
5.4. Routing

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Table 5.4, “Routing Issues Resolved in 6.3.0” lists the issues resolved in version 6.3.0.
Table 5.4. Routing Issues Resolved in 6.3.0
AMQ-5652IdGenerator not optimal in port restricted enviroments.
ARIES-1544Blueprint property resolution fails for setters with derived type
CAMEL-1000Trace interceptor does not work with Spring-event component
CAMEL-1001ExceptionType handledPolicy is not exposed in the XSD
CAMEL-1003seda component - will lose message if its stopped while it polls
CAMEL-1019unexpected result in pressure testing
CAMEL-1023camel:dot - pipeline is drawn as a multicast Permission denied from MarkerFileExclusiveReadLockStrategy.acquireExclusiveReadLock on NAS
CAMEL-6256Camel xmpp dynamic router is not sending incoming messages to openfire upon first failed groupchatroom join
CAMEL-6336camel cdi uses postconstruct to inject in cdi beans
CAMEL-6720SoapJaxbDataFormat not handling correctly SOAP action with request wrapper element
CAMEL-7443Remote Print URI changed to UNC Name
CAMEL-7500Concurrent modification of exchange during retry after netty TCP failure leads to futher processing of failed messages
CAMEL-7565SFTP using PollEnrich with "disconnect=true" and "delete=true" does NOT delete the file
CAMEL-7822Feature camel-google-drive is failing
CAMEL-7849Decrypting properties via Jasypt outside of <camelContext>
CAMEL-7884camel-netty4-http does not work for HTTP POST requests on routingSlip
CAMEL-7897Camel consumes & discards activemq messages after suspension
CAMEL-7921The soapAction HTTP header is not correctly set when running the CXF client in POJO mode using Camel
CAMEL-8163socketFactory must also be set in MailConfiguration when STARTTLS is used
CAMEL-8193Frequent BlockingOperationExceptions under load
CAMEL-8241Exec command failures using Java 8 on Unix
CAMEL-8270camel-rabbitmq: exchangeName in URI must be optional, i.e. default "" exchange
CAMEL-8302Rabbitmq shouldn't require/bind queue if not specified
CAMEL-8393Redelivery doesn't work correctly on Dynamic Routers
CAMEL-8431Consume all files in aws S3 bucket where deleteAfterRead = false
CAMEL-8437Simple bean call doesn't like parenthesis in parameter values
CAMEL-8455camel-linkedin - update_key option should be optional in getHistoricalStatusUpdateStatistics
CAMEL-8456Remove addCompanyUpdateComment endpoint from camel-linkedin
CAMEL-8457Correct return types of some endpoints in camel-linkedin
CAMEL-8458camel-linkedin - public_profile_url option should be String
CAMEL-8460camel-spring-boot - Routes restart during startup
CAMEL-8461camel-netty-http does not respect client's keep-alive setting
CAMEL-8462HttpServerChannelHandler should not store the instance of HttpRequest
CAMEL-8464Remove likeCompanyUpdate endpoint from camel-linkedin
CAMEL-8466Feature camel-linkedin is missing dependencies for xalan, xerces and xmlresolver
CAMEL-8467Update camel-linkedin and camel-box components to use servicemix bundle for htmlunit
CAMEL-8469Several enum types should generate lower case values in camel-linkedin
CAMEL-8470Several small fixes for camel-linkedin
CAMEL-8471Port IdGenerator not optimal in port restricted environments.
CAMEL-8475CamelSpringDelegatingTestContextLoader and TestNG
CAMEL-8476Unexpected behavior in fault handling with doTry/doCatch
CAMEL-8479TrapReceiveTest is failed within Camel 2.15.0
CAMEL-8480camel-catalog has unnecessary imports if it cannot access some other artifacts
CAMEL-8484File language - Should support file extensions with multiple dots such as tar.gz
CAMEL-8492BeanInfo introspection ignores overriden methods
CAMEL-8498CamelContextFactoryBean missing setEndpoints method
CAMEL-8500ClassCastException when something other than PropertiesComponent is bound to "properties" JNDI name
CAMEL-8504Failed to process Schematron XSLT templates and/or rules on windows
CAMEL-8505Missed CamelSchematronValidationStatus header
CAMEL-8510NPE will be thrown from doAppend() of PaxLoggingConsumer during load testing
CAMEL-8515Camel marshal/unmarshal - Should catch throwable in case dataformat causes an java.lang.Error
CAMEL-8519Salesforce component security listener does not replace old auth header
CAMEL-8520Camel XMPP doesn't use a DNS resolver to look at SRV records
CAMEL-8521camel-script - Should try all classloaders before throwing IAE
CAMEL-8530can't install camel-github feature in karaf
CAMEL-8540S3Consumer uses maxMessagesPerPoll incorrectly
CAMEL-8546No LanguageResolver found for language=js
CAMEL-8547Usage of camel-xmlbeans depends on TCCL
CAMEL-8556AnnotationTypeConverterLoader treats package as class
CAMEL-8566Feature camel-cxf doesn't install all required dependencies
CAMEL-8568Feature camel-swagger doesn't install all required dependencies
CAMEL-8573Feature camel-hbase doesn't install all required dependencies
CAMEL-8574Feature camel-hdfs doesn't install all required dependencies
CAMEL-8575Salesforce component doesn't properly retries the request when doing re-login
CAMEL-8578camel-http - May double encode uri when using HTTP_URI or HTTP_QUERY headers
CAMEL-8584Circuit breaker does not honour halfOpenAfter period
CAMEL-8585The lazy load option doesn't unlock the file
CAMEL-8587Exceptions from multicast aggregators are not propagated to the global exception handler
CAMEL-8589url.getPort returning -1, needs additional check
CAMEL-8592NPE in AbstractListAggregationStrategy if empty list
CAMEL-8597Elasticsearch component ignores indexType header set from endpoint URL
CAMEL-8607Camel endpoint RAW password unsafe characters
CAMEL-8609Remove open-jpa bundle from camel-jpa feature
CAMEL-8624Bean component - Potential NPE in BeanInfo
CAMEL-8626Leaking exchangesInFlightKeys in ManagedRoute
CAMEL-8628camel-dozer component fails when multiple expressions are used in a mapping
CAMEL-8636camel-kafka need to commit the last batch of messages when the auto commit is false
CAMEL-8639Camel FTP component cannot recover after network failure
CAMEL-8643Http Post from a streaming client sometimes fails to parse
CAMEL-8646Camel doesn't allow intercept and advice on the same route
CAMEL-8649Camel RAW() cannot handle String of %2050
CAMEL-8660camel-ftp - Disconnect when no messages dont call disconnect
CAMEL-8663Namespaces defined on the SOAP envelope get lost in PAYLOAD mode
CAMEL-8665Throttler EIP - Using method call for message per sec exp fails in spring
CAMEL-8672Restlet Rest Component properties are ignored
CAMEL-8673ConcurrentModificationException when creating dynamic routes
CAMEL-8674Camel-Netty4 does not set remote UDP address in headers
CAMEL-8678Infinite recursion in TransactionErrorHandler toString method
CAMEL-8682Context scoped OnException should not be stopped if a route is stopped
CAMEL-8683Using load balancer in onException adds duplicate outputs for each route defined
CAMEL-8687SyslogConverter doesn't handle the structured data rightly
CAMEL-8688Removed StreamCache when doing a Wiretap
CAMEL-8689camel-dozer: Multiple contexts / bundles - Does not use the correct classloader
CAMEL-8690Camel HDFS2 - ShutdownHookManager class not found when shutting down OSGi framework
CAMEL-8694java.lang.NullPointerException in at org.apache.camel.component.netty4.http.NettyHttpProducer$NettyHttpProducerCallback.done
CAMEL-8702when occurs "Connection reset by peer",netty4 client's EventLoopGroup select thread won't shut down
CAMEL-8707camel-smpp: smpps doesn't work over proxy
CAMEL-8708SOAP unmarshalling shouldn't fail for Faults that lack an optional Detail element
CAMEL-8713ParallelAggregate option when using parallel mode does not run in parallel
CAMEL-8715camel-sql - Should close ResultSet
CAMEL-8717camel-kafka feature miss kafka-clients bundle
CAMEL-8718Connection leak with ftp consumer and invalid credentials
CAMEL-8737camel-salesforce - Unable to generate DTOs for Filtered Lookup fields
CAMEL-8738Referring to constants using type
CAMEL-8742RabbitMqConsumer did not retry if connection failed
CAMEL-8745Swagger requires context name with quotes
CAMEL-8746Jasypt with BridgePropertyPlaceholderConfigurer is not handling spring property injection with defaults anymore
CAMEL-8747camel-rx - Should leverage UoW when subscribe or observe
CAMEL-8748DozerBeanMapper cannot instantiate DozerThreadContextClassLoader
CAMEL-8756KafkaConsumer doesn't stop consuming when suspended, preventing graceful route shutdown
CAMEL-8757SO_TIMEOUT not really set on SFTP connections
CAMEL-8758NPE for CacheComponent
CAMEL-8764Camel-Spring-Redis: Jedis bundle require commons-pool2
CAMEL-8765JpaConsumer - May poll too soon before JPA stuff is initialized
CAMEL-8768hdfs2 component overwrite option is also being applied to directory filesystem path
CAMEL-8770Camel Blueprint - depends-on does not work
CAMEL-8771Add MaxChannelMemorySize and MaxTotalMemorySize for OrderedMemoryAwareThreadPoolExecutor
CAMEL-8774DefaultJettyHttpBinding preserves CONTEXT_ENCODING from the request even HTTP response doesn't contain the header
CAMEL-8780Camel exec component have trouble to load arguments list from message header
CAMEL-8782Configuring endpoints using reference lookup may fail with matching primitive types with their Object counterpart types
CAMEL-8783Transacted not working correctly in scala
CAMEL-8784Policy, Validate, Wiretap Scala DSL don't work out of box
CAMEL-8785StackOverFlowError using Custom InterceptStrategy
CAMEL-8786The ServletContext init parameters check is not right in CamelServletContextListener
CAMEL-8798weaveAddLast throwing UnsupportedOperation when route have a ChoiceDefinition
CAMEL-8803Conflicting classes in camel-jetty9 Maven artifact dependencies
CAMEL-8804NullPointerException in RestSwaggerReader
CAMEL-8805NullPointerException on RestletComponent.disconnect
CAMEL-8810Camel CXF may propagate wrong Content-Length headers
CAMEL-8812Memory leak in HL7MLLPNettyDecoder
CAMEL-8816Elasticsearch component fails in an OSGi environment due to missing names.txt
CAMEL-8829ConcurrentModificationException while logging
CAMEL-8841camel:context-inflight returns 'Object name cannot be null'
CAMEL-8858Camel-Hazelcast: HazelcastComponentHelper miss some operations in mapping
CAMEL-8864Camel-Aggregator JDBC repository always overwrites old exchange
CAMEL-8871null body after exception from transform method
CAMEL-8874camel-blueprint-archetypes should have test dependency of camel-test-blueprint
CAMEL-8884camel:run with CDI has been reported to not work
CAMEL-8885ConsumeLockEntity without ConsumeDelete
CAMEL-8887Exceptions on routes SFTP and SEDA or DISRUPTOR (probably others)
CAMEL-8888Camel-Aws EC2: Add getMessageForResponse to the producer as the other components already do
CAMEL-8895camel-swagger component throws exception, when multiple different camel-contexts in jmx
CAMEL-8898ElementNotFoundException on LinkedIn authentication
CAMEL-8900Javadoc parser in API Component Framework misses first method with void return type in JDK7
CAMEL-8901NBSP characters in camel-kafka:KafkaConfiguration parameter
CAMEL-8902Camel Facebook - Endpoint URI must contain a parameter
CAMEL-8904Breadcrumb ID changes when using netty4-http as a producer
CAMEL-8905encoding problems in jsonpath
CAMEL-8909Jasypt CLI outputs help twice
CAMEL-8914Unable to shutdown endpoint when intercepted with interceptSendToEndpoint
CAMEL-8916Support autoCreate=true in ftp/ftps/sftp consumers
CAMEL-8923Kafka: Topic name lookup from message headers in the producer causes infinite loop
CAMEL-8927camel-ahc-ws - Do not swallow exception when connecting
CAMEL-8933mail consumer (imap) polls continuously (not using the default polling interval)
CAMEL-8945Loop - Should break out looping if exception happened during routing
CAMEL-8949Netty 3 component spins on receiving TCP RST
CAMEL-8950Injected Quartz2 scheduler doesn't have access to CamelContext in jobs
CAMEL-8951RecipientList with RAW parameter do not work
CAMEL-8954Lock information is not handovered together with Exchange on-completion synchronizations
CAMEL-8955Processor for .pollEnrich incorrectly handles provided AggregationStrategy
CAMEL-8957adviceWith() doesn't work with loadBalance().failover()
CAMEL-8963camel:route-suspend karaf command doesn't work as expected
CAMEL-8964CamelContext - API for control routes may cause Route not to update it state
CAMEL-8967Karaf Camel command for route profile has karaf rbac problem
CAMEL-8978Setting of SOAP headers via the Camel Header "org.apache.cxf.headers.Header.list" not working for CXF data format "PAYLOAD"
CAMEL-8984BlueprintCamelContext OSGi service is not unregistered when context is stopped
CAMEL-8988Can't manually trigger quartz2 jobs
CAMEL-8989SJMS drops messages with null body even if allowNullBody is true
CAMEL-9005Yammer - Endpoint "received" does not work
CAMEL-9012Olingo2's batch process generates the invalid request
CAMEL-9013Camel HTTP no longer supporting chunked transfer encoding with Tomcat
CAMEL-9017Camel-Hazelcast: HazelcastAggregationRepository::confirm should check useRecovery before using persistedCache
CAMEL-9019ManagedRuntimeEndpointRegistry was not enlisted in JMX
CAMEL-9022JacksonTypeConverter breaks CSV marshalling
CAMEL-9026ClassNotFoundException: kafka.serializer.StringEncoder
CAMEL-9027camel-sjms - Parse destinationName from endpointUri having colon in the name
CAMEL-9029JGroups managed routes can be started too early
CAMEL-9030The instructions for camel-example-box-osgi are incorrect
CAMEL-9031Dependency missing in camel-kafka feature
CAMEL-9032Bean component - Should filter out abstract methods
CAMEL-9035unbind smpp connection bug
CAMEL-9037DefaultJmsMessageListenerContainer leaks threads
CAMEL-9043Fix camel-example-cxf-osgi/blueprint examples
CAMEL-9048camel-core causes restart of karaf console if it is refreshed
CAMEL-9049Websocket Component not shutting down embedded jetty server on component shutdown
CAMEL-9057Camel Example Servlet REST generates java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: scala/xml/PrettyPrinter
CAMEL-9059Jetty exposes its endpoint without component name
CAMEL-9065Exchange created needs to be aware of its FROM endpoint.
CAMEL-9079XPathBuilder - Evaluate without exchange inconsistent response
CAMEL-9087camel-pgevent payload always null
CAMEL-9089Ambiguous URI in Rest API
CAMEL-9090camel-cxf - test dependency not in test scope?
CAMEL-9092MQTT consumer receives duplicate messages after broker restart
CAMEL-9094Can't use custom FTPParser on OSGI
CAMEL-9099[camel-script] wrong detection of script engine factories
CAMEL-9101RabbitMQ specific message properties are forwarded as message headers
CAMEL-9104HttpHelper concats fixed endpoint URI query parameters with CamelHttpPath header in wrong order
CAMEL-9106URI option mapMailMessage doesn't obey peek=true option
CAMEL-9112Problem upgrading to Camel 2.14.3 in Karaf 3.0.4
CAMEL-9121activemq-camel pulls in outdated version of commons-pool2
CAMEL-9122Ruby script cannot access request object
CAMEL-9124RedeliveryPattern should support property placeholders
CAMEL-9126camel-swagger may see unrelated type=context mbeans
CAMEL-9127SmppConsumer throws IllegalArgumentException if the delivery receipt contains vendor specific optional parameters
CAMEL-9130"need to add the dependency of jedis as redis client lib"
CAMEL-9139Reading parameter not configurable via header in camel-facebook
CAMEL-9140Missing configuration properties in camel-facebook
CAMEL-9142dropped support for multiple blueprint descriptors in unit tests
CAMEL-9143Producers that implement the ServicePoolAware interface cause memory leak due to JMX references
CAMEL-9144Regression with camel-jackson 2.15.3
CAMEL-9150Seda suspend/resume should not trigger start/stop logic
CAMEL-9151Wrong statistics for subroutes
CAMEL-9159wireTap("log: ...") leads to script engine error
CAMEL-9161Camel spring-boot not finding routes when using spring-cloud
CAMEL-9164errorHandlerRef causes NoSuchBeanException on uninstall
CAMEL-9166Some functionality broken in Camel-8857
CAMEL-9171camel-xmpp processes no messages when running in Karaf
CAMEL-9177combination of JPA-Component, loop and wiretap throws entitymanger cloesd exception
CAMEL-9183java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported namespaces: []
CAMEL-9191camel-example-spring-jms ServerRoutes contains invalid URI parameter methodName
CAMEL-9195Memory leak in UndertowProducer
CAMEL-9196CLONE - DefaultShutdownStrategy shutdown timeout of 0 will never timeout and go in negative time
CAMEL-9199RabbitMQ Consumer threads crash when sending partially serializable objects
CAMEL-9200Context component conflates endpoints with the same local id from different CamelContexts
CAMEL-9202Flatpack: Body reader never closed
CAMEL-9205REST endpoint with CORS sends invalid header value for Access-Control-Allow-Origin
CAMEL-9208camel-netty4-http does not resolve nettyHttpBinding option
CAMEL-9215Missing .handled(true) in Camel 2.16.0 when using wiretap and newExchangeBody
CAMEL-9217URI validation verifies usage of & char incorrectly
CAMEL-9220swagger - Model schema not including nested objects
CAMEL-9223IllegalArgumentException when reverting fields using property placeholders
CAMEL-9227No type converter available to convert from Bean to List
CAMEL-9230CXFRS NPE when response code not in Response.Status
CAMEL-9231camel-example-spring-ws - Does not work
CAMEL-9233ZipFileDataFormat doesn't take exchange's charset into account
CAMEL-9235No type converter available when destination is super type
CAMEL-9238NPE while GenericFile.changeFileName
CAMEL-9243Invocation of Bean fails when Bean extends and abstract which implements the actual method
CAMEL-9245camel-paho - Endpoint should allow a flexible naming.
CAMEL-9246camel-cxf proxy with MTOM does not get attachment back when RPC/literal style WSDL used
CAMEL-9247rest-dsl with api-doc should allow multiple rest's
CAMEL-9248Exception is thrown when receiving a message where JMSDestination is null
CAMEL-9255documentType not used for XPath predicates in XML DSL
CAMEL-9257route stop/start doesn't work for camel-websocket producer
CAMEL-9259enableTrace of the Main class doesn't work
CAMEL-9269NotifyBuilder.fromRoute() does not work for some endpoint types
CAMEL-9270rest-dsl - CORS support doesn't work with Restlet 2.3 requires an APPID id since 09/10/2015
CAMEL-9276Netty4 component allows multiple consumers to bind to the same {host}:{port}
CAMEL-9277FTP shutdown whole context on startup if throwExceptionOnConnectFailed true
CAMEL-9281Http4 component removes trailing slashes from http requests (producer)
CAMEL-9282IndexOutOfBoundsException if SoapAction parameter is empty
CAMEL-9290netty4 consumer in clientMode only reconnects once
CAMEL-9311Concurrency issue with the dynamic router
CAMEL-9313CamelBlueprintTestSupport - can't initialize ConfigAdmin configurations
CAMEL-9316LevelDBAggregationRepository is logging warnings when exchange is already complete on first aggregation
CAMEL-9318org.apache.camel.component.twitter.TwitterEndpointEvent cannot be cast to
CAMEL-9319SshClient resource leak when used from ProducerTemplate
CAMEL-9321Blueprint example and archetype does not work when executed with camel:run
CAMEL-9331Thread leak in Http4Endpoint, doStop() does not close() the httpClient
CAMEL-9340FileIdempotentRepository fails to create fileStore when no path is specified
CAMEL-9347camel-blueprint - Fix auto lookup of transaction policy
CAMEL-9362Camel CDI component should not require the PAX CDI Camel capability
CAMEL-9366CXFRS "skipFaultLogging" attribute doesn't work in Spring
CAMEL-9368Netty4 producer hangs when connection is prematurely closed
CAMEL-9374camel-mail - The dummyTrustManager do not work
CAMEL-9375camel-tarfile - TarSplitter includes one extra empty entry at the end
CAMEL-9381Upgrade camel-amqp to the latest qpid-jms-client
CAMEL-9384Host HTTP header should contain a port number if it differs form 80
CAMEL-9386Camel-git: Support credentials in clone operation
CAMEL-9391Set parameter enableEventsResending should be before Atmosphere wrap request
CAMEL-9398NullPointerException when connectionKey is not valid
CAMEL-9405Amazon SQS message deletion behaviour change on exception
CAMEL-9406Request Reply via RabbitMQ not handling reply correctly
CAMEL-9411Remove old stuff
CAMEL-9417SOAP 1.2 Fault processing should use value of Reasontext to build exception message
CAMEL-9423dependency on restlet in camel-rx module does have default scope
CAMEL-9424CronScheduledRoutePolicy regression introduced with 2.16, setting both start and stop route times fails with duplicate trigger
CAMEL-9425base.path, host, and schemes are all ignored for generating the swagger definitions
CAMEL-9426spring-boot with rest-dsl with api-doc registers multiple instances with multiple RouteBuilders
CAMEL-9431camel-spring-boot - TypeConverter autoconfiguration leads to invalid shutdown sequence
CAMEL-9432Bindy CSV separator not treated as regex but fixed character in all cases
CAMEL-9438Unable to use camel-example-cxf
CAMEL-9439Cannot use camel-geocoder in Karaf
CAMEL-9442Query string gets decoded when bridging from netty-http to http4
CAMEL-9444Incorrect exceptions handling from Splitter
CAMEL-9459Cannot install camel-kubernetes in karaf
CAMEL-9462HTTP 1.1 Host header be dealt wrongly in proxy & load balancer
CAMEL-9468Bindy fails to marshal objects in Spring Boot
CAMEL-9480IdempotentConsumer - If exception from repo it should be able to handle by onException
CAMEL-9483Deploying bundle with Camel routes packaged in KAR fails randomly
CAMEL-9491statement.maxRows not working as expected camel jdbc
CAMEL-9503OnCompletion - restores the rollback only last in the wrong key
CAMEL-9505RabbitMQConsumer don't use Camel ExceptionHandler BEFORE requeing message
CAMEL-9506STOMP component does not handle stream objects
CAMEL-9509camel-cometd is not working with camel 2.15.2
CAMEL-9522Groovy does not work with spring boot
CAMEL-9526Blueprint depends-on can no longer contain multiple bean ids
CAMEL-9527camel-netty4 - Should not log stacktrace when client has received reply
CAMEL-9528Camel loadbalancing example is broken
CAMEL-9532Default value given in RestOperationParamDefinition not output in swagger api
CAMEL-9543Discovering new type converters in OSGi wipes out those manually added
CAMEL-9545Dozer classloading may fail with spring based context
CAMEL-9553Twitter consumer doesn't respect the delay parameter
CAMEL-9555Setting deadLetterHandleNewException to false breaks DeadLetterChannel default exception handling
CAMEL-9557Facebook consumer throws IllegalArgumentException with reading parameters
CAMEL-9558DefaultErrorHandler logs despite "handled true"
CAMEL-9560RabbitMQ InOut Producer generates a null body response when a correlationId is used
CAMEL-9566camel-asf-ws component does not reconnect to the web socket
CAMEL-9569Idempotent Consumer EIP - Memory leak when add/remove routes
CAMEL-9576ClassLoadingAwareObjectInputStream cannot handle deserializing proxies with mixed JDK & non-JDK interfaces
CAMEL-9582swagger-api docs not working in only using xml without any java route
CAMEL-9593camel-example-swagger-cdi is not producing valid swagger definition
CAMEL-9599camel-cxfrs - When responding then do not use content-length from input
CAMEL-9607chmod does not work for the File producer whitout setting a charset
CAMEL-9608camel-jpa consumer fails to poll after transaction timeout
CAMEL-9611Restlet GET request should not trying to stringify the exchange body
CAMEL-9613camel-spark-rest - Adds duplicate content-type
CAMEL-9614xsd schemalocation for osgi blueprint is using http instead of https
CAMEL-9636CamelBlueprintTestSupport - initialization error in case of empty cm:property-placeholder
CAMEL-9640Query string gets decoded when bridging from netty*-http to netty*-http
CAMEL-9641Simple backwards parser bug if using file
CAMEL-9656Using SpringBoot HealthEndpoint bean throws AmbiguousMethodCallException
CAMEL-9658Path gets decoded when bridging HTTP endpoints
CAMEL-9660HTTP producers crash when Exchange.HTTP_URI header contains unencoded unsafe characters
CAMEL-9664DefaultRestletBinding.populateRestletRequestFromExchange uses wrong mediaType comparison
CAMEL-9665camel-ahc-ws Consumer does not connect
CAMEL-9666Safe copy of DefaultExchange does not propagate 'fault' property
CAMEL-9667Resequencer does not work with asynchronous producers
CAMEL-9668Add lzf to DataFormatsDefinition
CAMEL-9670Camel-ftp: No error message on invalid credentials
CAMEL-9672ClassCastException with interceptFrom
CAMEL-9673doTry .. doFinally should run the finally block for fault messages also
CAMEL-9680Stream caching is broken under Spring Boot
CAMEL-9686camel-aws - Using cron scheduler on aws-s3 do not work
CAMEL-9687camel-swagger - Should use resolved placeholders in output
CAMEL-9698camel-servlet karaf feature misses dependency on camel-core
CAMEL-9700seda - discardIfNoConsumers=true do not call on completions
CAMEL-9703Infinispan endpoint requires infinispan-query-dsl
CAMEL-9710Camel Dozer Component - Fails to load custom function due to NPE
CAMEL-9713Can not set custom Jetty HttpClient to producer endpoint
CAMEL-9714camel-boon - Unmarshal to Map does not work
CAMEL-9728change Reader to InputStream if the camel-cxf endpoint use RAW|MESSAGE DataFormat
CAMEL-9730NPE in camel-jaxb when using in OSGi running from CamelTestBlueprint
CAMEL-9731Camel-josql: the sql script language does not work
CAMEL-9732camel-swagger-java - Issue in appendModels in the reader
CAMEL-9738Thread leak for camel-mina2 consumers
CAMEL-9739Mina2Consumer exception handler do close session also for IOException
CAMEL-9767CDI deployment problem in JBoss EAP 6.3
CAMEL-9774CXFPayload may lose CDATA sections under stream caching
CAMEL-9777camel-zipfile - Using zip iterator with dataformat may fail
CAMEL-9779camel-netty4-http - Using no port number issue
CAMEL-9780Cannot install camel-hazelcast in Karaf 3.x
CAMEL-9784Camel polling the files from S3 only once if deleteAfterRead is false
CAMEL-9793PropertyPlaceHolder not loading Property, thinks it is a Parameter
CAMEL-9794camel-http4 - The producer should check the response header in the reply for content-type
CAMEL-9805camel-sql - body not copied from in to out when useing outputHeader and outputType=SelectOne when sql doesn't return a result
CAMEL-9807Blocking of CXF consumer endpoint by http GET request
CAMEL-9812Camel leaves Kafka consumers running after shutdown
CAMEL-9819camel-jetty8 test missing dependency
CAMEL-9820SFTP readLock=changed does not work with readLockMinAge option
CAMEL-9821camel-cxf should be able to handle InOnly MEP for the RAW|MESSAGE dataFormat
CAMEL-9834WatchConsumer does not properly set watchIndex
CAMEL-9841NPE in MIME-Multipart Data Format if no file name is defined on attachment
CAMEL-9851Zookeeper RoutePolicy failing to create znode
CAMEL-9852Camel-weather: is no longer available. Need switch to something else.
CAMEL-9853Camel-CXF: Possible NPE in DefaultCXFBinding
CAMEL-9854CXF Stream Cache contains duplicate namespace definition
CAMEL-9862Potential NPE in UndertowComponent.unregisterConsumer
CAMEL-9866@PropertyInject doesn't work with Spring-Boot
CAMEL-9874Camel Jetty consumer endpoint incorrectly handles multipart/form-data
CAMEL-9876Error handling in splitter is broken with version 2.17.0
CAMEL-9881Aggregator completionPredicate unusable with scala DSL
CAMEL-9887onCompletion not called on Splitter configured with CompletionAwareAggregationStrategy and shareUnitOfWork=true
CAMEL-9890Migrate Camel-websocket to Jetty9
CAMEL-9891ApplicationReadyEvent not dispatched if camel.springboot.main-run-controller = true
CAMEL-9896Deadletter Failure processor is invoked even if error handling strategy defines to continue routing
CAMEL-9903DumpRouteStatsAsXml do not work when jmx domain is customized
CAMEL-9906camel-sql - Should allow null values as a valid value
CAMEL-9911RestBindingMode auto not honored
CAMEL-9920Handle SocketTimeoutException on accept
CAMEL-9921Dozer variable mapping doesn't work on karaf
CAMEL-9926HTTP Proxy support in Salesforce component is broken with upgrade to Jetty9
CAMEL-9929camel-restlet - Using synchronous=false with no error handler leak inflight exchange
CAMEL-9933Camel-CSV marshalling breaks characters not in default charset
CAMEL-9941Blueprint bug ARIES-1544 causes issues in Olingo2 configuration
CAMEL-9950Camel-Websocket: NPE in case minThreads, maxThreads and getThreadPool equals to null
CAMEL-9951Setup default values for thread-connected properties in WebSocket component
CAMEL-9953Camel-ssh: Review logic in doStart and doStop in the SshConsumer and SshProducer
CAMEL-9960create ReaderInputStream align encoding with Exchange
CAMEL-9968camel restlet not populating body form parameters correctly for x-www-form-urlencoded
CAMEL-9972Explicitly add Connection Close HTTP header with a parameter in URI
CAMEL-9973CdiCamelExtension.shouldDeployDefaultCamelContext throws NPE with primitive injection points
CAMEL-9978Camel-Kafka: configuration type mismatch for parameter acks
CAMEL-9981CamelSpringJUnit4ClassRunner registers listeners twice
CAMEL-9984RabbitConsumer.stop() doesn't stop underlying AutorecoveringConnection obtained from supplied ConnectionFactory
CAMEL-9986MIME-Multipart Data Format is inconsistent if trying to unmarshal non-MIME data
CAMEL-9995Camel-JMS: includeAllJMSXProperties parameter doesn't work
ENTESB-2799Improper Handling of Spring NullPointerException
ENTESB-4223Feature camel-spring security does not install spring-security-config bundle
ENTESB-4811Camel 2.17.x.redhat-6-3-x-checkin has multiple test failures
ENTESB-4957missing package org.apache.geronimo.osgi.locator for features:install pax-*-tomcat
ENTESB-5007Unable to install camel-websocket and camel-cometd feature
ENTESB-5134Fuse on EAP: Hawtio findComponentNames lookup fails
ENTESB-5180can't install camel-cdi - incorrect dependency in features.xml
ENTESB-5181can't install feature camel-hdfs
ENTESB-5187can't install feature camel-hbase
ENTESB-5211NullPointerException in camel-cxf consumer with dataFormat=MESSAGE and JMS transport at the end of Camel route
ENTESB-5237Can't pass a large, form-encoded POST body through camel-jetty
ENTESB-5406can't install feature camel-ignite
ENTESB-5407gson two dependency chains jclouds, camel-ironmq
ENTESB-5440camel-cassandraql component does not preserve headers
ENTESB-5457Camel WebSocket consumer cannot create server (NullPointerException)
ENTESB-5509jms failing on osgi.wiring.package=javax.jms)(version>=1.1.0)(!(version>=2.0.0)
ENTESB-5516Null Pointer On Deployment When Jetty Bean is used in Blueprint with REST DSL
ENTESB-5543fix camel-jetty* features
ENTESB-5570Upgrade jgroups version (TCCL issue)
ENTESB-5575HDFS2 component - ClassNotFoundException - org.apache.htrace.SamplerBuilder
ENTESB-5647Need to add MRRC earlyaccess repo
ENTESB-5666woodstox-core-asl : Jar is not a bundle
ENTESB-5700[fabric:create] Error executing command: Unable to create zookeeper server configuration
ENTESB-5935intermittent ServerModel LinkageError when connecting to ssh container
ENTESB-5950can't install feature camel-olingo2
ZOOKEEPER-2380[ZOOKEEPER-2380] Deadlock between leader shutdown and forwarding ACK to the leader
ZOOKEEPER-2383[ZOOKEEPER-2383] Startup race in ZooKeeperServer
ENTESB-4715support for camel-sap in Fabric mode
ENTESB-5616Fix SAP Component build of SAP Data Layer update site
ENTESB-5801Can't build camel-sap-repository in brew
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