
Chapter 3. Bug fixes

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3.1. Extension secrets are lost on workspace restart

Extension secrets for Visual Studio Code - Open Source ("Code - OSS") are no longer lost after workspace restart, but encrypted and persisted in the browser’s local storage. This allows extensions like Ansible that use Visual Studio Code Secrets Storage API to persist the data between workspace restarts in the same browser.

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3.2. Unable to resolve parent devfile when using self-signed certs in disconnected clusters

Previously, when you used self-signed certificates on an air-gapped cluster, starting a workspace that referenced a parent devfile by URI would fail with x509: certificate signed by unknown authority error. The defect has been fixed in this release and you can now reference a parent devfile in disconnected clusters.

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PROJECTS_ROOT environment variable being set incorrectly at workspace startup

Previously, PROJECTS_ROOT environment variable was set incorrectly to /projects/projects after workspace startup. The defect has been fixed in this release and the environment variable correctly points to the /projects directory.

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3.3. The workspace status changed unexpectedly to 'Starting'

Previously during a workspace startup, the status could have unexpectedly changed to 'Starting'

The defect has been fixed in this release, and status changes (except 'Failed' and 'Terminating') are ignored during workspace startup.

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3.4. The dashboard pod frequently restarts with exitCode: 137

Previously, the dashboard pod might have been frequently restarting with exitCode: 137 due to a memory leak which has been fixed in this release.

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3.5. Dashboard URL is unavailable for a few seconds when pod is deleted and restarted

Previously, when a pod was restarted, the Dashboard URL could become unavailable for a short period of time during the operator update. The problem has been fixed in this release by adding the appropriate LivenessProbe`and `ReadinessProbe to the Gateway.

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3.6. After revoking the OAuth application the 'Authorization' indicator is still active in the 'User Preferences' Dashboard

The defect related to the misleading status of the 'Authorization' indicator after OAuth revocation from the Dashboard has been fixed in this release.

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3.7. Dashboard page is blank if DevWorkspace is missing label

Previously, if a DevWorkspace object was missing the label the User Dashboard displayed a blank page. The defect has been fixed in this release.

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3.8. Projects are not cloned after restarting the workspace using the 'Restart Workspace from Local Devfile' command

Before this release, extra projects added to the devfile from a workspace were not cloned if you restarted the workspace with the 'Restart Workspace from Local Devfile' command. With this release, the issue is fixed.

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3.9. Workspace action menu remains open

Before this release, the action menu items such as 'Open' and 'Stop Workspace' remained open on the User Dashboard after you clicked them. With this release, the issue is fixed.

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3.10. Error when starting a workspace with df and override.devfileFilename URL parameters from the dashboard

The defect related to the errors during a workspace startup with df, override.devfileFilename parameters has been fixed in this release.

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3.11. Tooling container $PATH is overridden

Before this release, process.env.PATH was overridden by userShellEnv.PATH environment variable. With this release, the values of the process.env.PATH and userShellEnv.PATH environment variables are merged.

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