
Chapter 4. Configuring insights-client

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After you install Insights client, you must register your system with Red Hat Insights for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Registration enables you to use Red Hat Insights for Red Hat Enterprise Linux services.

4.1. Registering your system with Red Hat Insights

You can use the insights-client command to register a system with Red Hat Insights.

As an option, you can assign a display name for your host when you register your system. The display name identifies the system in the Insights UI. If you do not assign a display name when you register the system, Insights uses the default hostname for the system.


  • Root-level permissions for your system.
  • The Insights client is installed on your system.


  1. Enter the insights-client command with the --register option.

    [root@insights]# insights-client --register
  2. Optional. To specify the display name for the system, include the --display-name option. For example:

    [root@insights]# insights-client --register --display-name ITC-4
    System display name changed from None to ITC-4


  • Enter the insights-client command with the --status option.

    [root@insights]# insights-client --status
    System is registered locally via .registered file. Registered at 2019-08-20T12:56:48.356814
    Insights API confirms registration.

You can now access the cloud-based Red Hat Insights for Red Hat Enterprise Linux services.

4.2. Unregistering your system with Insights

You can unregister your system with Red Hat Insights for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. When you do so, your system information is no longer uploaded to Insights for Red Hat Enterprise Linux.


  • Root-level access to your system.
  • Your system is registered with Insights for Red Hat Enterprise Linux.


  1. Enter the insights-client command with the --unregister option.

    [root@insights]# insights-client --unregister
    Successfully unregistered from the Red Hat Insights Service


  • Enter the insights-client command with the --status option.

    [root@insights]# insights-client --status
    System is NOT registered locally via .registered file. Unregistered at 2021-03-12T10:36:39.257300
    Insights API says this machine was unregistered at 2021-03-12T00:36:39.000Z

4.3. Re-registering your system with Red Hat Insights

To re-register systems in Red Hat Insights for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and also avoid any duplicate host entries in the Insights inventory service after re-registering, run the insights-client command twice using two options:

  1. --unregister
  2. --register


  • Root-level permissions for your system.
  • The Insights client is installed on your system.


  1. Enter the insights-client command with the --unregister option.

    [root@insights]# insights-client --unregister
  2. Enter the insights-client command with the --register option.

    [root@insights]# insights-client --register


Successful implementation of the re-registration commands using insights-client command with the —-unregister option followed by the insights-client command with the —-register option results in the following message:

[root@insights]# Successfully uploaded report for <machine name>
View the Red Hat Insights console at

4.4. Changing the host display name

You can change the host display name as it appears in the GUI. Make this change either when you register the system with Red Hat Insights for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, or after registration. If you do not assign a display name when you register the system, Red Hat Insights for Red Hat Enterprise Linux uses the value in /etc/hostname.

This procedure is optional. Determine if you want to use a display name in addition to the default hostname.


Using the insights-client command to set the display name takes effect immediately, but does not run the Insights client.


If you obfuscate the host name, the hostname configured in /etc/hostname is obfuscated. Assign a display name so that you can identify a host even when its hostname is obfuscated.


  • Root-level access to the system.


  • Enter the insights-client command with the --display-name option and specify a display name.

    [root@insights]# insights-client --display-name ITC-4
    System display name changed from None to ITC-4
  • To create a display name that contains spaces, use double quotes.

    [root@insights]# insights-client --display-name "ITC-4 B9 4th floor"
    System display name changed from None to ITC-4 B9 4th floor

4.5. Displaying the client version

You can display the client version and client core version.


  • Root-level access to your system.


  • Enter the insights-client command with the --version option.

    [root@insights]# insights-client --version
    Client: 3.0.6-0
    Core: 3.0.121-1
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