Chapter 10. Creating a diagnostic log for support
If you need help from the Red Hat support team, you can create and share diagnostic log files. These log files can help the support team to troubleshoot issues with insights-client
10.1. Creating a diagnostic log
You can create a diagnostic log to share with the support team.
- Root-level access to your system.
Enter the
command with the--support
option.[root@insights]# insights-client --support
The command displays informational messages while creating the support file.
Collecting logs... Insights version: insights-core-3.0.121-1 Registration check: status: True unreachable: False . . . . Copying Insights logs to archive... Support information collected in /var/tmp/H_Y43a/insights-client-logs-20190927144011.tar.gz
Navigate to the collection directory as shown in the
Support information collected in
message.[root@insights]# cd /var/tmp/H_Y43a
Unpack the compressed
file.[root@insights]# tar -xzf insights-client-logs-20190927144011.tar.gz
Unzipping the
file produces a new directory containing the log files. You can share thetar.gz
file with the support team if requested.