E.4. Verifying if Gluster Block is Setup as Backend
Execute the following commands to verify if gluster block is setup as the backend for loging and metrics:
- To get an overiew of the infrastructure, execute the following command:
# oc get pods -n logging -o jsonpath='{range .items[*].status.containerStatuses[*]}{"Name: "}{.name}{"\n "}{"Image: "}{.image}{"\n"}{" State: "}{.state}{"\n"}{end}'
- To get the details of all the persistent volume claims, execute the following command:
# oc get pvc
- To get the details of the pvc, execute the following command:
# oc describe pvc <claim_name>
Verify the volume is mountable and that permissions allow read/write. Also, PVC claim name should match the dynamically provisioned gluster block storage class.