Chapter 4. Known Issues
The issues mentioned in this section are the most important blocker or critical known issues for this release.
4.1. Drools 7.5.0.Final
- RHBRMS-1416 - MVELExprAnalyzer assesses a correct date syntax as error
4.2. BPMN2 1.4.2.Final
- RHBPMS-283 - By JBDS community version name is used for a jbpm.version variable in jBPM project’s pom.xml
- RHBPMS-1536 - Process is deformed when special characters are used
- RHBPMS-1928 - service task workitemhandler node parsing error in JBDS
- RHBPMS-4102 - Constant assignment can not be used for service task input parameter
4.3. SwitchYard 2.4.1.Final
- SWITCHYARD-2960 - Performance issues with SY tooling
4.4. Teiid Designer 11.1.1.Final
- TEIIDDES-2365 - Validate the JDBC username and password in the default teiid instance.
- TEIIDDES-2508 - Import From an LDAP Server Failed to Model Table
- TEIIDDES-2608 - Model editor blank after restarting JBDS
- TEIIDDES-2630 - Procedure Writing in Teiid
- TEIIDDES-2689 - LDAP dialogue too slow - loads a lot of data?
- TEIIDDES-2747 - DV 6.2 Tooling installation instructions not using JBoss Central
- TEIIDDES-2782 - Copy paste sql to the transformation editor is not parsable
- TEIIDDES-2793 - Invalid conversion from type class org.teiid.core.types.BinaryType to type class java.lang.String
- TEIIDDES-2874 - Oracle Views import with no columns via "JDBC Importer"
- TEIIDDES-2880 - New preview not working with table that calls UDF function
- TEIIDDES-2883 - Issue with Fedora 24 and GTK3
- TEIIDDES-2889 - Inconsistent errors in Problems View
- TEIIDDES-2898 - JDBC import wizard (update) stops after importing 1 database of 3
- TEIIDDES-2906 - Server editor doesn’t save teiid password when contains exclamation mark
- TEIIDDES-2927 - Connection to remote DV doesn’t work
- TEIIDDES-2940 - Moving model out of folder breaks imports
- TEIIDDES-2953 - Static VDB with JDG materialization has a warning after deploy
- TEIIDDES-3060 - Duplicate UUID on VDB generated from Teiid Designer
- TEIIDDES-3069 - odata4 fails to return data on top of mongoDB view model
- TEIIDDES-3121 - Create Web Service model from remote WSDL doesn’t work on Windows
- TEIIDDES-3147 - Import a REST service source and view model crashes
- TEIIDDES-3157 - Remote server doesn’t work when it is defined alone
- TEIIDDES-3158 - TeiidDesigner not responding during work with remote server
- TEIIDDES-3172 - Teiid Designer Crashes under GTK3