
Chapter 7. Updating Satellite Server, Capsule Server, and Content Hosts

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Updating Between Minor Versions of Satellite

Updating is the process of migrating Satellite Server, Capsule Server, and Content Hosts to a new minor version. Updates typically patch security vulnerabilities and correct minor issues discovered after code is released. Generally speaking, updates require little time and are non-disruptive to your operating environment. Before updating, check the Red Hat Satellite Release Notes for potential conflicts.

Follow these procedures to update between minor versions, for example, from 6.2.0 to 6.2.1.

7.1. Updating Satellite Server


  • Ensure you have synchronized Satellite Server repositories for Satellite, Capsule, and Satellite Tools.
  • Ensure each external Capsule and Content Host can be updated by promoting the updated repositories to all relevant Content Views.

Updating Satellite Server to the Next Minor Version

To Update Satellite Server:

  1. Check that only the correct repositories are enabled:

    1. List the enabled repositories:

      # subscription-manager repos --list-enabled
    2. Ensure you only have the following repositories enabled:


      Where X is the major version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux you are using. If required, see Section 3.1.3, “Configuring Repositories” for more information on disabling and enabling repositories. If you have a self-registered Satellite, the rhel-X-server-satellite-tools-6.2-rpms repository, which provides Katello Agent, can also be present. If required, see Section 4.7.1, “Installing the katello Agent” for more information.

  2. If you are on a self-registered Satellite, download all packages before stopping Satellite Server:

    # yum update --downloadonly

    This step is optional for Satellites which are not self-registered.

  3. Stop Katello services:

    # katello-service stop
  4. Update all packages:

    # yum update

    For a self-registered Satellite, enter the following command:

    # yum update --cache --disableplugin=enabled_repos_upload \
    --disableplugin=package_upload \

    If a kernel update occurs, make a note to reboot after the upgrade is complete. Do not reboot at this point.

  5. If you have custom Apache server configurations, they will be reverted to the installation defaults in the next step. If you want to see what will be changed when you perform the upgrade, you can enter the upgrade command with the --noop (no operation) option and review the changes that will be applied when you enter the upgrade command in the following step. If you choose not to do this test, skip to the next step now. Alternatively, proceed as follows:

    1. Add the following line to the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf configuration file.

      Include /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/*.conf
    2. Restart the httpd service.

      • On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, enter the following command:

        # service httpd restart
      • On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, enter the following command:

        # systemctl restart httpd
    3. Start the postgresql and mongod database services.

      • On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, enter the following command:

        # service postgresql start
        # service mongod start
      • On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, enter the following command:

        # systemctl start postgresql
        # systemctl start mongod
  6. Enter the command with the --noop option as follows.

    # satellite-installer --scenario satellite --upgrade --verbose --noop

    Review the /var/log/foreman-installer/satellite.log to see what changes would be applied if the --noop option was omitted. Look for the +++ and --- symbols indicating changes to configurations files. Because the above "no operation" command does not actually create the files, and some Puppet resources in the module expect them to be there, some failure messages are to be expected.

  7. Stop Katello services.

    # katello-service stop
  8. Perform the update by running the installer script with the --upgrade option.

    # satellite-installer --scenario satellite --upgrade
  9. If a kernel update occurred during the yum update step, reboot the system:

    # reboot
  10. If you are on a self-registered Satellite, and did not reboot the system in the previous step, restart goferd:

    • On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, run the following command:

      # service goferd restart
    • On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, run the following command:

      # systemctl restart goferd
  11. If you have updated from Satellite 6.2.12 or lower, add the --assumeyes parameter to katello-backup commands in your backup script if it is not there yet.

    From Satellite 6.2.13, you must add the --assumeyes parameter because the katello-backup command prompts for confirmation that the backup is to proceed. For more information about backing up Satellite Server, see Backup and Disaster Recovery in the Server Administration Guide.

7.2. Updating Capsule Server

Updating Capsule Servers to the Next Minor Version

To Update a Capsule Server:

  1. Check that only the correct repositories are enabled:

    1. List the enabled repositories:

      # subscription-manager repos --list-enabled
    2. Ensure you only have the following repositories enabled:


      Where X is the major version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux you are using. If required, see Section 4.3, “Configuring Repositories” for more information on disabling and enabling repositories. The rhel-X-server-satellite-tools-6.2-rpms repository provides Katello Agent. If required, see Section 4.7.1, “Installing the katello Agent” for more information. The Red Hat Software Collections repository is optional, it is required for the Remote Execution feature.

  2. Stop Katello services:

    # katello-service stop
  3. Update all packages:

    # yum update

    If a kernel update occurs, make a note to reboot after the upgrade is complete. Do not reboot at this point.

  4. If you have custom Apache server configurations, they will be reverted to the installation defaults in the next step. If you want to see what will be changed when you perform the upgrade, you can enter the upgrade command with the --noop (no operation) option and review the changes that will be applied when you enter the upgrade command in the following step. If you choose not to do this test, skip to the next step now. Alternatively, proceed as follows:

    1. Add the following line to the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf configuration file.

      Include /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/*.conf
    2. Restart the httpd service.

      • On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, enter the following command:

        # service httpd restart
      • On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, enter the following command:

        # systemctl restart httpd
    3. Start the mongod database service.

      • On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, enter the following command:

        # service mongod start
      • On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, enter the following command:

        # systemctl start mongod
    4. Enter the command with the --noop option as follows.

      # satellite-installer --scenario capsule --upgrade --verbose --noop

      Review the /var/log/foreman-installer/capsule.log to see what changes would be applied if the --noop option was omitted. Look for the +++ and --- symbols indicating changes to configurations files. Because the above "no operation" command does not actually create the files, and some Puppet resources in the module expect them to be there, some failure messages are to be expected.

    5. Stop Katello services.

      # katello-service stop
      • Perform the update by running the installer script with the --upgrade option.

        # satellite-installer --scenario capsule --upgrade
  5. If a kernel update occurred during the yum update step, reboot the system:

    # reboot
  6. If you did not reboot the system in the previous step, restart goferd:

    • On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, run the following command:

      # service goferd restart
    • On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, run the following command:

      # systemctl restart goferd
  7. If you have updated from Satellite 6.2.12 or lower, add the --assumeyes parameter to katello-backup commands in your backup script if it is not there yet.

    From Satellite 6.2.13, you must add the --assumeyes parameter because the katello-backup command prompts for confirmation that the backup is to proceed. For more information about backing up Satellite Server, see Backup and Disaster Recovery in the Server Administration Guide.

7.3. Updating Content Hosts

Updating Content Hosts to the Next Minor Version

To Update a Content Host, enter the following commands:

  1. Update all packages:

    # yum update
  2. If a kernel update occurs, reboot the system:

    # reboot
  3. If you did not reboot the system in the previous step, restart goferd:

    • On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, run the following command:

      # service goferd restart
    • On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, run the following command:

      # systemctl restart goferd
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