
Chapter 28. Management

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HornetQ has an extensive management API that allows a user to:
  • Modify a server configuration;
  • Create new resources (for example, JMS queues and topics);
  • Inspect these resources (for example, how many messages are currently held in a queue);
  • Interact with it (that is, to remove messages from a queue).
All the operations allow a client to manage HornetQ. It also allows clients to subscribe to management notifications.
There are three ways to manage HornetQ:
  • Using JMX; JMX is the standard way to manage Java applications.
  • Using the core API; management operations are sent to HornetQ server using core messages.
  • Using the JMS API; management operations are sent to HornetQ server using JMS messages.
Although there are three different ways to manage HornetQ, each API supports the same functionality. If it is possible to manage a resource using JMX it is also possible to achieve the same result using core messages or JMS messages.
This choice depends on your requirements, your application settings, and your environment, to decide which way suits you best.

28.1. The Management API

The management API is the same regardless of the way you invoke management operations. A Java interface describing what can be invoked exists for each type of managed resource.
HornetQ exposes its managed resources in two packages:
  • Core resources are located in the package.
  • JMS resources are located in the package.
The way to invoke a management operation depends whether JMX, core messages, or JMS messages are used.


A few management operations requires a filter parameter to choose which messages are involved by the operation. Passing null or an empty string means that the management operation will be performed on all messages.

28.1.1. Core Management API

HornetQ defines a core management API to manage core resources. In summary: Core Server Management

Listing, creating, deploying and destroying queues
A list of deployed core queues can be retrieved using the getQueueNames() method.
Core queues can be created or destroyed using the management operations:
  • createQueue()
  • deployQueue()
  • destroyQueue() on the HornetQServerControl (with the ObjectName org.hornetq:module=Core,type=Server or the resource name core.server)
createQueue will fail if the queue already exists while deployQueue will do nothing.
Pausing and resuming Queues
The QueueControl can pause and resume the underlying queue. When a queue is paused, it will receive messages but will not deliver them. When it is resumed, it will begin delivering the queued messages.
Listing and closing remote connections
Client remote addresses can be retrieved using listRemoteAddresses(). It is also possible to close the connections associated with a remote address using the closeConnectionsForAddress() method.
Alternatively, connection ids can be listed using listConnectionIDs() and all the sessions for a given connection id can be listed using listSessions().
Transaction heuristic operations
In the case of a server crash, some transactions may require manual intervention when the server restarts. The listPreparedTransactions() method lists the transactions which are in the prepared states (the transactions are represented as opaque Base64 Strings.) To commit or rollback a given prepared transaction, the commitPreparedTransaction() or rollbackPreparedTransaction() method can be used to resolve heuristic transactions. Heuristically completed transactions can be listed using the listHeuristicCommittedTransactions() and listHeuristicRolledBackTransactions methods.
Enabling and resetting Message counters
Message counters can be enabled or disabled using the enableMessageCounters() or disableMessageCounters() method. To reset message counters, it is possible to invoke resetAllMessageCounters() and resetAllMessageCounterHistories() methods.
Retrieving the server configuration and attributes
The HornetQServerControl exposes HornetQ server configuration through all its attributes (for example, getVersion() method to retrieve the server's version, and so on.) Core Address Management

Core addresses can be managed using the AddressControl class (with the ObjectName org.hornetq:module=Core,type=Address,name="<the address name>" or the resource name core.address.<the address name>).
Modifying roles and permissions for an address
You can add or remove roles associated to a queue using the addRole() or removeRole() methods. You can list all the roles associated with the queue with the getRoles() method. Core Queue Management

The bulk of the core management APIs deal with core queues. The QueueControl class defines the core queue management operations (with the ObjectName org.hornetq:module=Core,type=Queue,address="<the bound address>",name="<the queue name>" or the resource name core.queue.<the queue name>).
Most of the management operations on queues take either a single message id (for example, to remove a single message) or a filter (for example, to expire all messages with a given property.)
Expiring, sending to a dead letter address and moving messages
Messages can be expired from a queue by using the expireMessages() method. If an expiry address is defined, messages will be sent to it, otherwise they are discarded. The queue's expiry address can be set with the setExpiryAddress() method.
Messages can also be sent to a dead letter address with the sendMessagesToDeadLetterAddress() method. It returns the number of messages which are sent to the dead letter address. If a dead letter address is not defined, message are removed from the queue and discarded. The queue's dead letter address can be set with the setDeadLetterAddress() method.
Messages can also be moved from a queue to another queue by using the moveMessages() method.
Listing and removing messages
Messages can be listed from a queue by using the listMessages() method which returns an array of Map; one Map for each message.
Messages can also be removed from the queue by using the removeMessages() method which returns a boolean for the single message id variant or the number of removed messages for the filter variant. The removeMessages() method takes a filter argument to remove only filtered messages. Setting the filter to an empty string will remove all messages.
Counting messages
The number of messages in a queue is returned by the getMessageCount() method. Alternatively, the countMessages() will return the number of messages in the queue which match a given filter
Changing message priority
The message priority can be changed by using the changeMessagesPriority() method which returns a boolean for the single message id variant or the number of updated messages for the filter variant.
Message counters
Message counters can be listed for a queue with the listMessageCounter() and listMessageCounterHistory() methods (see Section 28.6, “Message Counters”). The message counters can also be reset for a single queue using the resetMessageCounter() method.
Retrieving the queue attributes
The QueueControl exposes core queue settings through its attributes (for example, getFilter() to retrieve the queue's filter if it was created with one, isDurable() to know whether the queue is durable or not, and so on).
Pausing and resuming Queues
The QueueControl can pause and resume the underlying queue. When a queue is paused, it will receive messages but will not deliver them. When it is resumed, it will begin delivering the queued messages. Other Core Resources Management

HornetQ allows the user to start and stop its remote resources (acceptors, diverts, bridges, and so on) so that a server can be taken offline without stopping it completely (for example, if other management operations must be performed such as resolving heuristic transactions). These resources are:
Acceptors can be started or stopped using the start() or. stop() method on the AcceptorControl class (with the ObjectName org.hornetq:module=Core,type=Acceptor,name="<the acceptor name>" or the resource name core.acceptor.<the address name>). The parameters of the acceptors can be retrieved using the AcceptorControl attributes (see Section 14.1, “Understanding Acceptors”)
Diverts can be started or stopped using the start() or stop() method on the DivertControl class (with the ObjectName org.hornetq:module=Core,type=Divert,name=<the divert name> or the resource name core.divert.<the divert name>). Diverts parameters can be retrieved using the DivertControl attributes (see Chapter 33, Diverting and Splitting Message Flows)
They can be started or stopped using the start() (resp. stop()) method on the BridgeControl class (with the ObjectName org.hornetq:module=Core,type=Bridge,name="<the bridge name>" or the resource name core.bridge.<the bridge name>). Bridges parameters can be retrieved using the BridgeControl attributes (see Chapter 34, Core Bridges)
Broadcast groups
Broadcast groups can be started or stopped using the start() or stop() method on the BroadcastGroupControl class (with the ObjectName org.hornetq:module=Core,type=BroadcastGroup,name="<the broadcast group name>" or the resource name core.broadcastgroup.<the broadcast group name>). Broadcast groups parameters can be retrieved using the BroadcastGroupControl attributes (see Section 36.2.1, “Broadcast Groups”)
Discovery groups
They can be started or stopped using the start() or stop() method on the DiscoveryGroupControl class (with the ObjectName org.hornetq:module=Core,type=DiscoveryGroup,name="<the discovery group name>" or the resource name core.discovery.<the discovery group name>). Discovery groups parameters can be retrieved using the DiscoveryGroupControl attributes (see Section 36.2.2, “Discovery Groups”)
Cluster connections
They can be started or stopped using the start() or stop() method on the ClusterConnectionControl class (with the ObjectName org.hornetq:module=Core,type=ClusterConnection,name="<the cluster connection name>" or the resource name core.clusterconnection.<the cluster connection name>). Cluster connections parameters can be retrieved using the ClusterConnectionControl attributes (see Section 36.3.1, “Configuring Cluster Connections”)

28.1.2. JMS Management API

HornetQ defines a JMS Management API to manage JMS administrated objects (that is, JMS queues, topics and connection factories). JMS Server Management

JMS Resources (connection factories and destinations) can be created using the JMSServerControl class (with the ObjectName org.hornetq:module=JMS,type=Server or the resource name jms.server).
Listing, creating, destroying connection factories
Names of the deployed connection factories can be retrieved by the getConnectionFactoryNames() method.
JMS connection factories can be created or destroyed using the createConnectionFactory() methods or destroyConnectionFactory() methods. These connection factories are bound to JNDI so that JMS clients can look them up. If a graphical console is used to create the connection factories, the transport parameters are specified in the text field input as a comma-separated list of key=value (that is, key1=10, key2="value", key3=false). If there are multiple transports defined, you need to enclose the key/value pairs between curly braces. For example {key=10}, {key=20}. In that case, the first key will be associated to the first transport configuration and the second key will be associated to the second transport configuration (see Chapter 14, Configuring the Transport for a list of the transport parameters)
Listing, creating, destroying queues
Names of the deployed JMS queues can be retrieved by the getQueueNames() method.
JMS queues can be created or destroyed using the createQueue() methods or destroyQueue() methods. These queues are bound to JNDI so that JMS clients can look them up
Listing, creating/destroying topics
Names of the deployed topics can be retrieved by the getTopicNames() method.
JMS topics can be created or destroyed using the createTopic() or destroyTopic() methods. These topics are bound to JNDI so that JMS clients can look them up.
Listing and closing remote connections
JMS Clients remote addresses can be retrieved using listRemoteAddresses(). It is also possible to close the connections associated with a remote address using the closeConnectionsForAddress() method.
Alternatively, connection ids can be listed using listConnectionIDs() and all the sessions for a given connection id can be listed using listSessions(). JMS ConnectionFactory Management

JMS Connection Factories can be managed using the ConnectionFactoryControl class (with the ObjectName org.hornetq:module=JMS,type=ConnectionFactory,name="<the connection factory name>" or the resource name jms.connectionfactory.<the connection factory name>).
Retrieving connection factory attributes
The ConnectionFactoryControl exposes JMS ConnectionFactory configuration through its attributes (that is, getConsumerWindowSize() to retrieve the consumer window size for flow control, isBlockOnNonDurableSend() to know whether the producers created from the connection factory will block when sending non-durable messages, and so on). JMS Queue Management

JMS queues can be managed using the JMSQueueControl class (with the ObjectName org.hornetq:module=JMS,type=Queue,name="<the queue name>" or the resource name jms.queue.<the queue name>).
The management operations on a JMS queue are very similar to the operations on a core queue.
Expiring, sending to a dead letter address and moving messages
Messages can be expired from a queue by using the expireMessages() method. If an expiry address is defined, messages will be sent to it, otherwise they are discarded. The queue's expiry address can be set with the setExpiryAddress() method.
Messages can also be sent to a dead letter address with the sendMessagesToDeadLetterAddress() method. It returns the number of messages which are sent to the dead letter address. If a dead letter address is not defined, message are removed from the queue and discarded. The queue's dead letter address can be set with the setDeadLetterAddress() method.
Messages can also be moved from a queue to another queue by using the moveMessages() method.
Listing and removing messages
Messages can be listed from a queue by using the listMessages() method which returns an array of Map, one Map for each message.
Messages can also be removed from the queue by using the removeMessages() method which returns a boolean for the single message ID variant or the number of removed messages for the filter variant. The removeMessages() method takes a filter argument to remove only filtered messages. Setting the filter to an empty string will in effect remove all messages.
Counting messages
The number of messages in a queue is returned by the getMessageCount() method. Alternatively, the countMessages() will return the number of messages in the queue which match a given filter
Changing message priority
The message priority can be changed by using the changeMessagesPriority() method which returns a boolean for the single message id variant or the number of updated messages for the filter variant.
Message counters
Message counters can be listed for a queue with the listMessageCounter() and listMessageCounterHistory() methods (see Section 28.6, “Message Counters”)
Retrieving the queue attributes
The JMSQueueControl exposes JMS queue settings through its attributes (for example, isTemporary() to know whether the queue is temporary or not, isDurable() to know whether the queue is durable or not, and so on.)
Pausing and resuming queues
The JMSQueueControl can pause and resume the underlying queue. When the queue is paused it will continue to receive messages but will not deliver them. When resumed again it will deliver the enqueued messages. JMS Topic Management

JMS Topics can be managed using the TopicControl class (with the ObjectName org.hornetq:module=JMS,type=Topic,name="<the topic name>" or the resource name jms.topic.<the topic name>).
Listing subscriptions and messages
JMS topics subscriptions can be listed using the listAllSubscriptions(), listDurableSubscriptions(), listNonDurableSubscriptions() methods. These methods return arrays of Object representing the subscriptions information (subscription name, client ID, durability, message count, and so on). It is also possible to list the JMS messages for a given subscription with the listMessagesForSubscription() method.
Dropping subscriptions
Durable subscriptions can be dropped from the topic using the dropDurableSubscription() method.
Counting subscriptions messages
The countMessagesForSubscription() method can be used to determine the number of messages held for a given subscription (with an optional message selector to determine the number of messages matching the selector).
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