
Chapter 3. Configuring Red Hat Quay before deployment

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The Red Hat Quay Operator can manage all of the Red Hat Quay components when deployed on OpenShift Container Platform. This is the default configuration, however, you can manage one or more components externally when you want more control over the set up.

Use the following pattern to configure unmanaged Red Hat Quay components.


  1. Create a config.yaml configuration file with the appropriate settings. Use the following reference for a minimal configuration:

    $ touch config.yaml
        host: <>
        password: <strongpassword>
        port: 6379
        ssl: false
    DATABASE_SECRET_KEY: <0ce4f796-c295-415b-bf9d-b315114704b8>
    DB_URI: <postgresql://>
            - LocalStorage
            - storage_path: /datastorage/registry
        - default
    SECRET_KEY: <e8f9fe68-1f84-48a8-a05f-02d72e6eccba>
        - 0s
        - 1d
        - 1w
        - 2w
        - 4w
        host: <>
        port: 6379
        ssl: false
  2. Create a Secret using the configuration file by entering the following command:

    $ oc create secret generic --from-file config.yaml=./config.yaml config-bundle-secret
  3. Create a quayregistry.yaml file, identifying the unmanaged components and also referencing the created Secret, for example:

    Example QuayRegistry YAML file

    kind: QuayRegistry
      name: example-registry
      namespace: quay-enterprise
      configBundleSecret: <config_bundle_secret>
        - kind: objectstorage
          managed: false
    # ...

  4. Enter the following command to deploy the registry by using the quayregistry.yaml file:

    $ oc create -n quay-enterprise -f quayregistry.yaml

3.1. Pre-configuring Red Hat Quay for automation

Red Hat Quay supports several configuration options that enable automation. Users can configure these options before deployment to reduce the need for interaction with the user interface.

3.1.1. Allowing the API to create the first user

To create the first user, users need to set the FEATURE_USER_INITIALIZE parameter to true and call the /api/v1/user/initialize API. Unlike all other registry API calls that require an OAuth token generated by an OAuth application in an existing organization, the API endpoint does not require authentication.

Users can use the API to create a user such as quayadmin after deploying Red Hat Quay, provided no other users have been created. For more information, see Using the API to create the first user.

3.1.2. Enabling general API access

Users should set the BROWSER_API_CALLS_XHR_ONLY configuration option to false to allow general access to the Red Hat Quay registry API.

3.1.3. Adding a superuser

After deploying Red Hat Quay, users can create a user and give the first user administrator privileges with full permissions. Users can configure full permissions in advance by using the SUPER_USER configuration object. For example:

# ...
  - quayadmin
# ...

3.1.4. Restricting user creation

After you have configured a superuser, you can restrict the ability to create new users to the superuser group by setting the FEATURE_USER_CREATION to false. For example:

# ...
- quayadmin
# ...

3.1.5. Enabling new functionality in Red Hat Quay 3.11

To use new Red Hat Quay 3.11 functions, enable some or all of the following features:

# ...
# ...

3.1.6. Suggested configuration for automation

The following config.yaml parameters are suggested for automation:

# ...
- quayadmin
# ...

3.2. Configuring object storage

You need to configure object storage before installing Red Hat Quay, irrespective of whether you are allowing the Red Hat Quay Operator to manage the storage or managing it yourself.

If you want the Red Hat Quay Operator to be responsible for managing storage, see the section on Managed storage for information on installing and configuring NooBaa and the Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundations Operator.

If you are using a separate storage solution, set objectstorage as unmanaged when configuring the Operator. See the following section. Unmanaged storage, for details of configuring existing storage.

3.2.1. Using unmanaged storage

This section provides configuration examples for unmanaged storage for your convenience. Refer to the Red Hat Quay configuration guide for complete instructions on how to set up object storage. AWS S3 storage

Use the following example when configuring AWS S3 storage for your Red Hat Quay deployment.

    - S3Storage
    - host:
      s3_access_key: ABCDEFGHIJKLMN
      s3_secret_key: OL3ABCDEFGHIJKLMN
      s3_bucket: quay_bucket
      s3_region: <region>
      storage_path: /datastorage/registry
    - s3Storage Google Cloud storage

Use the following example when configuring Google Cloud storage for your Red Hat Quay deployment.

        - GoogleCloudStorage
        - access_key: GOOGQIMFB3ABCDEFGHIJKLMN
          bucket_name: quay-bucket
          secret_key: FhDAYe2HeuAKfvZCAGyOioNaaRABCDEFGHIJKLMN
          storage_path: /datastorage/registry
          boto_timeout: 120 1
    - googleCloudStorage
Optional. The time, in seconds, until a timeout exception is thrown when attempting to read from a connection. The default is 60 seconds. Also encompasses the time, in seconds, until a timeout exception is thrown when attempting to make a connection. The default is 60 seconds. Microsoft Azure storage

Use the following example when configuring Microsoft Azure storage for your Red Hat Quay deployment.

    - AzureStorage
    - azure_account_name: azure_account_name_here
      azure_container: azure_container_here
      storage_path: /datastorage/registry
      azure_account_key: azure_account_key_here
      sas_token: some/path/
      endpoint_url: https://[account-name] 1
    - azureStorage
The endpoint_url parameter for Microsoft Azure storage is optional and can be used with Microsoft Azure Government (MAG) endpoints. If left blank, the endpoint_url will connect to the normal Microsoft Azure region.

As of Red Hat Quay 3.7, you must use the Primary endpoint of your MAG Blob service. Using the Secondary endpoint of your MAG Blob service will result in the following error: AuthenticationErrorDetail:Cannot find the claimed account when trying to GetProperties for the account whusc8-secondary. Ceph/RadosGW Storage

Use the following example when configuring Ceph/RadosGW storage for your Red Hat Quay deployment.

  radosGWStorage: #storage config name
    - RadosGWStorage #actual driver
    - access_key: access_key_here #parameters
      secret_key: secret_key_here
      bucket_name: bucket_name_here
      hostname: hostname_here
      is_secure: 'true'
      port: '443'
      storage_path: /datastorage/registry
DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_PREFERENCE: #must contain name of the storage config
    - radosGWStorage Swift storage

Use the following example when configuring Swift storage for your Red Hat Quay deployment.

    - SwiftStorage
    - swift_user: swift_user_here
      swift_password: swift_password_here
      swift_container: swift_container_here
      auth_version: 1
      ca_cert_path: /conf/stack/swift.cert"
      storage_path: /datastorage/registry
    - swiftStorage NooBaa unmanaged storage

Use the following procedure to deploy NooBaa as your unmanaged storage configuration.


  1. Create a NooBaa Object Bucket Claim in the Red Hat Quay console by navigating to Storage Object Bucket Claims.
  2. Retrieve the Object Bucket Claim Data details, including the Access Key, Bucket Name, Endpoint (hostname), and Secret Key.
  3. Create a config.yaml configuration file that uses the information for the Object Bucket Claim:

        - RHOCSStorage
        - access_key: WmrXtSGk8B3nABCDEFGH
          bucket_name: my-noobaa-bucket-claim-8b844191-dc6c-444e-9ea4-87ece0abcdef
          hostname: s3.openshift-storage.svc.cluster.local
          is_secure: true
          port: "443"
          secret_key: X9P5SDGJtmSuHFCMSLMbdNCMfUABCDEFGH+C5QD
          storage_path: /datastorage/registry
      - default

For more information about configuring an Object Bucket Claim, see Object Bucket Claim.

3.2.2. Using an unmanaged NooBaa instance

Use the following procedure to use an unmanaged NooBaa instance for your Red Hat Quay deployment.


  1. Create a NooBaa Object Bucket Claim in the console at Storage Object Bucket Claims.
  2. Retrieve the Object Bucket Claim Data details including the Access Key, Bucket Name, Endpoint (hostname), and Secret Key.
  3. Create a config.yaml configuration file using the information for the Object Bucket Claim. For example:

        - RHOCSStorage
        - access_key: WmrXtSGk8B3nABCDEFGH
          bucket_name: my-noobaa-bucket-claim-8b844191-dc6c-444e-9ea4-87ece0abcdef
          hostname: s3.openshift-storage.svc.cluster.local
          is_secure: true
          port: "443"
          secret_key: X9P5SDGJtmSuHFCMSLMbdNCMfUABCDEFGH+C5QD
          storage_path: /datastorage/registry
      - default

3.2.3. Managed storage

If you want the Red Hat Quay Operator to manage object storage for Red Hat Quay, your cluster needs to be capable of providing object storage through the ObjectBucketClaim API. Using the Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation Operator, there are two supported options available:

  • A standalone instance of the Multi-Cloud Object Gateway backed by a local Kubernetes PersistentVolume storage

    • Not highly available
    • Included in the Red Hat Quay subscription
    • Does not require a separate subscription for Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation
  • A production deployment of Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation with scale-out Object Service and Ceph

    • Highly available
    • Requires a separate subscription for Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation

To use the standalone instance option, continue reading below. For production deployment of Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation, please refer to the official documentation.


Object storage disk space is allocated automatically by the Red Hat Quay Operator with 50 GiB. This number represents a usable amount of storage for most small to medium Red Hat Quay installations but might not be sufficient for your use cases. Resizing the Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation volume is currently not handled by the Red Hat Quay Operator. See the section below about resizing managed storage for more details. Leveraging the Multicloud Object Gateway Component in the Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation Operator for Red Hat Quay

As part of a Red Hat Quay subscription, users are entitled to use the Multicloud Object Gateway component of the Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation Operator (formerly known as OpenShift Container Storage Operator). This gateway component allows you to provide an S3-compatible object storage interface to Red Hat Quay backed by Kubernetes PersistentVolume-based block storage. The usage is limited to a Red Hat Quay deployment managed by the Operator and to the exact specifications of the multicloud Object Gateway instance as documented below.

Since Red Hat Quay does not support local filesystem storage, users can leverage the gateway in combination with Kubernetes PersistentVolume storage instead, to provide a supported deployment. A PersistentVolume is directly mounted on the gateway instance as a backing store for object storage and any block-based StorageClass is supported.

By the nature of PersistentVolume, this is not a scale-out, highly available solution and does not replace a scale-out storage system like Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation. Only a single instance of the gateway is running. If the pod running the gateway becomes unavailable due to rescheduling, updates or unplanned downtime, this will cause temporary degradation of the connected Red Hat Quay instances.

Using the following procedures, you will install the Local Storage Operator, Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation, and create a standalone Multicloud Object Gateway to deploy Red Hat Quay on OpenShift Container Platform.


The following documentation shares commonality with the official Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation documentation. Installing the Local Storage Operator on OpenShift Container Platform

Use the following procedure to install the Local Storage Operator from the OperatorHub before creating Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation clusters on local storage devices.

  1. Log in to the OpenShift Web Console.
  2. Click Operators OperatorHub.
  3. Type local storage into the search box to find the Local Storage Operator from the list of Operators. Click Local Storage.
  4. Click Install.
  5. Set the following options on the Install Operator page:

    • For Update channel, select stable.
    • For Installation mode, select A specific namespace on the cluster.
    • For Installed Namespace, select Operator recommended namespace openshift-local-storage.
    • For Update approval, select Automatic.
  6. Click Install. Installing Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation on OpenShift Container Platform

Use the following procedure to install Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation on OpenShift Container Platform.


  • Access to an OpenShift Container Platform cluster using an account with cluster-admin and Operator installation permissions.
  • You must have at least three worker nodes in the OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • For additional resource requirements, see the Planning your deployment guide.


  1. Log in to the OpenShift Web Console.
  2. Click Operators OperatorHub.
  3. Type OpenShift Data Foundation in the search box. Click OpenShift Data Foundation.
  4. Click Install.
  5. Set the following options on the Install Operator page:

    • For Update channel, select the most recent stable version.
    • For Installation mode, select A specific namespace on the cluster.
    • For Installed Namespace, select Operator recommended Namespace: openshift-storage.
    • For Update approval, select Automatic or Manual.

      If you select Automatic updates, then the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) automatically upgrades the running instance of your Operator without any intervention.

      If you select Manual updates, then the OLM creates an update request. As a cluster administrator, you must then manually approve that update request to update the Operator to a newer version.

    • For Console plugin, select Enable.
  6. Click Install.

    After the Operator is installed, a pop-up with a message, Web console update is available appears on the user interface. Click Refresh web console from this pop-up for the console changes to reflect.

  7. Continue to the following section, "Creating a standalone Multicloud Object Gateway", to leverage the Multicloud Object Gateway Component for Red Hat Quay. Creating a standalone Multicloud Object Gateway using the OpenShift Container Platform UI

Use the following procedure to create a standalone Multicloud Object Gateway.


  • You have installed the Local Storage Operator.
  • You have installed the Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation Operator.


  1. In the OpenShift Web Console, click Operators Installed Operators to view all installed Operators.

    Ensure that the namespace is openshift-storage.

  2. Click Create StorageSystem.
  3. On the Backing storage page, select the following:

    1. Select Multicloud Object Gateway for Deployment type.
    2. Select the Create a new StorageClass using the local storage devices option.
    3. Click Next.


      You are prompted to install the Local Storage Operator if it is not already installed. Click Install, and follow the procedure as described in "Installing the Local Storage Operator on OpenShift Container Platform".

  4. On the Create local volume set page, provide the following information:

    1. Enter a name for the LocalVolumeSet and the StorageClass. By default, the local volume set name appears for the storage class name. You can change the name.
    2. Choose one of the following:

      • Disk on all nodes

        Uses the available disks that match the selected filters on all the nodes.

      • Disk on selected nodes

        Uses the available disks that match the selected filters only on the selected nodes.

    3. From the available list of Disk Type, select SSD/NVMe.
    4. Expand the Advanced section and set the following options:

      Volume Mode

      Filesystem is selected by default. Always ensure that Filesystem is selected for Volume Mode.

      Device Type

      Select one or more device type from the dropdown list.

      Disk Size

      Set a minimum size of 100GB for the device and maximum available size of the device that needs to be included.

      Maximum Disks Limit

      This indicates the maximum number of PVs that can be created on a node. If this field is left empty, then PVs are created for all the available disks on the matching nodes.

    5. Click Next

      A pop-up to confirm the creation of LocalVolumeSet is displayed.

    6. Click Yes to continue.
  5. In the Capacity and nodes page, configure the following:

    1. Available raw capacity is populated with the capacity value based on all the attached disks associated with the storage class. This takes some time to show up. The Selected nodes list shows the nodes based on the storage class.
    2. Click Next to continue.
  6. Optional. Select the Connect to an external key management service checkbox. This is optional for cluster-wide encryption.

    1. From the Key Management Service Provider drop-down list, either select Vault or Thales CipherTrust Manager (using KMIP). If you selected Vault, go to the next step. If you selected Thales CipherTrust Manager (using KMIP), go to step iii.
    2. Select an Authentication Method.

      Using Token Authentication method

      • Enter a unique Connection Name, host Address of the Vault server ('https://<hostname or ip>'), Port number and Token.
      • Expand Advanced Settings to enter additional settings and certificate details based on your Vault configuration:

        • Enter the Key Value secret path in Backend Path that is dedicated and unique to OpenShift Data Foundation.
        • Optional: Enter TLS Server Name and Vault Enterprise Namespace.
        • Upload the respective PEM encoded certificate file to provide the CA Certificate, Client Certificate, and Client Private Key.
        • Click Save and skip to step iv.

          Using Kubernetes authentication method

      • Enter a unique Vault Connection Name, host Address of the Vault server ('https://<hostname or ip>'), Port number and Role name.
      • Expand Advanced Settings to enter additional settings and certificate details based on your Vault configuration:

        • Enter the Key Value secret path in Backend Path that is dedicated and unique to Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation.
        • Optional: Enter TLS Server Name and Authentication Path if applicable.
        • Upload the respective PEM encoded certificate file to provide the CA Certificate, Client Certificate, and Client Private Key.
        • Click Save and skip to step iv.
    3. To use Thales CipherTrust Manager (using KMIP) as the KMS provider, follow the steps below:

      1. Enter a unique Connection Name for the Key Management service within the project.
      2. In the Address and Port sections, enter the IP of Thales CipherTrust Manager and the port where the KMIP interface is enabled. For example:

        • Address:
        • Port: 5696
      3. Upload the Client Certificate, CA certificate, and Client Private Key.
      4. If StorageClass encryption is enabled, enter the Unique Identifier to be used for encryption and decryption generated above.
      5. The TLS Server field is optional and used when there is no DNS entry for the KMIP endpoint. For example,kmip_all_<port>.ciphertrustmanager.local.
    4. Select a Network.
    5. Click Next.
  7. In the Review and create page, review the configuration details. To modify any configuration settings, click Back.
  8. Click Create StorageSystem. Create A standalone Multicloud Object Gateway using the CLI

Use the following procedure to install the Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation (formerly known as OpenShift Container Storage) Operator and configure a single instance Multi-Cloud Gateway service.


The following configuration cannot be run in parallel on a cluster with Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation installed.


  1. On the OpenShift Web Console, and then select Operators OperatorHub.
  2. Search for Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation, and then select Install.
  3. Accept all default options, and then select Install.
  4. Confirm that the Operator has installed by viewing the Status column, which should be marked as Succeeded.


    When the installation of the Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation Operator is finished, you are prompted to create a storage system. Do not follow this instruction. Instead, create NooBaa object storage as outlined the following steps.

  5. On your machine, create a file named noobaa.yaml with the following information:

    kind: NooBaa
      name: noobaa
      namespace: openshift-storage
         cpu: '0.1'
         memory: 1Gi
     dbType: postgres
         cpu: '0.1'
         memory: 1Gi

    This creates a single instance deployment of the Multi-cloud Object Gateway.

  6. Apply the configuration with the following command:

    $ oc create -n openshift-storage -f noobaa.yaml

    Example output created

  7. After a few minutes, the Multi-cloud Object Gateway should finish provisioning. You can enter the following command to check its status:

    $ oc get -n openshift-storage noobaas noobaa -w

    Example output

    NAME     MGMT-ENDPOINTS              S3-ENDPOINTS                IMAGE                                                                                                            PHASE   AGE
    noobaa   []   []   Ready   3d18h

  8. Configure a backing store for the gateway by creating the following YAML file, named noobaa-pv-backing-store.yaml:

    kind: BackingStore
        app: noobaa
      name: noobaa-pv-backing-store
      namespace: openshift-storage
        numVolumes: 1
            storage: 50Gi 1
        storageClass: STORAGE-CLASS-NAME 2
      type: pv-pool
    The overall capacity of the object storage service. Adjust as needed.
    The StorageClass to use for the PersistentVolumes requested. Delete this property to use the cluster default.
  9. Enter the following command to apply the configuration:

    $ oc create -f noobaa-pv-backing-store.yaml

    Example output created

    This creates the backing store configuration for the gateway. All images in Red Hat Quay will be stored as objects through the gateway in a PersistentVolume created by the above configuration.

  10. Run the following command to make the PersistentVolume backing store the default for all ObjectBucketClaims issued by the Red Hat Quay Operator:

    $ oc patch bucketclass noobaa-default-bucket-class --patch '{"spec":{"placementPolicy":{"tiers":[{"backingStores":["noobaa-pv-backing-store"]}]}}}' --type merge -n openshift-storage
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