
Managing Resource Configuration

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JBoss Operations Network 3.0.1

for editing resource settings and configuration through the JBoss ON UI

December 7, 2011, updated March 18, 2012


JBoss Operations Network can view and edit configuration files and settings for many types of managed resources. This allows administrators to review, audit, and initiate changes across multiple platforms and resources consistently. This guide provides GUI-based procedures to manage resource configuration.

1. Summary: Using JBoss ON to Make Changes in Resource Configuration

One of the most basic parts of managing your applications, servers, and services is the simple ability to change their configuration.
JBoss Operations Network allows you to view the current configuration for many resource types directly in the JBoss ON UI, without having to access the platform's filesystem directly. Even more, JBoss ON allows you to edit the configuration directly for a single resource or for an entire group of compatible resources.
JBoss ON has three key ways that administrators can manage resource configuration:
  • Directly edit resource configuration. JBoss ON can edit the configuration files of a variety of different managed resources through the JBoss ON UI.
  • Audit and revert resource configuration changes. For the specific configuration files that JBoss ON manages for supported resources, you can view individual changes to the configuration properties and revert them to any previous version.
  • Define and monitor configuration drift. System configuration is a much more holistic entity than specific configuration properties in specific configuration files. Multiple files for an application or even an entire platform work together to create an optimum configuration. Drift is the (natural and inevitable) deviation from that optimal configuration. Drift management allows you to define what the baseline, desired configuration is and then tracks all changes from that baseline.
This section has a very general overview of these three ways of managing resource configuration. More detailed descriptions and procedures are in the subsequent sections.

1.1. Easy, Structured Configuration

Basic configuration files use simple key-value pairs to define information.
key1 = value1
key2 value2
These are simple properties, representing strings, numbers, or booleans — any type of information where there is one value per key.
JBoss ON also supports resource configuration using complex properties, which may be a list of values or a map of values (essentially a table of lists).
    <ci:list-property name="my-list">
        <c:simple-property name="element" type="string"/>
           <ci:simple-value value="a"/>
           <ci:simple-value value="b"/>
           <ci:simple-value value="c"/>
JBoss ON parses the configuration files — both simple properties and complex properties — and then renders a structured, easy-to-follow form in the JBoss ON GUI. Simple properties are displayed with fields or radio buttons as appropriate, while complex properties are displayed with menus or other selection options.
Configuration Form for a Samba Server

Figure 1. Configuration Form for a Samba Server

The structured configuration form makes it easy for you to view the current configuration quickly.
The structured form also makes it possible for JBoss ON to validate that the configuration properties have valid formats before saving changes.


JBoss ON only validates that the given value matches the required format for that property. It does not validate that the value given is reasonable or allowed for that resource property.
Performing configuration changes in JBoss ON has major benefits for IT administrators:
  • There is instant validation on the format of properties that are set through the UI.
  • Audit trails for all configuration changes can be viewed in the resource history for both external and JBoss ON-initiated configuration changes.
  • Configuration changes can be reverted to a previous stable state if an error occurs.
  • Configuration changes can be made to groups of resource of the same type, so multiple resources (even on different machines) can be changed simultaneously.
  • Alerts can be used in conjunction with configuration changes, either simply to send automatic announcements of any configuration changes or to initiate operations or scripts on related resources as configuration changes are made.
  • Access control rules are in effect for configuration changes, so JBoss ON users can be prevented from viewing or initiating changes on certain resources.

1.2. Identifying What Configuration Properties Can Be Changed

JBoss ON supports configuration change for an extensive array of resources — including hosts and sudoers files, Samba servers, Postfix servers, databases, web app contexts, cron tabs, web servers, and scripts.
Any resource which supports configuration changes through JBoss ON has a Configuration tab on its resource page.
Configuration Tab

Figure 2. Configuration Tab

For a complete reference of the configuration properties for each resource, see the Resource Reference: Monitoring, Operation, and Configuration Options.

1.3. Auditing and Reverting Resource Configuration Changes

Tracking for configuration changes is a crucial part of systems administration. It's important for maintenance, for performance, and for incident recovery — particularly when it is possible to revert change or correlate changes to incidents.
Every time a change is made to the resource configuration, whether through JBoss ON GUI or on the resource itself, the change is detected by JBoss ON and logged with a revision number. When a change is made outside of JBoss ON, the change is simply noted. When the change is made through the JBoss ON UI, the timestamp and the name of the user who made the change are both recorded.
Every change is recorded in a history, and the different changesets can be viewed and compared to one another. One change can be selected and the resource configuration can be rolled back to that selected change.
Tracking the configuration history and reverting changes is covered more in Section 3.1, “Tracking and Comparing Configuration Changes” and Section 3.2, “Reverting Configuration Changes”.

1.4. Tracking Configuration Drift

Much of the JBoss ON configuration management is designed around implementing changes for resources by editing configuration files or updating files and packages. But another aspect of managing configuration is detecting changes.
IT administrators must invest a significant amount of time planning the optimum configuration for systems in every type of environment, from production systems to internal resources. This ideal configuration includes file settings, software versions, and system settings. Resource configuration is going to change naturally over time, but administrators need to be able to track those changes to make sure that no unplanned or undesirable changes impact the resource. Defining a baseline configuration and tracking changes helps systems remain resilient during both maintenance and failures.
The unplanned changes that occur to a resource's configuration is called drift, as the configuration moves away from the designed baseline. Drift is common because of frequent software and hardware updates, particularly in a colocation facility or using virtual machines.
Production, staging, development, and recovery configurations are designed to have identical or near-identical configuration to maintain consistency. As the configurations within the different environments change, there emerges a configuration gap. Ultimately, this configuration gap can lead to disaster recovery failures or high availability failures because the configuration of the production system and the backup system are too different.
Drift monitoring provides a very general, freewheeling content monitoring. Rather than structured configuration management, drift monitoring tracks changes, any changes, in files — even binary files.


The configuration history for a resource applies only to the supported configuration properties for that specific resource instance.
Drift management has a much more external view of configuration changes. Drift is associated with a resource — like a platform or a JBoss server — but it is not restricted to that resource or to set properties for that resource:
  • Drift looks at whole files within a directory, including added and deleted files and binary files.
  • Drift supports user-defined templates which can be applied to any resource which supports drift monitoring.
  • Drift can keep a running history of changes where each changeset (snapshot) is compared against the previous set of changes. Alternatively, JBoss ON can compare each change against a defined baseline snapshot.
The drift definition that is essentially a profile that identifies a directory and files that should be monitored. Any time there is any change in that drift base directory or any of its subdirectories — file modifications, new files, or deleted files — the drift detection scan notices the change and records it.
Drift detection can be used by administrators to track scheduled changes, maintenance and updates, and server changes. There are a lot of common scenarios where administrators need to be aware that change has occurred (and even be able to identify the specific changes made), but that occur in areas outside normal JBoss ON configuration tracking:
  • System password changes
  • System ACL changes
  • Database and server URL changes
  • JBoss settings changes
  • Changed JAR, WAR, and other binary files used by applications
  • Script changes


Drift is not bound or restricted to a resource managed by JBoss ON. You can create a drift definition for a platform and set it to monitor any file or directory on that platform, even if it is outside the JBoss ON inventory, as long as that directory is accessible to the system user that the JBoss ON agent runs as.
Managing configuration drift is described more in Section 4, “Managing Configuration Drift”.
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