
Chapter 2. Using Maven with JBoss EAP

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2.1. Learn about Maven

2.1.1. About the Maven Repository

Apache Maven is a distributed build automation tool used in Java application development to create, manage, and build software projects. Maven uses standard configuration files called Project Object Model, or POM, files to define projects and manage the build process. POMs describe the module and component dependencies, build order, and targets for the resulting project packaging and output using an XML file. This ensures that the project is built in a correct and uniform manner.

Maven achieves this by using a repository. A Maven repository stores Java libraries, plug-ins, and other build artifacts. The default public repository is the Maven 2 Central Repository, but repositories can be private and internal within a company with a goal to share common artifacts among development teams. Repositories are also available from third-parties. JBoss EAP includes a Maven repository that contains many of the requirements that Jakarta EE developers typically use to build applications on JBoss EAP. To configure your project to use this repository, see Configure the JBoss EAP Maven Repository.

For more information about Maven, see Welcome to Apache Maven.

For more information about Maven repositories, see Apache Maven Project - Introduction to Repositories.

2.1.2. About the Maven POM File

The Project Object Model, or POM, file is a configuration file used by Maven to build projects. It is an XML file that contains information about the project and how to build it, including the location of the source, test, and target directories, the project dependencies, plug-in repositories, and goals it can execute. It can also include additional details about the project including the version, description, developers, mailing list, license, and more. A pom.xml file requires some configuration options and will default all others.

The schema for the pom.xml file can be found at

For more information about POM files, see the Apache Maven Project POM Reference.

Minimum Requirements of a Maven POM File

The minimum requirements of a pom.xml file are as follows:

  • project root
  • modelVersion
  • groupId - the ID of the project’s group
  • artifactId - the ID of the artifact (project)
  • version - the version of the artifact under the specified group

Example: Basic pom.xml File

A basic pom.xml file might look like this:


2.1.3. About the Maven Settings File

The Maven settings.xml file contains user-specific configuration information for Maven. It contains information that must not be distributed with the pom.xml file, such as developer identity, proxy information, local repository location, and other settings specific to a user.

There are two locations where the settings.xml can be found:

  • In the Maven installation: The settings file can be found in the $M2_HOME/conf/ directory. These settings are referred to as global settings. The default Maven settings file is a template that can be copied and used as a starting point for the user settings file.
  • In the user’s installation: The settings file can be found in the ${user.home}/.m2/ directory. If both the Maven and user settings.xml files exist, the contents are merged. Where there are overlaps, the user’s settings.xml file takes precedence.

Example: Maven Settings File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xmlns=""
    <!-- Configure the JBoss EAP Maven repository -->
    <!-- Optionally, make the repository active by default -->

The schema for the settings.xml file can be found at

2.1.4. About Maven Repository Managers

A repository manager is a tool that allows you to easily manage Maven repositories. Repository managers are useful in multiple ways:

  • They provide the ability to configure proxies between your organization and remote Maven repositories. This provides a number of benefits, including faster and more efficient deployments and a better level of control over what is downloaded by Maven.
  • They provide deployment destinations for your own generated artifacts, allowing collaboration between different development teams across an organization.

For more information about Maven repository managers, see Best Practice - Using a Repository Manager.

Commonly used Maven repository managers
Sonatype Nexus
See Sonatype Nexus documentation for more information about Nexus.
See JFrog Artifactory documentation for more information about Artifactory.
Apache Archiva
See Apache Archiva: The Build Artifact Repository Manager for more information about Apache Archiva.

In an enterprise environment, where a repository manager is usually used, Maven should query all artifacts for all projects using this manager. Because Maven uses all declared repositories to find missing artifacts, if it can not find what it is looking for, it will try and look for it in the repository central (defined in the built-in parent POM). To override this central location, you can add a definition with central so that the default repository central is now your repository manager as well. This works well for established projects, but for clean or 'new' projects it causes a problem as it creates a cyclic dependency.

2.2. Install Maven and the JBoss EAP Maven Repository

2.2.1. Download and Install Maven

Follow these steps to download and install Maven:

  • If you are using Red Hat CodeReady Studio to build and deploy your applications, skip this procedure. Maven is distributed with Red Hat CodeReady Studio.
  • If you are using the Maven command line to build and deploy your applications to JBoss EAP, you must download and install Maven.

    1. Go to Apache Maven Project - Download Maven and download the latest distribution for your operating system.
    2. See the Maven documentation for information on how to download and install Apache Maven for your operating system.

2.2.2. Download the JBoss EAP Maven Repository

You can use either method to download the JBoss EAP Maven repository: Download the JBoss EAP Maven Repository ZIP File

Follow these steps to download the JBoss EAP Maven repository.

  1. Log in to the JBoss EAP download page on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Select 7.3 in the Version drop-down menu.
  3. Find the Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.3 Maven Repository entry in the list and click Download to download a ZIP file containing the repository.
  4. Save the ZIP file to the desired directory.
  5. Extract the ZIP file. Download the JBoss EAP Maven Repository with the Offliner Application

The Offliner application is available as an alternative option to download the Maven artifacts for developing JBoss EAP applications using the Red Hat Maven repository.


The process of downloading the JBoss EAP Maven repository using the Offliner application is provided as Technology Preview only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs), might not be functionally complete, and Red Hat does not recommend to use them for production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

See Technology Preview Features Support Scope on the Red Hat Customer Portal for information about the support scope for Technology Preview features.

  1. Log in to the JBoss EAP download page on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Select 7.3 in the Version drop-down menu.
  3. Find the Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.3 Maven Repository Offliner Content List entry in the list and click Download.
  4. Save the text file to the desired directory.


    This file does not contain license information. The artifacts downloaded by the Offliner application have the same licenses as specified in the Maven repository ZIP file that is distributed with JBoss EAP.

  5. Download the Offliner application from the Maven Central Repository.
  6. Run the Offliner application using the following command:

    $ java -jar offliner.jar -r -d DOWNLOAD_FOLDER jboss-eap-7.3.0-maven-repository-content-with-sha256-checksums.txt

    The artifacts from the JBoss EAP Maven repository are downloaded into the DOWNLOAD_FOLDER directory.

See the Offliner documentation for more information on running the Offliner application.


The generated JBoss EAP Maven repository will have the same content that is currently available in the JBoss EAP Maven repository ZIP file. It will not contain artifacts available in Maven Central repository.

2.2.3. Install the JBoss EAP Maven Repository

You can use the JBoss EAP Maven repository available online, or download and install it locally using any one of the three listed methods: Install the JBoss EAP Maven Repository Locally

Use this option to install the JBoss EAP Maven Repository to the local file system. This is easy to configure and allows you to get up and running quickly on your local machine.


This method can help you become familiar with using Maven for development but is not recommended for team production environments.

Before downloading a new Maven repository, remove the cached repository/ subdirectory located under the .m2/ directory before attempting to use it.

To install the JBoss EAP Maven repository to the local file system:

  1. Make sure you have downloaded the JBoss EAP Maven repository ZIP file to your local file system.
  2. Unzip the file on the local file system of your choosing.

    This creates a new jboss-eap-7.3.0.GA-maven-repository/ directory, which contains the Maven repository in a subdirectory named maven-repository/.


If you want to use an older local repository, you must configure it separately in the Maven settings.xml configuration file. Each local repository must be configured within its own <repository> tag. Install the JBoss EAP Maven Repository for Use with Apache httpd

Installing the JBoss EAP Maven Repository for use with Apache httpd is a good option for multi-user and cross-team development environments because any developer that can access the web server can also access the Maven repository.

Before installing the JBoss EAP Maven Repository, you must first configure Apache httpd. See Apache HTTP Server Project documentation for instructions.

  1. Ensure that you have the JBoss EAP Maven repository ZIP file downloaded to your local file system.
  2. Unzip the file in a directory that is web accessible on the Apache server.
  3. Configure Apache to allow read access and directory browsing in the created directory.

    This configuration allows a multi-user environment to access the Maven repository on Apache httpd.

2.3. Use the Maven Repository

2.3.1. Configure the JBoss EAP Maven Repository


There are two approaches to direct Maven to use the JBoss EAP Maven Repository in your project:

Configure the JBoss EAP Maven Repository Using the Maven Settings

This is the recommended approach. Maven settings used with a repository manager or repository on a shared server provide better control and manageability of projects. Settings also provide the ability to use an alternative mirror to redirect all lookup requests for a specific repository to your repository manager without changing the project files. For more information about mirrors, see

This method of configuration applies across all Maven projects, as long as the project POM file does not contain repository configuration.

This section describes how to configure the Maven settings. You can configure the Maven install global settings or the user’s install settings.

Configure the Maven Settings File

  1. Locate the Maven settings.xml file for your operating system. It is usually located in the ${user.home}/.m2/ directory.

    • For Linux or Mac, this is ~/.m2/
    • For Windows, this is \Documents and Settings\.m2\ or \Users\.m2\
  2. If you do not find a settings.xml file, copy the settings.xml file from the ${user.home}/.m2/conf/ directory into the ${user.home}/.m2/ directory.
  3. Copy the following XML into the <profiles> element of the settings.xml file. Determine the URL of the JBoss EAP repository and replace JBOSS_EAP_REPOSITORY_URL with it.

    <!-- Configure the JBoss Enterprise Maven repository -->

    The following is an example configuration that accesses the online JBoss EAP Maven repository.

    <!-- Configure the JBoss Enterprise Maven repository -->
  4. Copy the following XML into the <activeProfiles> element of the settings.xml file.

  5. If you modify the settings.xml file while Red Hat CodeReady Studio is running, you must refresh the user settings.

    1. From the menu, choose Window Preferences.
    2. In the Preferences window, expand Maven and choose User Settings.
    3. Click the Update Settings button to refresh the Maven user settings in Red Hat CodeReady Studio.

If your Maven repository contains outdated artifacts, you might encounter one of the following Maven error messages when you build or deploy your project:

  • Missing artifact ARTIFACT_NAME
  • [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project PROJECT_NAME; Could not resolve dependencies for PROJECT_NAME

To resolve the issue, delete the cached version of your local repository to force a download of the latest Maven artifacts. The cached repository is located here: ${user.home}/.m2/repository/

Configure the JBoss EAP Maven Repository Using the Project POM

You should avoid this method of configuration as it overrides the global and user Maven settings for the configured project.

You must plan carefully if you decide to configure repositories using project POM file. Transitively included POMs are an issue with this type of configuration since Maven has to query the external repositories for missing artifacts and this slows the build process. It can also cause you to lose control over where your artifacts are coming from.


The URL of the repository will depend on where the repository is located: on the file system, or web server. For information on how to install the repository, see: Install the JBoss EAP Maven Repository. The following are examples for each of the installation options:

File System
Apache Web Server
Nexus Repository Manager

Configuring the Project’s POM File

  1. Open your project’s pom.xml file in a text editor.
  2. Add the following repository configuration. If there is already a <repositories> configuration in the file, then add the <repository> element to it. Be sure to change the <url> to the actual repository location.

          <name>JBoss EAP Maven Repository</name>
  3. Add the following plug-in repository configuration. If there is already a <pluginRepositories> configuration in the file, then add the <pluginRepository> element to it.

          <name>JBoss EAP Maven Repository</name>
Determine the URL of the JBoss EAP Repository

The repository URL depends on where the repository is located. You can configure Maven to use any of the following repository locations.

  • To use the online JBoss EAP Maven repository, specify the following URL:
  • To use a JBoss EAP Maven repository installed on the local file system, you must download the repository and then use the local file path for the URL. For example: file:///path/to/repo/jboss-eap-7.3.0.GA-maven-repository/maven-repository/
  • If you install the repository on an Apache Web Server, the repository URL will be similar to the following:
  • If you install the JBoss EAP Maven repository using the Nexus Repository Manager, the URL will look something like the following:

Remote repositories are accessed using common protocols such as http:// for a repository on an HTTP server or file:// for a repository on a file server.

2.3.2. Configure Maven for Use with Red Hat CodeReady Studio

The artifacts and dependencies needed to build and deploy applications to Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform are hosted on a public repository. You must direct Maven to use this repository when you build your applications. This section covers the steps to configure Maven if you plan to build and deploy applications using Red Hat CodeReady Studio.

Maven is distributed with Red Hat CodeReady Studio, so it is not necessary to install it separately. However, you must configure Maven for use by the Java EE Web Project wizard for deployments to JBoss EAP. The procedure below demonstrates how to configure Maven for use with JBoss EAP by editing the Maven configuration file from within Red Hat CodeReady Studio.

Configure Maven in Red Hat CodeReady Studio

  1. Click Window Preferences, expand JBoss Tools and select JBoss Maven Integration.

    Figure 2.1. JBoss Maven Integration Pane in the Preferences Window

    JBoss Maven Integration Pane in the Preferences Window
  2. Click Configure Maven Repositories.
  3. Click Add Repository to configure the JBoss Enterprise Maven repository. Complete the Add Maven Repository dialog as follows:

    1. Set the Profile ID, Repository ID, and Repository Name values to jboss-ga-repository.
    2. Set the Repository URL value to
    3. Click the Active by default checkbox to enable the Maven repository.
    4. Click OK.

      Figure 2.2. Add Maven Repository

      Add Maven Repository
  4. Review the repositories and click Finish.
  5. You are prompted with the message "Are you sure you want to update the file MAVEN_HOME/settings.xml?". Click Yes to update the settings. Click OK to close the dialog.

The JBoss EAP Maven repository is now configured for use with Red Hat CodeReady Studio.

2.3.3. Manage Project Dependencies

This section describes the usage of Bill of Materials (BOM) POMs for Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform.

A BOM is a Maven pom.xml (POM) file that specifies the versions of all runtime dependencies for a given module. Version dependencies are listed in the dependency management section of the file.

A project uses a BOM by adding its groupId:artifactId:version (GAV) to the dependency management section of the project pom.xml file and specifying the <scope>import</scope> and <type>pom</type> element values.


In many cases, dependencies in project POM files use the provided scope. This is because these classes are provided by the application server at runtime and it is not necessary to package them with the user application.

Supported Maven Artifacts

As part of the product build process, all runtime components of JBoss EAP are built from source in a controlled environment. This helps to ensure that the binary artifacts do not contain any malicious code, and that they can be supported for the life of the product. These artifacts can be easily identified by the -redhat version qualifier, for example 1.0.0-redhat-1.

Adding a supported artifact to the build configuration pom.xml file ensures that the build is using the correct binary artifact for local building and testing. Note that an artifact with a -redhat version is not necessarily part of the supported public API, and might change in future revisions. For information about the public supported API, see the Javadoc documentation included in the release.

For example, to use the supported version of Hibernate, add something similar to the following to your build configuration.


Notice that the above example includes a value for the <version/> field. However, it is recommended to use Maven dependency management for configuring dependency versions.

Dependency Management

Maven includes a mechanism for managing the versions of direct and transitive dependencies throughout the build. For general information about using dependency management, see the Apache Maven Project: Introduction to the Dependency Mechanism.

Using one or more supported Red Hat dependencies directly in your build does not guarantee that all transitive dependencies of the build will be fully supported Red Hat artifacts. It is common for Maven builds to use a mix of artifact sources from the Maven central repository and other Maven repositories.

There is a dependency management BOM included in the JBoss EAP Maven repository, which specifies all the supported JBoss EAP binary artifacts. This BOM can be used in a build to ensure that Maven will prioritize supported JBoss EAP dependencies for all direct and transitive dependencies in the build. In other words, transitive dependencies will be managed to the correct supported dependency version where applicable. The version of this BOM matches the version of the JBoss EAP release.


In JBoss EAP 7 the name of this BOM was changed from eap6-supported-artifacts to eap-runtime-artifacts. The purpose of this change is to make it more clear that the artifacts in this POM are part of the JBoss EAP runtime, but are not necessarily part of the supported public API. Some of the JARs contain internal API and functionality, which might change between releases.

JBoss EAP Jakarta EE Specs BOM

The jboss-jakartaee-8.0 BOM contains the Jakarta EE Specification API JARs used by JBoss EAP.

To use this BOM in a project, first add a dependency for the jboss-jakartaee-8.0 BOM in the dependencyManagement section of the POM file, specifying org.jboss.spec for its groupId, and then add the dependencies for the specific APIs needed by the application. These dependencies do not require a version and use a scope of provided because the APIs are included in the jboss-jakartaee-8.0 BOM.

The following example uses the 1.0.0.Alpha1 version of the jboss-jakartaee-8.0 BOM, to add dependencies for the Servlet and Jakarta Server Pages APIs.



JBoss EAP packages and provides BOMs for the APIs of most of the product components. Many of these BOMs are conveniently packaged into one larger jboss-eap-jakartaee8 BOM with a groupId of The jboss-jakartaee-8.0 BOM, whose groupId is org.jboss.spec, is included in this larger BOM. This means that if you are using additional JBoss EAP dependencies that are packaged in this BOM, you can just add the one jboss-eap-jakartaee8 BOM to your project’s POM file rather than separately adding the jboss-jakartaee-8.0 and other BOM dependencies.

JBoss EAP BOMs Available for Application Development

The following table lists the Maven BOMs that are available for application development.

Table 2.1. JBoss BOMs
BOM Artifact IDUse Case


Supported JBoss EAP runtime artifacts.


Supported JBoss EAP Jakarta EE 8 APIs plus additional JBoss EAP API JARs.


jboss-eap-jakartaee8 plus recommended Spring 4 versions.


jboss-eap-jakartaee8 plus development tools such as Arquillian.


These BOMs from JBoss EAP 6 have been consolidated into fewer BOMs to make usage simpler for most use cases. The Hibernate, logging, transactions, messaging, and other public API JARs are now included in the jboss-eap-jakartaee8 BOM instead of a requiring a separate BOM for each case.

The following example uses the 7.3.0.GA version of the jboss-eap-jakartaee8 BOM.


JBoss EAP Client BOMs

The client BOMs do not create a dependency management section or define dependencies. Instead, they are an aggregate of other BOMs and are used to package the set of dependencies necessary for a remote client use case.

The wildfly-ejb-client-bom, wildfly-jms-client-bom, and wildfly-jaxws-client-bom are managed by the jboss-eap-jakartaee8 BOM, so you do not need to manage the versions in your project dependencies.

The following is an example of how to add the wildfly-ejb-client-bom, wildfly-jms-client-bom, and wildfly-jaxws-client-bom dependencies to your project.

    <!-- JBoss stack of the Jakarta EE APIs and related components.  -->


For more information about Maven Dependencies and BOM POM files, see Apache Maven Project - Introduction to the Dependency Mechanism.

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