
Chapter 9. Using Quality of Service (QoS) policies to manage data traffic

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You can offer varying service levels for VM instances by using quality of service (QoS) policies to apply rate limits to egress and ingress traffic on Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) networks.

You can apply QoS policies to individual ports, or apply QoS policies to a project network, where ports with no specific policy attached inherit the policy.


Internal network owned ports, such as DHCP and internal router ports, are excluded from network policy application.

You can apply, modify, or remove QoS policies dynamically. However, for guaranteed minimum bandwidth QoS policies, you can only apply modifications when there are no instances that use any of the ports the policy is assigned to.

9.1. QoS rules

You can configure the following rule types to define a quality of service (QoS) policy in the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) Networking service (neutron):

Minimum bandwidth (minimum_bandwidth)
Provides minimum bandwidth constraints on certain types of traffic. If implemented, best efforts are made to provide no less than the specified bandwidth to each port on which the rule is applied.
Bandwidth limit (bandwidth_limit)
Provides bandwidth limitations on networks, ports, floating IPs (FIPs), and router gateway IPs. If implemented, any traffic that exceeds the specified rate is dropped.
DSCP marking (dscp_marking)
Marks network traffic with a Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value.

QoS policies can be enforced in various contexts, including virtual machine instance placements, floating IP assignments, and gateway IP assignments.

Depending on the enforcement context and on the mechanism driver you use, a QoS rule affects egress traffic (upload from instance), ingress traffic (download to instance), or both.


Starting with Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) 17.1, in ML2/OVN deployments, you can enable minimum bandwidth and bandwidth limit egress policies for hardware offloaded ports. You cannot enable ingress policies for hardware offloaded ports. For more information, see Section 9.2, “Configuring the Networking service for QoS policies”.

Table 9.1. Supported traffic direction by driver (all QoS rule types)

Rule [8]

Supported traffic direction by mechanism driver




Minimum bandwidth

Egress only [4][5]

Egress only

Currently, no support [6]

Bandwidth limit

Egress [1][2] and ingress

Egress only [3]

Egress and ingress

DSCP marking

Egress only


Egress only [7]

[1] The OVS egress bandwidth limit is performed in the TAP interface and is traffic policing, not traffic shaping.

[2] In RHOSP 16.2.2 and later, the OVS egress bandwidth limit is supported in hardware offloaded ports by applying the QoS policy in the network interface using ip link commands.

[3] The mechanism drivers ignore the max-burst-kbits parameter because they do not support it.

[4] Rule applies only to non-tunnelled networks: flat and VLAN.

[5] The OVS egress minimum bandwidth is supported in hardware offloaded ports by applying the QoS policy in the network interface using ip link commands.


[7] ML2/OVN does not support DSCP marking on tunneled protocols.

[8] RHOSP does not support QoS for trunk ports.

Table 9.2. Supported traffic direction by driver for placement reporting and scheduling (minimum bandwidth only)

Enforcement type

Supported traffic by direction mechanism driver





Egress and ingress

Egress and ingress

Currently, no support

Table 9.3. Supported traffic direction by driver for enforcement types (bandwidth limit only)

Enforcement type

Supported traffic direction by mechanism driver



Floating IP

Egress and ingress

Egress and ingress

Gateway IP

Egress and ingress

Egress and ingress [1]

[1] Technology preview in RHOSP 17.1. See BZ 2088291.

9.2. Configuring the Networking service for QoS policies

The quality of service feature in the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) Networking service (neutron) is provided through the qos service plug-in. With the ML2/OVS and ML2/OVN mechanism drivers, qos is loaded by default. However, this is not true for ML2/SR-IOV.

When using the qos service plug-in with the ML2/OVS and ML2/SR-IOV mechanism drivers, you must also load the qos extension on their respective agents.

The following list summarizes the tasks that you must perform to configure the Networking service for QoS. The task details follow this list:

  • For all types of QoS policies:

    • Add the qos service plug-in.
    • Add qos extension for the agents (OVS and SR-IOV only).
  • In ML2/OVN deployments, you can enable minimum bandwidth and bandwidth limit egress policies for hardware offloaded ports. You cannot enable ingress policies for hardware offloaded ports.
  • Additional tasks for scheduling VM instances using minimum bandwidth policies only:

    • Specify the hypervisor name if it differs from the name that the Compute service (nova) uses.
    • Configure the resource provider ingress and egress bandwidths for the relevant agents on each Compute node.
    • (Optional) Mark vnic_types as not supported.
  • Additional task for DSCP marking policies on systems that use ML/OVS with tunneling only:

    • Set dscp_inherit to true.


  • Access to the undercloud host and credentials for the stack user.


  1. Log in to the undercloud host as the stack user.
  2. Source the undercloud credentials file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  3. Confirm that the qos service plug-in is not already loaded.

    $ openstack network qos policy list

    If the qos service plug-in is not loaded, then you receive a ResourceNotFound error. If you do not receive the error, then the plug-in is loaded and you do not need to perform the steps in this topic.

  4. Create a YAML custom environment file.


    $ vi /home/stack/templates/my-neutron-environment.yaml

  5. Your environment file must contain the keywords parameter_defaults. On a new line below parameter_defaults add qos to the NeutronServicePlugins parameter:

       NeutronServicePlugins: "qos"
  6. If you use ML2/OVS and ML2/SR-IOV mechanism drivers, then you must also load the qos extension on the agent, by using either the NeutronAgentExtensions or the NeutronSriovAgentExtensions variable, respectively:

    • ML2/OVS

        NeutronServicePlugins: "qos"
        NeutronAgentExtensions: "qos"
    • ML2/SR-IOV

        NeutronServicePlugins: "qos"
        NeutronSriovAgentExtensions: "qos"
  7. In ML2/OVN deployments, you can enable egress minimum and maximum bandwidth policies for hardware offloaded ports. To do this, set the OvnHardwareOffloadedQos parameter to true:

      NeutronServicePlugins: "qos"
      OvnHardwareOffloadedQos: true
  8. If you want to schedule VM instances by using minimum bandwidth QoS policies, then you must also do the following:

    1. Add placement to the list of plug-ins and ensure the list also includes qos:

         NeutronServicePlugins: "qos,placement"
    2. If the hypervisor name matches the canonical hypervisor name used by the Compute service (nova), skip to step 7.iii.

      If the hypervisor name does not match the canonical hypervisor name used by the Compute service, specify the alternative hypervisor name, using resource_provider_default_hypervisor:

      • ML2/OVS

          NeutronServicePlugins: "qos,placement"
            Neutron::agents::ml2::ovs::resource_provider_default_hypervisor: %{hiera('fqdn_canonical')}
      • ML2/SR-IOV

          NeutronServicePlugins: "qos,placement"
            Neutron::agents::ml2::sriov::resource_provider_default_hypervisor: %{hiera('fqdn_canonical')}

        Another method for setting the alternative hypervisor name is to use resource_provider_hypervisor:

        • ML2/OVS

        • ML2/SR-IOV

    3. Configure the resource provider ingress and egress bandwidths for the relevant agents on each Compute node that needs to provide a minimum bandwidth.

      You can configure egress, ingress, or both, using the following formats:

      • Configure only egress bandwidth, in kbps:

        NeutronOvsResourceProviderBandwidths: <bridge0>:<egress_kbps>:,<bridge1>:<egress_kbps>:,...,<bridgeN>:<egress_kbps>:
      • Configure only ingress bandwidth, in kbps:

        NeutronOvsResourceProviderBandwidths: <bridge0>::<ingress_kbps>,<bridge1>::<ingress_kbps>,...,<bridgeN>::<ingress_kbps>
      • Configure both egress and ingress bandwidth, in kbps:

        NeutronOvsResourceProviderBandwidths: <bridge0>:<egress_kbps>:<ingress_kbps>,<bridge1>:<egress_kbps>:<ingress_kbps>,...,<bridgeN>:<egress_kbps>:<ingress_kbps>

        Example - OVS agent

        To configure the resource provider ingress and egress bandwidths for the OVS agent, add the following configuration to your network environment file:

          NeutronBridgeMappings: physnet0:br-physnet0
          NeutronOvsResourceProviderBandwidths: br-physnet0:10000000:10000000

        Example - SRIOV agent

        To configure the resource provider ingress and egress bandwidths for the SRIOV agent, add the following configuration to your network environment file:

          NeutronML2PhysicalNetworkMtus: physnet0:1500,physnet1:1500
          NeutronSriovResourceProviderBandwidths: ens5:40000000:40000000,ens6:40000000:40000000
    4. Optional: To mark vnic_types as not supported when multiple ML2 mechanism drivers support them by default and multiple agents are being tracked in the Placement service, also add the following configuration to your environment file:

      Example - OVS agent

        NeutronOvsVnicTypeBlacklist: direct

      Example - SRIOV agent

        NeutronSriovVnicTypeBlacklist: direct

  9. If you want to create DSCP marking policies and use ML2/OVS with a tunneling protocol (VXLAN or GRE), then under NeutronAgentExtensions, add the following lines:

                value: true

    When dscp_inherit is true, the Networking service copies the DSCP value of the inner header to the outer header.

  10. Run the deployment command and include the core heat templates, other environment files, and this new custom environment file.


    The order of the environment files is important because the parameters and resources defined in subsequent environment files take precedence.


    $ openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
    -e <other_environment_files> \
    -e /home/stack/templates/my-neutron-environment.yaml


  • Confirm that the qos service plug-in is loaded:

    $ openstack network qos policy list

    If the qos service plug-in is loaded, then you do not receive a ResourceNotFound error.

9.3. Controlling minimum bandwidth by using QoS policies

For the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) Networking service (neutron), a guaranteed minimum bandwidth QoS rule can be enforced in two distinct contexts: Networking service back-end enforcement and resource allocation scheduling enforcement.

The network back end, ML2/OVS or ML2/SR-IOV, attempts to guarantee that each port on which the rule is applied has no less than the specified network bandwidth.

When you use resource allocation scheduling bandwidth enforcement, the Compute service (nova) only places VM instances on hosts that support the minimum bandwidth.

You can apply QoS minumum bandwidth rules using Networking service back-end enforcement, resource allocation scheduling enforcement, or both.

The following table identifies the Modular Layer 2 (ML2) mechanism drivers that support minimum bandwidth QoS policies.

Table 9.4. ML2 mechanism drivers that support minimum bandwidth QoS
ML2 mechanism driverAgentVNIC types







9.3.1. Using Networking service back-end enforcement to enforce minimum bandwidth

You can guarantee a minimum bandwidth for network traffic for ports by applying Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) quality of service (QoS) policies to the ports. These ports must be backed by a flat or VLAN physical network.


Currently, the Modular Layer 2 plug-in with the Open Virtual Network mechanism driver (ML2/OVN) does not support minimum bandwidth QoS rules.


  • The RHOSP Networking service (neutron) must have the qos service plug-in loaded. (This is the default.)
  • Do not mix ports with and without bandwidth guarantees on the same physical interface, because this might cause denial of necessary resources (starvation) to the ports without a guarantee.


    Create host aggregates to separate ports with bandwidth guarantees from those ports without bandwidth guarantees.


  1. Source your credentials file.


    $ source ~/overcloudrc

  2. Confirm that the qos service plug-in is loaded in the Networking service:

    $ openstack network qos policy list

    If the qos service plug-in is not loaded, then you receive a ResourceNotFound error, and you must load the qos services plug-in before you can continue. For more information, see Section 9.2, “Configuring the Networking service for QoS policies”.

  3. Identify the ID of the project you want to create the QoS policy for:

    $ openstack project list

    Sample output

    | ID                               | Name     |
    | 4b0b98f8c6c040f38ba4f7146e8680f5 | auditors |
    | 519e6344f82e4c079c8e2eabb690023b | services |
    | 80bf5732752a41128e612fe615c886c6 | demo     |
    | 98a2f53c20ce4d50a40dac4a38016c69 | admin    |

  4. Using the project ID from the previous step, create a QoS policy for the project.


    In this example, a QoS policy named guaranteed_min_bw is created for the admin project:

    $ openstack network qos policy create --share \
     --project 98a2f53c20ce4d50a40dac4a38016c69 guaranteed_min_bw
  5. Configure the rules for the policy.


    In this example, QoS rules for ingress and egress with a minimum bandwidth of 40000000 kbps are created for the policy named guaranteed_min_bw:

    $ openstack network qos rule create \
     --type minimum-bandwidth --min-kbps 40000000 \
     --ingress guaranteed_min_bw
    $ openstack network qos rule create \
     --type minimum-bandwidth --min-kbps 40000000 \
     --egress guaranteed_min_bw
  6. Configure a port to apply the policy to.


    In this example, the guaranteed_min_bw policy is applied to port ID, 56x9aiw1-2v74-144x-c2q8-ed8w423a6s12:

    $ openstack port set --qos-policy guaranteed_min_bw \


  • ML2/SR-IOV

    Using root access, log in to the Compute node, and show the details of the virtual functions that are held in the physical function.


    # ip -details link show enp4s0f1

    Sample output

    50: enp4s0f1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,SLAVE,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 9000 qdisc mq master mx-bond state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
        link/ether 98:03:9b:9d:73:74 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff permaddr 98:03:9b:9d:73:75 promiscuity 0 minmtu 68 maxmtu 9978
        bond_slave state BACKUP mii_status UP link_failure_count 0 perm_hwaddr 98:03:9b:9d:73:75 queue_id 0 addrgenmode eui64 numtxqueues 320 numrxqueues 40 gso_max_size 65536 gso_max_segs 65535 portname p1 switchid 74739d00039b0398
        vf 0     link/ether 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, spoof checking off, link-state disable, trust off, query_rss off
        vf 1     link/ether 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, spoof checking off, link-state disable, trust off, query_rss off
        vf 2     link/ether 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, spoof checking off, link-state disable, trust off, query_rss off
        vf 3     link/ether 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, spoof checking off, link-state disable, trust off, query_rss off
        vf 4     link/ether 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, spoof checking off, link-state disable, trust off, query_rss off
        vf 5     link/ether 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, spoof checking off, link-state disable, trust off, query_rss off
        vf 6     link/ether 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, spoof checking off, link-state disable, trust off, query_rss off
        vf 7     link/ether 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, spoof checking off, link-state disable, trust off, query_rss off
        vf 8     link/ether fa:16:3e:2a:d2:7f brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, tx rate 999 (Mbps), max_tx_rate 999Mbps, spoof checking off, link-state disable, trust off, query_rss off
        vf 9     link/ether 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, spoof checking off, link-state disable, trust off, query_rss off

  • ML2/OVS

    Using root access, log in to the compute node, show the tc rules and classes on the physical bridge interface.


    #  tc class show dev mx-bond

    Sample output

    class htb 1:11 parent 1:fffe prio 0 rate 4Gbit ceil 34359Mbit burst 9000b cburst 8589b
    class htb 1:1 parent 1:fffe prio 0 rate 72Kbit ceil 34359Mbit burst 9063b cburst 8589b
    class htb 1:fffe root rate 34359Mbit ceil 34359Mbit burst 8589b cburst 8589b

Additional resources

9.3.2. Scheduling instances by using minimum bandwidth QoS policies

You can apply a minimum bandwidth QoS policy to a port to guarantee that the host on which its Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) VM instance is spawned has a minimum network bandwidth.


  • The RHOSP Networking service (neutron) must have the qos and placement service plug-ins loaded. The qos service plug-in is loaded by default.
  • The Networking service must support the following API extensions:

    • agent-resources-synced
    • port-resource-request
    • qos-bw-minimum-ingress
  • You must use the ML2/OVS or ML2/SR-IOV mechanism drivers.
  • You can only modify a minimum bandwidth QoS policy when there are no instances using any of the ports the policy is assigned to. The Networking service cannot update the Placement API usage information if a port is bound.
  • The Placement service must support microversion 1.29.
  • The Compute service (nova) must support microversion 2.72.


  1. Source your credentials file.


    $ source ~/overcloudrc

  2. Confirm that the qos service plug-in is loaded in the Networking service:

    $ openstack network qos policy list

    If the qos service plug-in is not loaded, then you receive a ResourceNotFound error, and you must load the qos services plug-in before you can continue. For more information, see Section 9.2, “Configuring the Networking service for QoS policies”.

  3. Identify the ID of the project you want to create the QoS policy for:

    $ openstack project list

    Sample output

    | ID                               | Name     |
    | 4b0b98f8c6c040f38ba4f7146e8680f5 | auditors |
    | 519e6344f82e4c079c8e2eabb690023b | services |
    | 80bf5732752a41128e612fe615c886c6 | demo     |
    | 98a2f53c20ce4d50a40dac4a38016c69 | admin    |

  4. Using the project ID from the previous step, create a QoS policy for the project.


    In this example, a QoS policy named guaranteed_min_bw is created for the admin project:

    $ openstack network qos policy create --share \
     --project 98a2f53c20ce4d50a40dac4a38016c69 guaranteed_min_bw
  5. Configure the rules for the policy.


    In this example, QoS rules for ingress and egress with a minimum bandwidth of 40000000 kbps are created for the policy named guaranteed_min_bw:

    $ openstack network qos rule create \
     --type minimum-bandwidth --min-kbps 40000000 \
     --ingress guaranteed_min_bw
    $ openstack network qos rule create \
     --type minimum-bandwidth --min-kbps 40000000 \
     --egress guaranteed_min_bw
  6. Configure a port to apply the policy to.


    In this example, the guaranteed_min_bw policy is applied to port ID, 56x9aiw1-2v74-144x-c2q8-ed8w423a6s12:

    $ openstack port set --qos-policy guaranteed_min_bw \


  1. Log in to the undercloud host as the stack user.
  2. Source the undercloud credentials file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  3. List all the available resource providers:

    $ openstack --os-placement-api-version 1.17 resource provider list

    Sample output

    | uuid                                 | name                                                | generation | root_provider_uuid                   | parent_provider_uuid                 |
    | 31d3d88b-bc3a-41cd-9dc0-fda54028a882 | dell-r730-014.localdomain                           |         28 | 31d3d88b-bc3a-41cd-9dc0-fda54028a882 | None                                 |
    | 6b15ddce-13cf-4c85-a58f-baec5b57ab52 | dell-r730-063.localdomain                           |         18 | 6b15ddce-13cf-4c85-a58f-baec5b57ab52 | None                                 |
    | e2f5082a-c965-55db-acb3-8daf9857c721 | dell-r730-063.localdomain:NIC Switch agent          |          0 | 6b15ddce-13cf-4c85-a58f-baec5b57ab52 | 6b15ddce-13cf-4c85-a58f-baec5b57ab52 |
    | d2fb0ef4-2f45-53a8-88be-113b3e64ba1b | dell-r730-014.localdomain:NIC Switch agent          |          0 | 31d3d88b-bc3a-41cd-9dc0-fda54028a882 | 31d3d88b-bc3a-41cd-9dc0-fda54028a882 |
    | f1ca35e2-47ad-53a0-9058-390ade93b73e | dell-r730-063.localdomain:NIC Switch agent:enp6s0f1 |         13 | 6b15ddce-13cf-4c85-a58f-baec5b57ab52 | e2f5082a-c965-55db-acb3-8daf9857c721 |
    | e518d381-d590-5767-8f34-c20def34b252 | dell-r730-014.localdomain:NIC Switch agent:enp6s0f1 |         19 | 31d3d88b-bc3a-41cd-9dc0-fda54028a882 | d2fb0ef4-2f45-53a8-88be-113b3e64ba1b |

  4. Check the bandwidth a specific resource provides.

    (undercloud)$ openstack --os-placement-api-version 1.17 \
     resource provider inventory list <rp_uuid>


    In this example, the bandwidth provided by interface enp6s0f1 on the host dell-r730-014 is checked, using the resource provider UUID, e518d381-d590-5767-8f34-c20def34b252:

    [stack@dell-r730-014 nova]$ openstack --os-placement-api-version 1.17 \
     resource provider inventory list e518d381-d590-5767-8f34-c20def34b252

    Sample output

    | resource_class             | allocation_ratio | min_unit |   max_unit | reserved | step_size |    total |
    | NET_BW_EGR_KILOBIT_PER_SEC |              1.0 |        1 | 2147483647 |        0 |         1 | 10000000 |
    | NET_BW_IGR_KILOBIT_PER_SEC |              1.0 |        1 | 2147483647 |        0 |         1 | 10000000 |

  5. To check claims against the resource provider when instances are running, run the following command:

    (undercloud)$ openstack --os-placement-api-version 1.17 \
     resource provider show --allocations  <rp_uuid>


    In this example, claims against the resource provider are checked on the host, dell-r730-014, using the resource provider UUID, e518d381-d590-5767-8f34-c20def34b252:

    [stack@dell-r730-014 nova]$ openstack --os-placement-api-version 1.17 resource provider show --allocations  e518d381-d590-5767-8f34-c20def34b252 -f value -c allocations

    Sample output

    {3cbb9e07-90a8-4154-8acd-b6ec2f894a83: {resources: {NET_BW_EGR_KILOBIT_PER_SEC: 1000000, NET_BW_IGR_KILOBIT_PER_SEC: 1000000}}, 8848b88b-4464-443f-bf33-5d4e49fd6204: {resources: {NET_BW_EGR_KILOBIT_PER_SEC: 1000000, NET_BW_IGR_KILOBIT_PER_SEC: 1000000}}, 9a29e946-698b-4731-bc28-89368073be1a: {resources: {NET_BW_EGR_KILOBIT_PER_SEC: 1000000, NET_BW_IGR_KILOBIT_PER_SEC: 1000000}}, a6c83b86-9139-4e98-9341-dc76065136cc: {resources: {NET_BW_EGR_KILOBIT_PER_SEC: 3000000, NET_BW_IGR_KILOBIT_PER_SEC: 3000000}}, da60e33f-156e-47be-a632-870172ec5483: {resources: {NET_BW_EGR_KILOBIT_PER_SEC: 1000000, NET_BW_IGR_KILOBIT_PER_SEC: 1000000}}, eb582a0e-8274-4f21-9890-9a0d55114663: {resources: {NET_BW_EGR_KILOBIT_PER_SEC: 3000000, NET_BW_IGR_KILOBIT_PER_SEC: 3000000}}}

Additional resources

9.4. Limiting network traffic by using QoS policies

You can create a Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) Networking service (neutron) quality of service (QoS) policy that limits the bandwidth on your RHOSP networks, ports, or floating IPs, and drops any traffic that exceeds the specified rate.


  • The Networking service must have the qos service plug-in loaded. (The plug-in is loaded by default.)


  1. Source your credentials file.


    $ source ~/overcloudrc

  2. Confirm that the qos service plug-in is loaded in the Networking service:

    $ openstack network qos policy list

    If the qos service plug-in is not loaded, then you receive a ResourceNotFound error, and you must load the qos services plug-in before you can continue. For more information, see Section 9.2, “Configuring the Networking service for QoS policies”.

  3. Identify the ID of the project you want to create the QoS policy for:

    $ openstack project list

    Sample output

    | ID                               | Name     |
    | 4b0b98f8c6c040f38ba4f7146e8680f5 | auditors |
    | 519e6344f82e4c079c8e2eabb690023b | services |
    | 80bf5732752a41128e612fe615c886c6 | demo     |
    | 98a2f53c20ce4d50a40dac4a38016c69 | admin    |

  4. Using the project ID from the previous step, create a QoS policy for the project.


    In this example, a QoS policy named bw-limiter is created for the admin project:

    $ openstack network qos policy create --share --project 98a2f53c20ce4d50a40dac4a38016c69 bw-limiter
  5. Configure the rules for the policy.


    You can add more than one rule to a policy, as long as the type or direction of each rule is different. For example, You can specify two bandwidth-limit rules, one with egress and one with ingress direction.


    In this example, QoS ingress and egress rules are created for the policy named bw-limiter with a bandwidth limit of 50000 kbps and a maximum burst size of 50000 kbps:

    $ openstack network qos rule create --type bandwidth-limit \
        --max-kbps 50000 --max-burst-kbits 50000 --ingress bw-limiter
    $ openstack network qos rule create --type bandwidth-limit \
        --max-kbps 50000 --max-burst-kbits 50000 --egress bw-limiter
  6. You can create a port with a policy attached to it, or attach a policy to a pre-existing port.

    Example - create a port with a policy attached

    In this example, the policy bw-limiter is associated with port port2:

    $ openstack port create --qos-policy bw-limiter --network private port2

    Sample output

    | Field                 | Value                                            |
    | admin_state_up        | UP                                               |
    | allowed_address_pairs |                                                  |
    | binding_host_id       |                                                  |
    | binding_profile       |                                                  |
    | binding_vif_details   |                                                  |
    | binding_vif_type      | unbound                                          |
    | binding_vnic_type     | normal                                           |
    | created_at            | 2022-07-04T19:20:24Z                             |
    | data_plane_status     | None                                             |
    | description           |                                                  |
    | device_id             |                                                  |
    | device_owner          |                                                  |
    | dns_assignment        | None                                             |
    | dns_name              | None                                             |
    | extra_dhcp_opts       |                                                  |
    | fixed_ips             | ip_address='', subnet_id='292f8c-...' |
    | id                    | f51562ee-da8d-42de-9578-f6f5cb248226             |
    | ip_address            | None                                             |
    | mac_address           | fa:16:3e:d9:f2:ba                                |
    | name                  | port2                                            |
    | network_id            | 55dc2f70-0f92-4002-b343-ca34277b0234             |
    | option_name           | None                                             |
    | option_value          | None                                             |
    | port_security_enabled | False                                            |
    | project_id            | 98a2f53c20ce4d50a40dac4a38016c69                 |
    | qos_policy_id         | 8491547e-add1-4c6c-a50e-42121237256c             |
    | revision_number       | 6                                                |
    | security_group_ids    | 0531cc1a-19d1-4cc7-ada5-49f8b08245be             |
    | status                | DOWN                                             |
    | subnet_id             | None                                             |
    | tags                  | []                                               |
    | trunk_details         | None                                             |
    | updated_at            | 2022-07-04T19:23:00Z                             |

    Example - attach a policy to a pre-existing port

    In this example, the policy bw-limiter is associated with port1:

    $ openstack port set --qos-policy bw-limiter port1


  • Confirm that the bandwith limit policy is applied to the port.

    • Obtain the policy ID.


      In this example, the QoS policy, bw-limiter is queried:

      $ openstack network qos policy show bw-limiter

      Sample output

      | Field             | Value                                                             |
      | description       |                                                                   |
      | id                | 8491547e-add1-4c6c-a50e-42121237256c                              |
      | is_default        | False                                                             |
      | name              | bw-limiter                                                        |
      | project_id        | 98a2f53c20ce4d50a40dac4a38016c69                                  |
      | revision_number   | 4                                                                 |
      | rules             | [{u'max_kbps': 50000, u'direction': u'egress',                    |
      |                   |   u'type': u'bandwidth_limit',                                    |
      |                   |   u'id': u'0db48906-a762-4d32-8694-3f65214c34a6',                 |
      |                   |   u'max_burst_kbps': 50000,                                       |
      |                   |   u'qos_policy_id': u'8491547e-add1-4c6c-a50e-42121237256c'},     |
      |                   | [{u'max_kbps': 50000, u'direction': u'ingress',                   |
      |                   |   u'type': u'bandwidth_limit',                                    |
      |                   |   u'id': u'faabef24-e23a-4fdf-8e92-f8cb66998834',                 |
      |                   |   u'max_burst_kbps': 50000,                                       |
      |                   |   u'qos_policy_id': u'8491547e-add1-4c6c-a50e-42121237256c'}]     |
      | shared            | False                                                             |

    • Query the port, and confirm that its policy ID matches the one obtained in the previous step.


      In this example, port1 is queried:

      $ openstack port show port1

      Sample output

      | Field                   | Value                                                              |
      | admin_state_up          | UP                                                                 |
      | allowed_address_pairs   | ip_address='', mac_address='fa:16:3e:e1:eb:73'          |
      | binding_host_id         | compute-2.redhat.local                                             |
      | binding_profile         |                                                                    |
      | binding_vif_details     | port_filter='True'                                                 |
      | binding_vif_type        | ovs                                                                |
      | binding_vnic_type       | normal                                                             |
      | created_at              | 2022-07-04T19:07:56                                                |
      | data_plane_status       | None                                                               |
      | description             |                                                                    |
      | device_id               | 53abd2c4-955d-4b44-b6ad-f106e3f15df0                               |
      | device_owner            | compute:nova                                                       |
      | dns_assignment          | fqdn='host-192-0-2-213.openstacklocal.', hostname='my-host3',      |
      |                         | ip_address=''                                           |
      | dns_domain              | None                                                               |
      | dns_name                |                                                                    |
      | extra_dhcp_opts         |                                                                    |
      | fixed_ips               | ip_address='192.0.2..213', subnet_id='641d1db2-3b40-437b-b87b-63   |
      |                         | 079a7063ca'                                                        |
      |                         | ip_address='2001:db8:0:f868:f816:3eff:fee1:eb73', subnet_id='c7ed0 |
      |                         | 70a-d2ee-4380-baab-6978932a7dcc'                                   |
      | id                      | 56x9aiw1-2v74-144x-c2q8-ed8w423a6s12                               |
      | location                | cloud='', project.domain_id=, project.domain_name=,'7c |
      |                         | b99d752fdb4944a2208ec9ee019226',, region_name='regio |
      |                         | nOne', zone=                                                       |
      | mac_address             | fa:16:3e:e1:eb:73                                                  |
      | name                    | port2                                                              |
      | network_id              | 55dc2f70-0f92-4002-b343-ca34277b0234                               |
      | port_security_enabled   | True                                                               |
      | project_id              | 98a2f53c20ce4d50a40dac4a38016c69                                   |
      | propagate_uplink_status | None                                                               |
      | qos_policy_id           | 8491547e-add1-4c6c-a50e-42121237256c                               |
      | resource_request        | None                                                               |
      | revision_number         | 6                                                                  |
      | security_group_ids      | 4cdeb836-b5fd-441e-bd01-498d758704fd                               |
      | status                  | ACTIVE                                                             |
      | tags                    |                                                                    |
      | trunk_details           | None                                                               |
      | updated_at              | 2022-07-04T19:11:41Z                                               |

Additional resources

9.5. Prioritizing network traffic by using DSCP marking QoS policies

You can use differentiated services code point (DSCP) to implement quality of service (QoS) policies on your Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) network by embedding relevant values in the IP headers. The RHOSP Networking service (neutron) QoS policies can use DSCP marking to manage only egress traffic on neutron ports and networks.


  • The Networking service must have the qos service plug-in loaded. (This is the default.)
  • You must use the ML2/OVS or ML2/OVN mechanism drivers.


  1. Source your credentials file.


    $ source ~/overcloudrc

  2. Confirm that the qos service plug-in is loaded in the Networking service:

    $ openstack network qos policy list

    If the qos service plug-in is not loaded, then you receive a ResourceNotFound error, and you must configure the Networking service before you can continue. For more information, see Section 9.2, “Configuring the Networking service for QoS policies”.

  3. Identify the ID of the project you want to create the QoS policy for:

    $ openstack project list

    Sample output

    | ID                               | Name     |
    | 4b0b98f8c6c040f38ba4f7146e8680f5 | auditors |
    | 519e6344f82e4c079c8e2eabb690023b | services |
    | 80bf5732752a41128e612fe615c886c6 | demo     |
    | 98a2f53c20ce4d50a40dac4a38016c69 | admin    |

  4. Using the project ID from the previous step, create a QoS policy for the project.


    In this example, a QoS policy named qos-web-servers is created for the admin project:

    openstack network qos policy create --project 98a2f53c20ce4d50a40dac4a38016c69 qos-web-servers
  5. Create a DSCP rule and apply it to a policy.


    In this example, a DSCP rule is created using DSCP mark 18 and is applied to the qos-web-servers policy:

    openstack network qos rule create --type dscp-marking --dscp-mark 18 qos-web-servers

    Sample output

    Created a new dscp_marking_rule:
    | Field     | Value                                |
    | dscp_mark | 18                                   |
    | id        | d7f976ec-7fab-4e60-af70-f59bf88198e6 |

  6. You can change the DSCP value assigned to a rule.


    In this example, the DSCP mark value is changed to 22 for the rule, d7f976ec-7fab-4e60-af70-f59bf88198e6, in the qos-web-servers policy:

    $ openstack network qos rule set --dscp-mark 22 qos-web-servers d7f976ec-7fab-4e60-af70-f59bf88198e6
  7. You can delete a DSCP rule.


    In this example, the DSCP rule, d7f976ec-7fab-4e60-af70-f59bf88198e6, in the qos-web-servers policy is deleted:

    $ openstack network qos rule delete qos-web-servers d7f976ec-7fab-4e60-af70-f59bf88198e6


  • Confirm that the DSCP rule is applied to the QoS policy.


    In this example, the DSCP rule, d7f976ec-7fab-4e60-af70-f59bf88198e6 is applied to the QoS policy, qos-web-servers:

    $ openstack network qos rule list qos-web-servers

    Sample output

    | dscp_mark | id                                   |
    |        18 | d7f976ec-7fab-4e60-af70-f59bf88198e6 |

Additional resources

9.6. Applying QoS policies to projects by using Networking service RBAC

With the Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) Networking service (neutron), you can add a role-based access control (RBAC) for quality of service (QoS) policies. As a result, you can apply QoS policies to individual projects.


  • You must have one or more QoS policies available.


  • Create an RHOSP Networking service RBAC policy associated with a specific QoS policy, and assign it to a specific project:

    $ openstack network rbac create --type qos_policy --target-project <project_name | project_ID> --action access_as_shared <QoS_policy_name | QoS_policy_ID>


    For example, you might have a QoS policy that allows for lower-priority network traffic, named bw-limiter. Using a RHOSP Networking service RBAC policy, you can apply the QoS policy to a specific project:

    $ openstack network rbac create --type qos_policy --target-project 80bf5732752a41128e612fe615c886c6 --action access_as_shared bw-limiter
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