Chapter 34. Using Simple Types
XML Schema simple types are either XML Schema primitive types like xsd:int, or are defined using the
element. They are used to specify elements that do not contain any children or attributes. They are generally mapped to native Java constructs and do not require the generation of special classes to implement them. Enumerated simple types do not result in generated code because they are mapped to Java enum types.
34.1. Primitive Types
When a message part is defined using one of the XML Schema primitive types, the generated parameter's type is mapped to a corresponding Java native type. The same pattern is used when mapping elements that are defined within the scope of a complex type. The resulting field is of the corresponding Java native type.
Table 34.1, “XML Schema Primitive Type to Java Native Type Mapping” lists the mapping between XML Schema primitive types and Java native types.
XML Schema Type | Java Type |
xsd:string | String |
xsd:integer | BigInteger |
xsd:int | int |
xsd:long | long |
xsd:short | short |
xsd:decimal | BigDecimal |
xsd:float | float |
xsd:double | double |
xsd:boolean | boolean |
xsd:byte | byte |
xsd:QName | QName |
xsd:dateTime | XMLGregorianCalendar |
xsd:base64Binary | byte[] |
xsd:hexBinary | byte[] |
xsd:unsignedInt | long |
xsd:unsignedShort | int |
xsd:unsignedByte | short |
xsd:time | XMLGregorianCalendar |
xsd:date | XMLGregorianCalendar |
xsd:g | XMLGregorianCalendar |
xsd:anySimpleType [a] | Object |
xsd:anySimpleType [b] | String |
xsd:duration | Duration |
xsd:NOTATION | QName |
For elements of this type.
For attributes of this type.
Wrapper classes
Mapping XML Schema primitive types to Java primitive types does not work for all possible XML Schema constructs. Several cases require that an XML Schema primitive type is mapped to the Java primitive type's corresponding wrapper type. These cases include:
- An
element with itsnillable
attribute set totrue
as shown:<element name="finned" type="xsd:boolean" nillable="true" />
- An
element with itsminOccurs
attribute set to0
and itsmaxOccurs
attribute set to1
, or itsmaxOccurs
attribute not specified, as shown :<element name="plane" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
- An
element with itsuse
attribute set tooptional
, or not specified, and having neither itsdefault
attribute nor itsfixed
attribute specified, as shown:<element name="date"> <complexType> <sequence/> <attribute name="calType" type="xsd:string" use="optional" /> </complexType> </element>
Table 34.2, “Primitive Schema Type to Java Wrapper Class Mapping” shows how XML Schema primitive types are mapped into Java wrapper classes in these cases.
Schema Type | Java Type |
xsd:int | java.lang.Integer |
xsd:long | java.lang.Long |
xsd:short | java.lang.Short |
xsd:float | java.lang.Float |
xsd:double | java.lang.Double |
xsd:boolean | java.lang.Boolean |
xsd:byte | java.lang.Byte |
xsd:unsignedByte | java.lang.Short |
xsd:unsignedShort | java.lang.Integer |
xsd:unsignedInt | java.lang.Long |
xsd:unsignedLong | java.math.BigInteger |
xsd:duration | java.lang.String |