Fuse 6 is no longer supported
As of February 2025, Red Hat Fuse 6 is no longer supported. If you are using Fuse 6, please upgrade to Red Hat build of Apache Camel.5.2. Messaging - 6.3.0
Table 5.2, “Messaging Issues Resolved in 6.3.0” lists the issues resolved in version 6.3.0.
Issue Number | Description |
AMQ-5854 | Duplicate messages when failover is done during prepare phase of two phase commit. |
AMQ-5856 | allowLinkStealing option is not working when using mqtt over websocket |
AMQ-5857 | Message content stored twice while sending |
AMQ-5865 | Enable "getRemoteAddress()" method in WebSocket Requests |
AMQ-5870 | Lazy create if MQTTProtocolConverter in the WebSocket transport needs to be thread safe |
AMQ-5875 | Removing a destination when using mKahaDB can cause an IllegalStateException |
AMQ-5890 | AMQP: possible NPE when handling disposition with Modified state |
AMQ-5891 | AMQP: update to proton-j 0.10 |
AMQ-5895 | FilteredDestinations do not work when loaded by runtimeConfigurationPlugin |
AMQ-5903 | Message headers are lost when using the Broker Component for Camel |
AMQ-5914 | Pull consumer hang when message expires in flight. |
AMQ-5933 | NullPointerException in SelectorAwareVirtualTopicInterceptor |
AMQ-5972 | Policy entries not applied in correct order |
AMQ-6000 | Pause/resume feature of ActiveMQ not resuming properly |
AMQ-6005 | Slave broker startup corrupts shared PList storage |
AMQ-6013 | Restrict classes that can be serialized in ObjectMessages |
AMQ-6014 | Offline Durable Topic Subscription exceeds memory limits |
AMQ-6029 | wss transport don't work with certificate authentication properly |
AMQ-6031 | AMQP: use System.nanoTime() when deriving time to tick the transport with for idle-timeout handling |
AMQ-6046 | Concurrent access to a Transport from WebSocket client can deadlock |
AMQ-6055 | SASL PLAIN auth with AMQP doesn't take authzid into account |
AMQ-6059 | DLQ message lost after broker restarts |
AMQ-6060 | "Will message" retain property is not respected |
AMQ-6065 | Allow selective use of broker systemExitOnShutdown from DefaultIOExceptionHandler |
AMQ-6066 | Performance issue in OrderedPendingList |
AMQ-6068 | RAR - cannot reset clientId on pooled managed connection |
AMQ-6069 | Purging a Queue can lead to OOM error with prioritized messages |
AMQ-6070 | originalDestination property of advisory messages set to message id in error |
AMQ-6071 | Log info about corrupted journal records at WARN level |
AMQ-6073 | WebSockets no longer working on most browers |
AMQ-6074 | AMQ4126Test#testOpenwireNIOSSLWithCertificate fails with JDK8 |
AMQ-6083 | Broker starts on corrupted kahadb despite checkForCorruptJournalFiles="true" and ignoreMissingJournalfiles="false" |
AMQ-6086 | Broker stop and start are not at all thread safe - we can do better |
AMQ-6088 | Runtime configuration does not properly apply policy updates |
AMQ-6094 | Memory Leak with abnormal disconnecting consumers |
AMQ-6102 | JMX SubscriptionViewMBean reset statistics method doesn't reset |
AMQ-6113 | Add the X-Frame-Options" header for the WebConsole |
AMQ-6121 | Messages can continually expire from DLQ and back |
AMQ-6122 | Potential Deadlock when a duplicate message is read from the store for the DLQ destination |
AMQ-6124 | failover backup transports do not update the brokerInfo leaving stale org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnection#getBrokerName |
AMQ-6125 | Potential NPE in session rollback if no default redlivery policy configured |
AMQ-6128 | browsing priority queue can return messages in different order than they will be consumed |
AMQ-6131 | Durable subscription rewrote in journal can be to agressive and cause message loss on recovery |
AMQ-6133 | Message updates can cause message loss on recovery |
AMQ-6137 | Special escape characters in LIKE selectors do not work as expected |
AMQ-6142 | ActiveMQBytesMessage decompress throws DataFormatException incorrect header check |
AMQ-6146 | Use proper JSTL tags in the WebConsole |
AMQ-6151 | Redelivered messages bypass priority ordering |
AMQ-6152 | KahaDB scheduler log files not being deleted |
AMQ-6168 | STOMP: Connection should be closed on receiving an invalid STOMP Frame with unknown action value. |
AMQ-6169 | STOMP: Invliad frames are logged in warn messages |
AMQ-6170 | X-Frame-Options are not set for static content |
AMQ-6171 | legal colon in broker name breaks vm transport |
AMQ-6183 | Provide the DispatchAsync value on Subscriptions to the SubscriptionViewMBean |
AMQ-6194 | Deleting a temporary queue creates a warning message in the broker |
AMQ-6199 | cursorMemoryHighWaterMark configuration not applied to topic subscription |
AMQ-6206 | properties in stomp non persistent messages are not reflected in the message size used for usage tracking |
AMQ-6207 | KahaDB: corruption of the index possible on sudden stop of the broker |
AMQ-6208 | The connector's jmx attribute UpdateClusterClients is not correct |
AMQ-6211 | Synchronize creating of JMX OpenType objects |
AMQ-6214 | JAAS bug that causes user group membership not reloaded dynamically when reload is true |
AMQ-6215 | priority message dispatch can be affected by jms browser or expiry processing paging messages in error |
AMQ-6218 | Message content returns null occasionally from Virtual Topic to the consumer |
AMQ-6221 | ActiveMQTextMessage should synchronize on state changes |
AMQ-6222 | Message content can be cleared by mistake when isReduceMemoryFootprint is enabled |
AMQ-6235 | SimpleDiscoveryAgent doesn't honor it's configured initialReconnectDelay |
AMQ-6240 | Producer cannot be terminated when slow consumer is detected |
AMQ-6246 | STOMP: Unprefixed composite destination values not properly parsed |
AMQ-6248 | Failover - transport connected to one broker fails due to error in connection to another broker |
AMQ-6250 | MultiKahaDBTransactionStore should have null protection in close |
AMQ-6254 | Durable wildcard subscription causes memory leak after broker restart |
AMQ-6256 | ConcurentStoreAndDispatch can lead to inconsistent message states using VM Transport |
AMQ-6263 | AMQP: Using JMS Transformer, preserve the type of the original MessageID |
AMQ-6264 | Deadlock on destination map - slow topic sub with slowConsumerAdvisory |
AMQ-6275 | Error when using ws transport connector |
AMQ-6285 | MessageDatabase doesn't properly cleanup the checkpoint scheduler on shutdown |
AMQ-6286 | Queue order lost on repeated redelivery |
AMQ-6288 | Message ack compaction needs to acquire the checkpoint lock |
AMQ-6290 | JMS Pool reconnection logic not always reliable |
AMQ-6303 | Message ack rewrite does not always set the right journal file type code |
AMQ-6305 | AMQP: Drain requests can go unaswered in certain cases. |
AMQ-6317 | ActiveMQ createSchemaStatements are not executed on init if a previous createSchemaStatement failed on execution |
AMQ-6340 | Queue order lost on consumer close in some cases |
AMQ-6350 | PooledConnectionFactory throws 'IllegalStateException: Pool not open' after re-init |
AMQ-6361 | Message can remain inflight after consumer side expiration acknowledgements |
AMQ-6370 | JDBC message store - jdbc connection pool - potential deadlock with cleanup task when pool exhausted |
AMQ-6372 | KahaDB reader pool not releasing unused open files till deletion - too many open files |
AMQ-6376 | IOException on pageIn should involve IOExeceptionHandler |
AMQ-6378 | KahaDb recover from corrupt metadata state locations that can be rebuilt |
AMQ-6389 | LoggingBrokerPlugin logs a message size equal to 0 |
AMQ-6392 | Allow host name mapping with publishedAddressPolicy on a transportConnector |
AMQ-6406 | kahadb concurrentStoreAndDispatch - duplicate suppression in cursor needs to wait for possible store add |
AMQ-6413 | kahadb concurrentStoreAndDispatch - producer audit managed by store is skipped |
CAMEL-1022 | DOT generator (Visualizor) - Doen't handle that pipeline is default |
COLLECTIONS-580 | [COLLECTIONS-580] Arbitrary remote code execution with InvokerTransformer |
ENTESB-4902 | Fuse 6.2.1 failed to handle maven repository url with special characters like "@" for authentication parameters. |
ENTESB-4957 | missing package org.apache.geronimo.osgi.locator for features:install pax-*-tomcat |
ENTESB-5647 | Need to add MRRC earlyaccess repo |
ENTESB-5818 | Upgrade httpclient version to latest, at a minimum > 4.3.4 |
ENTESB-5872 | Unable to send JSON/Object to activemq in Camel |
ENTESB-5935 | intermittent ServerModel LinkageError when connecting to ssh container |
ENTMQ-1160 | When ActiveMQ encountered exception during rollback, the message is stuck instead of retry the rollback. |
ENTMQ-1180 | Offline Durable Topic Subscription exceeds memory limits |
ENTMQ-1419 | Second connection request with Durable subscriber throws "Setting clientID on a used Connection is not allowed" |
ENTMQ-1421 | Broker starts on corrupted kahadb despite checkForCorruptJournalFiles="true" and ignoreMissingJournalfiles="false" |
ENTMQ-1426 | originalDestination property of advisory messages set to message id in error |
ENTMQ-1428 | AMQ4126Test#testOpenwireNIOSSLWithCertificate fails with JDK8 |
ENTMQ-1434 | StompSubscriptionRemoveTest hangs on Solaris with JDK8 |
ENTMQ-1484 | Implementation of AMQ-6077 in Fuse 6.2.1 is incomplete |
ENTMQ-1517 | The jboss-a-mq-6.3.0.redhat-012.zip does not startup properly |
ENTMQ-1584 | Threads Blocked On ActiveMQConnection.ensureConnectionInfoSent |
ENTMQ-1656 | Enable configuration for mqtt-over-ws transport |
ENTMQ-1681 | Issue with message ordering after transaction rollback |
ENTMQ-1683 | *:help missing descriptions for activemq commands |
ENTMQ-1708 | The connection to 'tcp://...' is taking a long time to shutdown |
ENTMQ-1791 | Regression in from ENTMQ-703 leads to metrics issue for temp transactional queues |
ENTMQ-1822 | Broker Unable To Recover After Exceeding File Descriptor Limit |
ENTMQ-1823 | Two clustered A-MQ nodes using JDBCPersistentAdaptor and lease database locker were active the same time |
ZOOKEEPER-2380 | [ZOOKEEPER-2380] Deadlock between leader shutdown and forwarding ACK to the leader |
ZOOKEEPER-2383 | [ZOOKEEPER-2383] Startup race in ZooKeeperServer |