configure parallel processing and similar using a string configuration type |
CAMEL-9062 | Java DSL - ValueBuilder should build expressions as languages so they model can be dumped |
CAMEL-9063 | Add useGetBytesForBlob option in camel-jdbc |
CAMEL-9064 | File language - Add functions to get extension in single mode |
CAMEL-9066 | Include any headers unmarshalled by SoapJaxbDataFormat in content marshalled by the same. |
CAMEL-9068 | Log output to show which route is shutdown and has a pending message |
CAMEL-9069 | Add processor to immediately handle exception while in retry loop |
CAMEL-9078 | camel-http - Allow to configure the success range for http status codes |
CAMEL-9086 | Add support for relative path requests in netty http |
CAMEL-9088 | camel-pgevent - Use prepared statement and close resources |
CAMEL-9093 | Provide an unparsed read mode for olingo2 |
CAMEL-9096 | rest-dsl - Reuse logic for matching best rest path to use |
CAMEL-9102 | CxfEndpoint could use loggingSizeLimit = -1 for no size limit |
CAMEL-9105 | Camel DefaultHttpBinding should convert response Date headers to HTTP-friendly format |
CAMEL-9115 | camel-restlet - Should doneUoW using restlet callback |
CAMEL-9116 | camel-sjms - Should use same binding to/from JMS messages as camel-jms |
CAMEL-9118 | camel-pgevent, use pg_notify for sending notifications with postgres verion 9 and above |
CAMEL-9119 | XSLT errors should not be ignored |
CAMEL-9131 | Camel components - Add more labels to group the options |
CAMEL-9145 | Upgrade camel-hbase component to hbase 1.1.1 on Hadoop 2.7.1 |
CAMEL-9153 | ThreadPoolRejectedPolicy does not implement Abort as expected |
CAMEL-9158 | camel-univocity-parsers should initize in doStart and not use reset flag |
CAMEL-9160 | Dynamic to - Should use language: as prefix when using other languages |
CAMEL-9163 | PGP Data Format: Support PGP Messages without Compressed Data packet |
CAMEL-9173 | camel-artchetype-scr - Should be a simple route example |
CAMEL-9174 | Main - Make it easier to configure CamelContext before its started |
CAMEL-9175 | Simple random function - Should trim the min/max values |
CAMEL-9178 | Apache Camel is not able to read map-id in Dozer mapping xml but does not throw any error |
CAMEL-9179 | Add uptime to route so we can easily see per route how long time they have been running |
CAMEL-9184 | Throttler: Rejected message whe rejectExecution=true |
CAMEL-9192 | camel-elsql - Allow using simple language as named parameters |
CAMEL-9193 | Aggregator in preCompletion mode should also timeout if the new group does not receive further messages |
CAMEL-9194 | camel-elasticsearch search request only supports map object |
CAMEL-9201 | Improved Camel CDI component |
CAMEL-9203 | camel-amqp should provide qpid dependencies |
CAMEL-9204 | Provide AMQP component factory method for AMQP 1.0 |
CAMEL-9207 | Make it easy to collate/group N items from a message body with the splitter |
CAMEL-9213 | CamelContext - explainEndpointJson should not include component properties |
CAMEL-9219 | Base64 Spring XML tests and documentation |
CAMEL-9225 | camel-exec - Enrich exception with stdout/stderr |
CAMEL-9232 | camel-paho - Create exchange correct |
CAMEL-9239 | camel-sjms - Add completionInterval to batch jms |
CAMEL-9240 | Abstract CXF endpoint creation for WildFly integration |
CAMEL-9244 | camel-paho - Endpoint must implement publishing of retained messages option |
CAMEL-9249 | timer - Allow to specify a delay of -1 or something to indicate loop asap forever |
CAMEL-9251 | rest-dsl - Allow to configure api-doc route id |
CAMEL-9256 | Paho file persistence store should be configurable |
CAMEL-9258 | camel-boon - Serializing/Deserializing Lists, Maps with camel-boon |
CAMEL-9263 | camel-servlet - Allow to configure the context path without leading slash |
CAMEL-9271 | Extending RouteDefinition |
CAMEL-9274 | StreamCache does not work correctly with MarshalProcessor and pretty much all DataFormats |
CAMEL-9275 | camel-jackson - Allow to use a custom ObjectMapper instance |
CAMEL-9278 | camel-undertow - Should support multiple rest services |
CAMEL-9285 | controlbus - Allow to grab current route id so you can control current route easier |
CAMEL-9286 | Log component - Include log formatter options in docs |
CAMEL-9297 | Expose more configuration options from Camel's XStream component |
CAMEL-9298 | camel-netty4 - Connection timeout is already done by netty itself |
CAMEL-9303 | PropertiesComponent - Allow service host and port to be specified individually |
CAMEL-9305 | PropertiesComponent.isDefaultCreated method only check the absence of defined locations |
CAMEL-9306 | XML Signature: Header "CamelXmlSignatureTransformMethods" for Transform Methods |
CAMEL-9309 | camel-jetty - Make it easier to turn on|off java transport over http |
CAMEL-9314 | Improve error logging in Kura router |
CAMEL-9315 | KuraRouter should provide consumer template |
CAMEL-9317 | camel-salesforce's XStream to use a system property to configure its setting |
CAMEL-9325 | camel-spring-boot - Allow to use spring xml easier |
CAMEL-9326 | JndiRegistry should default to use CamelInitialContextFactory if no env factory specified |
CAMEL-9328 | KuraRouter should provide required and optional service resolvers |
CAMEL-9329 | Kura router should provide OSGi compendium services |
CAMEL-9330 | Main - enableHangupSupport should be default enabled |
CAMEL-9332 | Support @MockEndpoint and @MockEndpointAndSkip in Spring Boot |
CAMEL-9333 | KuraRouter should try to load XML routes from ConfigAdmin |
CAMEL-9335 | camel-netty-http - Suppress Connection reset by peer WARNs |
CAMEL-9339 | camel-cdi - If starting camel-cdi main and no camel found then log a WARN about this |
CAMEL-9342 | Metrics component should log at debug level |
CAMEL-9345 | Migrate example to rest-dsl |
CAMEL-9346 | camel-sql - Add transacted option |
CAMEL-9349 | ResourceHelper - Allow to load resource from registry |
CAMEL-9351 | Kura router should offer SCR programming model |
CAMEL-9352 | camel-jms - Add transferFault option |
CAMEL-9355 | Current Throttler implementation is not accurate and does not work in a multi-threaded route |
CAMEL-9356 | Allow delivery receipts with empty shortMessage field |
CAMEL-9357 | KuraRouter should provide default routes configuration |
CAMEL-9358 | Support UPDATE request in elastic-search component |
CAMEL-9359 | DefaultExchangeHolder.marshal() logs NULL header values to WARN |
CAMEL-9365 | camel-metrics - Allow to configure naming pattern for route policy |
CAMEL-9369 | Acknowledge messages for RabbitMQ InOut exchange when transferring exception |
CAMEL-9371 | Add support of Swagger for restlet component |
CAMEL-9373 | Camel JSSE security - Allow to use custom trust manager |
CAMEL-9377 | [test-blueprint] support configadmin as source of initial properties for BP camel context |
CAMEL-9379 | Camel BOM should not include tooling depdencies |
CAMEL-9380 | Method call expression - Validate bean name for mistake |
CAMEL-9382 | netty4-http - Hostname should allow without double slash |
CAMEL-9388 | Provide properties-based AMQP connection discovery |
CAMEL-9390 | Camel-git: Allow to specify username/email on a commit operation |
CAMEL-9395 | Reduce the number of default services registered in JMX |
CAMEL-9399 | Provide support for Publisher Acknowledges |
CAMEL-9400 | Camel-Elasticsearch: Add Multiget Operation support |
CAMEL-9409 | wiretap - Allow to use endpoint injected instance |
CAMEL-9410 | camel-netty-http - should default to port 80 and 443 |
CAMEL-9427 | camel-jetty - Should also support rest-dsl with api-doc |
CAMEL-9434 | camel-catalog - Add did you mean functionality |
CAMEL-9436 | camel-catalog - Make it easy to include extra components |
CAMEL-9437 | Fix checkstyle indentation violation for generated API test cases |
CAMEL-9441 | Camel-Elasticsearch: Add an operation to know if an index exists or not |
CAMEL-9446 | camel-swagger-java - Support allowedValues in model generated |
CAMEL-9447 | camel-swagger-java - Add type for response model |
CAMEL-9450 | rest-dsl - Configuration allow to use # to refer to beans to be looked up |
CAMEL-9454 | camel-gora - Should preserve headers |
CAMEL-9455 | Enhance Google Calendar service account with user impersonation support |
CAMEL-9456 | Component docs - Add information if a component is deprecated |
CAMEL-9457 | Camel Main - Stop from JMX should trigger stop of the Main/JVM |
CAMEL-9461 | camel-sql - Allow to load sql from resource |
CAMEL-9469 | Properties component - Should include component docs |
CAMEL-9470 | Add consumer option to component docs |
CAMEL-9471 | Tokenizer - Add option to skip first |
CAMEL-9472 | Add multi value to component docs |
CAMEL-9473 | camel-mail - The from/to/cc/bcc options should be like others and in component docs |
CAMEL-9474 | camel-jpa - Add consumer options to component docs |
CAMEL-9475 | Simple - Calling method should favor best matching type |
CAMEL-9479 | bean/class component - Should use bean. prefix for bean options |
CAMEL-9482 | Remove some deprecated options on http/http4/servlet |
CAMEL-9486 | Camel component docs - Add support for username password configured in userinfo part of uri |
CAMEL-9488 | Camel script - Add missing languages |
CAMEL-9492 | camel-netty-http - The http/https protocol should be mandatory |
CAMEL-9495 | camel-hipchat - Should require url for hipchat server |
CAMEL-9496 | camel-hbase - The mapping options in the uri should use prefix |
CAMEL-9500 | CamelVersionHelper cannot handle version qualifier |
CAMEL-9501 | Support to setup the filter InitParameter from Jetty URI |
CAMEL-9504 | OnCompletion - Keep caught exception so it can access the exception |
CAMEL-9508 | camel-sjms to support jms 2.0 in osgi manifest |
CAMEL-9511 | Setting Kafka's endpoint configuration by reference overrides everything instead of merging |
CAMEL-9515 | Does not handle an expired iterator exception |
CAMEL-9517 | Validator Component: add clearCachedSchema method to ValidatorEndpoint |
CAMEL-9518 | Swagger may see non-camel MBeans |
CAMEL-9523 | Use setStopRow on org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Scan |
CAMEL-9524 | file - Allow to turn on|off probe content type |
CAMEL-9531 | Camel catalog - method call, tokenizer and xtokenizer do not use @XmlValue |
CAMEL-9534 | XsltComponent: fix support for Saxon-B (and Woodstox) |
CAMEL-9539 | toString of Exchange/Message should only output id |
CAMEL-9549 | camel-schematron - More fine grained error messages when compiling the schema |
CAMEL-9550 | File consumer - Use Filter while deleting orphaned marker lock files |
CAMEL-9551 | ErrorHandler - Should not log message body by default |
CAMEL-9559 | camel-undertow - Allow to configure SSL on component level |
CAMEL-9564 | EndpointHelper.resolveReferenceListParameter should not return immutable lists |
CAMEL-9572 | Validator Component: Support custom resource resolver which depends on dynamic resource URI of the endpoint |
CAMEL-9577 | Only support suspension if a component has custom logic |
CAMEL-9578 | Reduce object creation in InfinispanProducer |
CAMEL-9579 | Replace deprecated entry listener signature in HazelcastMapConsumer |
CAMEL-9580 | XSLT Component: Support custom URI resolver which depends on dynamic resource URI of the endpoint |
CAMEL-9583 | camel-jackson - Allow the FallbackTypeConverter to convert to/from string types |
CAMEL-9584 | LevelDB - Allow serializable objects in headers |
CAMEL-9594 | Use swagger.json instead of api-doc in examples |
CAMEL-9595 | Camel-Kubernetes consumer should use DefaultConsumer and not ScheduledPollConsumer |
CAMEL-9596 | REST DSL - Jetty component ignores custom HTTP Binding |
CAMEL-9601 | camel-restlet - Should support the Accept header |
CAMEL-9603 | Support producer in Kinesis |
CAMEL-9604 | camel-jpa - Endpoint should be singleton |
CAMEL-9605 | Allow camel-gson to unmarshall more type by default |
CAMEL-9609 | camel-aws - SQS allow to configure attribute names easier |
CAMEL-9610 | Chmod does not work properly with "recursive=true" |
CAMEL-9616 | Support looking up MetricRegistry by type only in the Metrics component |
CAMEL-9620 | Support IGNORE_RETURN_VALUES for write ops in Infinispan component |
CAMEL-9621 | camel-restlet - The producer should support message body as bytes or streams |
CAMEL-9624 | Add Infinispan remote query support |
CAMEL-9625 | rest-dsl - Marshal should only happen if content-type is json or xml |
CAMEL-9627 | Splitup camel-cxf into modules so REST dont pull in old SOAP stuff |
CAMEL-9628 | camel-cxfrs - RsEndpoint should be enlisted in JMX |
CAMEL-9629 | camel-cxfrs - Allow to configure providers easily from endpoint |
CAMEL-9632 | Allow for adding ResponeHeader info to documentation. |
CAMEL-9635 | Continuation settings are only evaluated on first creation for each port/connector |
CAMEL-9644 | Improve camel-hbase component |
CAMEL-9649 | Do not require @XmlRootElement annotation in JAXB FallbackTypeConverter |
CAMEL-9653 | Bean language - Add support for calling purely static methods |
CAMEL-9654 | camel-undertow - rest-dsl should support {name} placeholders from path |
CAMEL-9655 | rest-dsl - Default hostname should be |
CAMEL-9657 | Problems with DefaultCamelContext constructor calling Container.Instance.manage() |
CAMEL-9675 | Improve loop EIP to act like a while loop |
CAMEL-9677 | FallbackTypeConverter that are CamelContextAware should have it injected |
CAMEL-9684 | camel-infinispan : add support for setting query builder in InifispanConfiguration |
CAMEL-9693 | camel-infinispan : disable building tests on JDK < 1.8 |
CAMEL-9696 | test component - Allow to pass in uri options to endpoint |
CAMEL-9697 | Test component - Allow to receive in any order, or split using expression |
CAMEL-9699 | Change the default for DataSets used as sources to zero |
CAMEL-9704 | rest-dsl - Options requests should not be routed |
CAMEL-9705 | rest-dsl - Do not allow duplicate verbs |
CAMEL-9706 | MockEndpoint: isEqualTo predicate does not handle arrays correctly |
CAMEL-9711 | camel-sql - Allow to use IN queries where the parameter is expanded |
CAMEL-9715 | Log EIP - Allow to configure the log name globally |
CAMEL-9720 | camel-spring-boot - Make it easy to keep the JVM running |
CAMEL-9726 | camel-swagger-java - Add support for yaml |
CAMEL-9735 | camel-tarfile throws OutOfMemoryError when splitting large files |
CAMEL-9736 | SolrComponent gets the wrong Content Type |
CAMEL-9740 | Improve camel-infinispan |
CAMEL-9745 | Splitter - Should skip null messages if iterator returns null |
CAMEL-9752 | Quartz2 Scheduled route too many workers |
CAMEL-9761 | camel-swagger-java - Allow to use custom CORS headers for api-docs |
CAMEL-9769 | camel-spring-javaconfig - Make the main class easier |
CAMEL-9775 | Clean configuration meta-datat description |
CAMEL-9776 | camel-braintree: add uri param to configure advanced options |
CAMEL-9782 | camel-spring-boot - Allow to configure options on CamelContext using auto config |
CAMEL-9790 | camel-kafka 2.17 not throwing TimeoutException back which is throw by Kafka client |
CAMEL-9791 | DeadLetterChannel not triggered on RejectedExecutionException |
CAMEL-9796 | Internal Access still displayed, no change to JSON generated |
CAMEL-9798 | camel-cdi - Add support for injecting default ProducerTemplate |
CAMEL-9808 | SFTP: Enable configuration of bulk requests |
CAMEL-9811 | camel-cdi - Add support for consumer template injection |
CAMEL-9815 | Add URI parameter to skip the declaration of the exchange |
CAMEL-9818 | Camel kafka consumer adds legacy (deprecated properties) in the kafka consumer |
CAMEL-9831 | Camel-http4: Make possible to use System Properties for configuration |
CAMEL-9833 | Add mapHttpMessage option to allow to turn off mapping by default |
CAMEL-9838 | Add ends with operator to simple language |
CAMEL-9859 | Re-enable Netty4 Channel Options. |
CAMEL-9860 | csv dataformat - Should have quoteMode option in model |
CAMEL-9875 | CamelBlueprintTestSupport lacks support for multiple PID loading |
CAMEL-9899 | camel-rx - Use a worker pool for tasks such as stopping consumers |
CAMEL-9900 | camel-jms - provide option for MessageListenerContainer for reply managers to stop quicker when CamelContext is stopping |
CAMEL-9904 | Avoid creating an empty default Camel context in Camel CDI for empty deployments |
CAMEL-9905 | TarAggregationStragegy should delete temporary files |
CAMEL-9915 | Allow to use the tarfile data format in XML marshal/unmarshal |
CAMEL-9925 | Update Salesforce component to use Jetty9 |
CAMEL-9927 | Reduce object creation in RedisProducer |
CAMEL-9932 | sql-stored - Add support for arrays in grammar |
CAMEL-9937 | camel-catalog - Add api to validate time pattern |
CAMEL-9955 | Add uptimeMillis as JMX attribute to CamelContextMBean |
CAMEL-9957 | camel-kafka producer sends the message in an async way |
CAMEL-9962 | Add a field in the consumer to define if it subscribed to the topic or not |
CAMEL-9963 | camel-blueprint - Namespace parser should skip placeholders for component dependencies |
CAMEL-9966 | Restlet - Should not enable stream by default |
CAMEL-9996 | Use passed in Camel Context in org.apache.camel.spi.RestConsumerFactory#createConsumer implementations |
CAMEL-1004 | make it easy to start/stop routes by their definition (RouteBuilder or Route class) |
CAMEL-3552 | camel-pdf component |
CAMEL-3910 | Add "Sticky Failover" support in the camel load balancer |
CAMEL-4596 | enrich and pollEnrich should accept an expression for dynamic uris |
CAMEL-4725 | camel-sql - Add support for Callable statements |
CAMEL-5583 | Add ning-compress as data format |
CAMEL-5911 | seda/vm - Add option to discard message if no active consumers |
CAMEL-6098 | Add script to the DSL to invoke a expression language and allow noop changes on the Exchange |
CAMEL-6415 | camel-twitter - Support for the User Stream Endpoint |
CAMEL-6649 | AWS Simple Email Service - add attachment support |
CAMEL-7152 | HttpProducer loses response data (specifically which headers where returned) |
CAMEL-7378 | camel-mongodb: Investigate returning DBCursor to enable streaming of large result sets |
CAMEL-7425 | Add EventDrivenPollingConsumer option to specify timeout |
CAMEL-7433 | Please create a preCompletionPredicate for camel aggregator |
CAMEL-7434 | Provide a way to force the completion of a aggregate exchange from an external event |
CAMEL-7609 | Add option "shareUnitOfWork" to pattern "enrich" |
CAMEL-7808 | camel-boon json parser |
CAMEL-7833 | create an extension of the RX Observable<T> to add more of the Camel DSL in there (e.g. to() or to go back to the general camel DSL) |
CAMEL-7865 | Support to carry file attributes on file endpoint |
CAMEL-7877 | json DataFormat: support the prettyPrint option by all the supported JSON libraries |
CAMEL-7982 | camel-git - A generic git component |
CAMEL-7999 | Camel Toolbox - Easy information about all Camel components and the release for tooling |
CAMEL-8054 | Use SharedEntityManager to reduce connections |
CAMEL-8093 | Adding Message headers for sinceid, maxid, user |
CAMEL-8211 | Camel commands - camel-component-info |
CAMEL-8269 | camel-salesforce: support for Salesforce Apex API |
CAMEL-8317 | XML DSL - Allow to use bean property style to configure endpoint options |
CAMEL-8413 | camel-stomp - Allow to configure SSL |
CAMEL-8465 | Add groups/getPosts endpoint to camel-linkedin |
CAMEL-8487 | Custom arguments to RabbitMQ queues |
CAMEL-8496 | Create Camel Paho component |
CAMEL-8507 | camel-rabbitmq - Support for the mandatory and immediate flags |
CAMEL-8531 | Make it easy to get the management mbean for a given process by its id |
CAMEL-8538 | Add inOut support for the RabbitMQ component |
CAMEL-8563 | camel-ftp - Add support for account option for login |
CAMEL-8565 | Support for camel-gson to handle generic types |
CAMEL-8656 | camel-test - Add option to dump route stats to file |
CAMEL-8696 | Allow ApnsNotification/EnhancedApnsNotification instances to be send to apns endpoints |
CAMEL-8727 | File consumer - Add read lock that is based on idempotent repository |
CAMEL-8740 | DeadLetterChannel - Add SPI so custom components can prepare message for DLC |
CAMEL-8762 | Support for adding multiple services with same interface in CamelBlueprintTestSupport |
CAMEL-8777 | Calendar component - support for Google Service Accounts |
CAMEL-8808 | Create Grape component |
CAMEL-8817 | Expose additional geolocation parameters in standard search |
CAMEL-8825 | Add support to AWS EC2 inside Camel-AWS component |
CAMEL-8832 | Add =~ operation as equals ignore case operation to simple language |
CAMEL-8834 | Camel-AWS EC2: Add describeInstances Operation |
CAMEL-8837 | camel-archetype-cdi |
CAMEL-8855 | camel-jpa - Add support for JPA producer to delete records |
CAMEL-8861 | Add a factory to support custom websocket sub-protocol |
CAMEL-8873 | Management api for ErrorHandler to expose stats about pending exchanges scheduled for redelivery |
CAMEL-8880 | Enable ability to expose Camel JMX service using IP address via API |
CAMEL-8936 | camel-test-cdi - Create a test module for cdi |
CAMEL-8952 | Expression or predicates - allow to refer to external script on file/classpath |
CAMEL-8969 | Add component for CoAP |
CAMEL-8996 | camel-undertow - Add support for Exchange.HTTP_QUERY |
CAMEL-8997 | Camel-Git: Add a show branches operation |
CAMEL-9006 | Add ability to use the same rest route for multiple components |
CAMEL-9014 | Add statistics for usage of endpoints in EIPs |
CAMEL-9085 | Create a Camel-Kubernetes/Openshift v3 Component |
CAMEL-9097 | XSLT Aggregation Strategy |
CAMEL-9111 | Camel Tarfile component |
CAMEL-9128 | Camel-Hazelcast: Add a Ringbuffer producer |
CAMEL-9129 | Create OptionsVerbDefinition - REST |
CAMEL-9156 | camel-swagger-java - Add JMX and Camel commands |
CAMEL-9157 | JMX - Add dataformat as mbean category |
CAMEL-9162 | camel-elsql component |
CAMEL-9172 | JOLT Component |
CAMEL-9180 | camel-cmis Lazy Initialize Session Facade |
CAMEL-9186 | Camel-Scala: Ability to add route policy in the Scala DSL based route definition |
CAMEL-9187 | Add support in endpoint for setting splunk event host field |
CAMEL-9189 | Jackson XML Mapper Data format |
CAMEL-9206 | add Kerberos Security into camel-HBase |
CAMEL-9212 | Enable dynamic values in the headerName / propertyName |
CAMEL-9224 | Camel specific commands for spring boot shell |
CAMEL-9252 | Batch camel messages |
CAMEL-9267 | camel-nats - A java client component for the nats broker |
CAMEL-9268 | camel-okhttp - Using the popular okhttp client |
CAMEL-9280 | Allow passing custom headers to the proxy server in camel-smpp component |
CAMEL-9283 | Data Format for MIME-Multipart |
CAMEL-9312 | Rest DSL should support defaulting values for query strings |
CAMEL-9364 | Add ability to receive onOpen/onClose/onError websocket events through camel rout. |
CAMEL-9376 | Camel-Kubernetes: add a Namespace-based consumer |
CAMEL-9385 | Create Apache Spark component |
CAMEL-9389 | camel-metrics - Allow to capture message history easily |
CAMEL-9392 | Add ability to pass parameters within websocket url and handle them in onOpen event |
CAMEL-9393 | Add ability to send a message to multiple defined connections with guaranty of delivery |
CAMEL-9416 | Creation of Camel-MLLP component |
CAMEL-9418 | camel-elasticsearch: make client.transport.sniff configurable |
CAMEL-9430 | Create camel-component for braintreepayments |
CAMEL-9445 | camel-ignite: New Apache Ignite component |
CAMEL-9449 | Allow to specify custom exit code when camel exits due to expired Duration |
CAMEL-9452 | Camel-Elasticsearch: Support Multisearch operation |
CAMEL-9453 | Camel-Git: Add support for cherry-pick operation |
CAMEL-9507 | Support suppressing body from aws-s3 consumer |
CAMEL-9542 | Allow HttpClient configuration (proxy, connection pooling, etc) for camel-geocoder component |
CAMEL-9544 | Option to add headers to MIME-Multipart in DataFormat |
CAMEL-9586 | Create camel-etcd |
CAMEL-9591 | Support Saxon integrated extension functions |
CAMEL-9633 | quartz2 - Add support for specifying custom calendar |
CAMEL-9637 | camel-netty - Allow to reuse previous Channel in next call |
CAMEL-9645 | Add messageHistory function to simple to allow to dump it anywhere |
CAMEL-9648 | IronMQ Component |
CAMEL-9652 | camel-spark-rest - Add support for hosting swagger api |
CAMEL-9659 | Create new component for GridFS |
CAMEL-9661 | YAML DataFormat |
CAMEL-9679 | Support for Hessian serialization - add new Data Format |
CAMEL-9681 | Add an option to enable/disable cache creation |
CAMEL-9685 | camel-infinispan : support continuous query in consumer |
CAMEL-9707 | Add ListDataSet and FileDataSet |
CAMEL-9719 | Spring Boot Starter |
CAMEL-9737 | Create camel component for ServiceNow |
CAMEL-9916 | SJMS component is not currently nodev/XML route compatible |
CAMEL-9943 | Expose mail session as a URI option for camel-mail endpoints |
CAMEL-1009 | create a 'mvn guice:run' plugin so we can run Guice based Camel applications easily in maven |
CAMEL-1012 | redeliveryPolicyType should use attributes for simple values |
CAMEL-1014 | ExpressionType is missing in Spring DSL |
CAMEL-1017 | we have two loadbalancetype |
CAMEL-8906 | Application hangs when Spring Boot Actuator shutdown hook is used |
CAMEL-1008 | remove more context-free DSL methods |
CAMEL-4074 | Remove machine specific testcase setups from CXF test |
CAMEL-5319 | openjpa profile doesn't work in camel-bam |
CAMEL-6976 | camel-itest-cdi - Fails due recent changes in camel-cdi etc |
CAMEL-7263 | Remove camel:dot |
CAMEL-7634 | camel-facebook - Upgrade facebook4j to 2.x |
CAMEL-8198 | Upgrade to JAXB 2.2.11 |
CAMEL-8454 | Correct a comment in files generated by camel-api-component-maven-plugin |
CAMEL-8533 | camel-ognl exposes servicemix ognl bundle |
CAMEL-8548 | upgrade commons-codec version to 1.10 |
CAMEL-8577 | BOM does not publish scriptengine dependencies |
CAMEL-8591 | Upgrade to restlet 2.3.x |
CAMEL-8614 | camel-linkedin and camel-olingo2 should use same Maven coord as others |
CAMEL-8627 | Update Infinispan version from 6.0.2.Final to 7.1.1.Final |
CAMEL-8629 | Update AWS SDK from version 1.9.17 to version 1.9.30 |
CAMEL-8637 | Upgrade Jetty version to 9.x in Camel-CometD |
CAMEL-8644 | Update Google Gson version from 2.3 to 2.3.1 |
CAMEL-8648 | Update Docker-java version from 0.10.5 to 1.2.0 |
CAMEL-8650 | camel-docker - Add to karaf features |
CAMEL-8651 | Update Ehcache from version 2.9.1 to 2.10.0 |
CAMEL-8652 | Update MongoDB Java Driver to 2.13.1 and Embed-Mongo to 1.47.2 |
CAMEL-8655 | Create Spring Boot examples and archetypes |
CAMEL-8658 | Replace SMX bundles of commons-dbcp1 with Apache versions |
CAMEL-8659 | Update commons-lang to 2.6 (xmljson) |
CAMEL-8661 | Use managed version of jackrabbit in hdfs and hbase features |
CAMEL-8662 | Use managed version of avro in hdfs2 feature |
CAMEL-8664 | Update MongoDB Java Driver from 2.13.1 to 3.0.0 |
CAMEL-8671 | Update XStream from version 1.4.7 to version 1.4.8 |
CAMEL-8677 | Update iCal4j from version to version 1.6.0 |
CAMEL-8679 | Update Openshift Java Client Version from 2.5.0.Final to 2.7.0.Final |
CAMEL-8697 | Update olingo-odata2-api from version 2.0.0 to version 2.0.3 |
CAMEL-8741 | Upgrade jsch |
CAMEL-8759 | Try enabling google error prone source code detector |
CAMEL-8760 | Upgrade Netty 3 |
CAMEL-8772 | camel-salesforce - Add documentation to its endpoint options |
CAMEL-8802 | Upgrade to CXF 3.0.5 |
CAMEL-8809 | Upgrade AWS SDK bundle to version 1.10.2 |
CAMEL-8839 | Camel-Hazelcast: Add clear operation to List |
CAMEL-8840 | Camel-AWS EC2: Add Security Groups support when creating and running instances |
CAMEL-8867 | Upgrade GAE bundle version to 1.9.23 |
CAMEL-8928 | spring-security not part of the camel BOM |
CAMEL-8959 | Remove old code from camel-cxf no longer needed due the CXF 3.0+ upgrade |
CAMEL-8982 | Upgrade Freemarker to version 2.3.23 |
CAMEL-9021 | depends on non-free JAR |
CAMEL-9028 | BOM does not export scala-library |
CAMEL-9038 | Make the existing tests of camle-olingo2 automatically executable |
CAMEL-9051 | Upgrade ServiceMix-Specs to 2.4.0 |
CAMEL-9077 | camel-bindy - Wonder if it outputs numbers using thousand separators |
CAMEL-9080 | Update to elsaticsearch 1.7.1 |
CAMEL-9082 | Upgrade ServiceMix Specs to 2.5.0 |
CAMEL-9113 | Upgrade Infinispan to 8.x |
CAMEL-9114 | Upgrade Jgroups to version 3.6.7.Final |
CAMEL-9120 | Add Camel-Undertow to Camel features |
CAMEL-9132 | Upgrade Kafka to |
CAMEL-9209 | camel-jbpm - use logging jar from maven central |
CAMEL-9228 | Update to undertow-1.3.0 |
CAMEL-9242 | Upgrade slf4j-api to 1.7 |
CAMEL-9265 | Use servicemix-specs version of jsr311-api |
CAMEL-9300 | DeltaSpike container control dependency in Camel CDI should be optional |
CAMEL-9302 | Add camel-jolt to features |
CAMEL-9307 | Remove unnecessary call to setCamelContext when adding a component by name |
CAMEL-9334 | Upgrade to spring 4.2x. |
CAMEL-9337 | Add readme.txt to all examples |
CAMEL-9338 | Upgrade camel-spring-integration |
CAMEL-9360 | Upgrade to elasticsearch 2.x |
CAMEL-9361 | Upgrade Kafka to 0.9.0 |
CAMEL-9402 | Upgrade Spring Dependency to 4.1.9.RELEASE or later |
CAMEL-9403 | camel-examples should not be in BOM |
CAMEL-9404 | Create .MD Readme for top folder |
CAMEL-9412 | Correct camel-example-swagger-cdi documentation |
CAMEL-9413 | camel-examples - update readme about correct version |
CAMEL-9414 | Update quickfixj to v1.6.1 |
CAMEL-9420 | camel-paho : provide dynamic qos and rentained option |
CAMEL-9429 | Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.13.1 |
CAMEL-9433 | Update to javax-mail 1.5.5 |
CAMEL-9458 | Cannot install camel-ignite in karaf |
CAMEL-9464 | Camel-chunk: use Chunk-templates bundle in OSGi feature instead of wrapping the jar |
CAMEL-9467 | Camel-Kafka: Upgrade to kafka 0.9 and use the Java client instead of Scala |
CAMEL-9494 | Camel-Facebook: Use the OSGi bundle instead of wrapping the jar |
CAMEL-9513 | Upgrade the Servlet API to 3.1 |
CAMEL-9514 | camel-netty4 maximumPoolSize option is ignored |
CAMEL-9520 | DdbStreamConsumer should inherit ?pollStrategy from DdbStreamEndpoint |
CAMEL-9536 | org.codehaus.mojo:taglist-maven-plugin:maven-plugin:2.10 does not exist |
CAMEL-9556 | Main - We should @deprecate enableHangupSupport |
CAMEL-9573 | Multicast and RecipientList - ShareUnitOfWork should rework a bit |
CAMEL-9618 | File endpoint - Move some options from generic to file as they are file specifc |
CAMEL-9646 | Upgrade Xalan bundle to 2.7.2_3 |
CAMEL-9662 | Expose cxf-rt-transports-http through BOM |
CAMEL-9691 | camel-infinispan : cleanup uri options |
CAMEL-9709 | Define jackson version in dependency management |
CAMEL-9712 | Define lucene version in dependency management |
CAMEL-9717 | Define kafka version in dependency management |
CAMEL-9722 | Explicitly define cxf transitive dependencies |
CAMEL-9723 | Move spring-boot-starter-sample to examples so we can collapse the camel-spring-boot-starter module |
CAMEL-9725 | camel-example-osgi-cdi - Some maven warns |
CAMEL-9757 | camel-gae - Deprecate |
CAMEL-9760 | Google drive component syntax inconsistency |
CAMEL-9781 | Installing camel in Karaf 3.0.x |
CAMEL-9806 | Add camel-IronMQ Karaf feature |
CAMEL-9825 | Exclude CDI generated proxies from context tracker |
CAMEL-9902 | Remove ServiceMix scripting-api from Karaf features |
CAMEL-9913 | Upgrading Beanshell for CVE-2016-2510 |
CAMEL-9976 | camel:rest-show command requires only context name as argument and not route Id |
ENTESB-5384 | Camel-JacksonXML: Some tests fails |
ENTESB-5444 | Switch Camel-Dropbox to servlet-api 3.1.0 |
ENTESB-5636 | 3rd party alignments - built from source strict alignments |
CAMEL-8699 | Camel-example-cxf: Remove ref from LoadBalance tag |
CAMEL-8869 | Switching httpClient from 4.3.x to 4.4.x break tests |
CAMEL-8886 | camel-cxf - 2 tests fails |
CAMEL-8919 | NettyUDPMulticastAsyncTest failing on Windows |
CAMEL-8985 | camel-jetty - A test fails |
CAMEL-9072 | camel-test-blueprint - Custom converter test fails |
CAMEL-9211 | Increase the number of Karaf integration tests |
CAMEL-9229 | Wrong folder name for jacksonxml test resources |
CAMEL-9407 | Camel-Elasticsearch: Re-enable cluster tests |
CAMEL-9490 | FacebookMethodsTypeHelperTest.testGetType fails with IllegalArgument Exception |
CAMEL-9493 | camel-mllp - Use dynamic assigned port number for testing |
CAMEL-9615 | camel-itest-karaf - Some failed tests |
CAMEL-9708 | Multiple tests not using equality predicate correctly |
CAMEL-9827 | MongoDB - The unit tests have some issues |
CAMEL-8501 | BOM does not publish restlet dependencies |
CAMEL-9835 | Enable kafka consumer to subcribe to multiple topics |
ENTESB-4479 | Update Jenkins jobs to use Flaky Test Plugin and Surefire rerun failing tests option |