
Chapter 2. New features and enhancements

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2.1. Exposed URL parameters on the 'Git Repo Options' panel on the User Dashboard

Git branch, remotes, and path to devfile URL parameters are now exposed on the 'Git Repo Options' panel of the User Dashboard.

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2.2. Support raw devfile URLs without yaml extension

Starting from this release, you can create workspaces from any URL that serves a valid devfile, such as in the following cases:

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2.3. Add initContainer for initializing persistentHome when $HOME persistence is enabled

With this release, if you have $HOME persistence enabled, there is an initContainer that runs the entrypoint script and initializes persistentHome. This prevents a race condition from occurring.

Previously, the persistent user home setup occurred in the entrypoint of the tooling container. Notably, the entrypoint was used to run stow to make symbolic links for the home directory to be saved on the PVC. If a postStart event depends on files or edits files located in the home directory, there is a risk of a race condition caused by the post-start event running before the stow execution is finished. To prevent this, the entrypoint script must be completed before the postStart events run.

You can find more details about this enhancement in the demo video.

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