
Chapter 23. Upgrading a director-deployed Ceph Storage cluster to Red Hat Ceph Storage 4

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If your deployment uses a Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster that was deployed using director, you must complete the procedures included in this section.


When you upgrade a Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster from a previous supported version to version 4.2z2, the upgrade completes with the storage cluster in a HEALTH_WARN state with a warning message that states monitors are allowing insecure global_id reclaim. This is due to the patched CVE (CVE-2021-20288), see Ceph HEALTH_WARN with 'mons are allowing insecure global_id reclaim' after install/upgrade to RHCS 4.2z2 (or newer).

Because the HEALTH_WARN state is displayed due to the CVE, it is possible to mute health warnings temporarily. However, there is a risk that if you mute warnings you do not have visibility about potential older and unpatched clients connected to your cluster. For more information about muting health warnings, see Upgrading a Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster in the Red Hat Ceph Storage documentation.


Do not disable global_id_reclaim manually until all clients are upgraded and patched otherwise they cannot connect. You can run the following command as the root user to view a list of unpatched clients that are connected to the cluster:

# ceph health detail

After you upgrade the overcloud, upgrade your director-deployed Ceph Storage cluster to Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster to version 4.

23.1. Installing ceph-ansible

If your deployment uses a Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster that was deployed using director, you must complete this procedure.

The ceph-ansible package is required when you use Ceph Storage with Red Hat OpenStack Platform.


  1. Enable the Ceph Tools repository:

    [stack@director ~]$ sudo subscription-manager repos --enable=rhceph-4-tools-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
  2. Install the ceph-ansible package:

    [stack@director ~]$ sudo dnf install -y ceph-ansible

23.2. Upgrading to Ceph Storage 4

Upgrade the Ceph Storage nodes from version 3 to version 4.


If you are not using the default stack name (overcloud), set your stack name with the --stack STACK NAME option replacing STACK NAME with the name of your stack.


  1. Source the stackrc file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  2. Run the Ceph Storage external upgrade process with the ceph tag:

    $ openstack overcloud external-upgrade run --stack STACK NAME --tags ceph
  3. Wait until the Ceph Storage upgrade completes.
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