
19.4. Runtime Control

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Several message context property values can be set in client code to control WS-RM at runtime, with key values defined by public constants in the class.

Runtime control options

The following table lists the keys defined by the class.
String WS-RM version namespace ( or
String WS-Addressing version namespace ( or - this property is ignored unless you're using the RM namespace).
Boolean value true to tell the WS-RM code that the last message is being sent, allowing the code to close the WS-RM sequence and release resources (as of the 3.0.0 version of CXF, the WS-RM will close the RM sequence by default, when you close your client).
Long inactivity timeout in milliseconds.
Long base retransmission interval in milliseconds.
Boolean exponential back-off flag.
Long acknowledgement interval in milliseconds.

Controlling WS-RM through JMX

You can also monitor and control many aspects of WS-RM using the JMX Management features of Apache CXF. The full list of JMX operations is defined by and, but these operations include viewing the current RM state down to the individual message level. You can also use JXM to close or terminate a WS-RM sequence, and to receive notification of when previously-sent messages are acknowledged by the remote RM endpoint.

Example of JMX control

For example, if you have the JMX server enabled in your client configuration, you could use the following code to track the last acknowledgement number received:
// Java
private static class AcknowledgementListener implements NotificationListener {
    private volatile long lastAcknowledgement;
    public void handleNotification(Notification notification, Object handback) {
        if (notification instanceof AcknowledgementNotification) {
            AcknowledgementNotification ack = (AcknowledgementNotification)notification;
            lastAcknowledgement = ack.getMessageNumber();
    // initialize client
    // attach to JMX bean for notifications
    //  NOTE: you must have sent at least one message to initialize RM before executing this code
    Endpoint ep = ClientProxy.getClient(client).getEndpoint();
    InstrumentationManager im = bus.getExtension(InstrumentationManager.class);
    MBeanServer mbs = im.getMBeanServer();
    RMManager clientManager = bus.getExtension(RMManager.class);
    ObjectName name = RMUtils.getManagedObjectName(clientManager, ep);
    System.out.println("Looking for endpoint name " + name);
    AcknowledgementListener listener = new AcknowledgementListener();
    mbs.addNotificationListener(name, listener, null, null);
    // send messages using RM with acknowledgement status reported to listener
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