Este contenido no está disponible en el idioma seleccionado.
- /etc/nsswitch.conf , Host Not Found/Could Not Determine FQDN
- /etc/rhn/rhn.conf , General Problems
- advantages, RHN Satellite
- Apache, Updating the Satellite
- Apache HTTP, How it Works
- automating Satellite synchronization, Automating Synchronization
- backing up the RHN Satellite, Backing Up the Satellite
- block sizes, Database Requirements
- channel
- definition, Terms to Understand
- channel content
- import process, Preparing Channel Content ISOs
- channel content ISOs
- preparing, Preparing Channel Content ISOs
- channel package
- default location
- /var/satellite/ , Base Install
- chkconfig , Additional Requirements
- cloning satellite, Cloning the Satellite with Embedded DB
- Configuration Administrator
- definition, Terms to Understand
- connection errors, Connection Errors
- database requirements
- Oracle access level, Database Requirements
- database RPMs
- default location
- /opt/ , Base Install
- db-control
- options, DB Control Options
- db-control use, Using RHN DB Control
- disable services
- ntsysv
- chkconfig , Additional Requirements
- embedded database
- default location
- /rhnsat/ , Base Install
- enabling push to clients, Enabling Push to Clients
- entitlement certificate, Additional Requirements, RHN Satellite Installation Program
- uploading, Uploading the RHN Entitlement Certificate
- firewall rules
- requirements, Additional Requirements
- general problems, General Problems
- GPG keys, RHN Satellite Installation Program
- host not found error
- could not determine FQDN, Host Not Found/Could Not Determine FQDN
- how it works, How it Works
- httpd , Additional Requirements
- import
- channel content
- process, Preparing Channel Content ISOs
- importing
- satellite data, Importing and Synchronizing
- importing data
- placing Errata in repository, Running the Import
- populating the channel, Running the Import
- running the import, Running the Import
- installation
- base, Base Install
- MySQL, MySQL Installation
- of RHN Satellite, RHN Satellite Installation Program
- sendmail, Sendmail Configuration
- Installation
- automated, Automated RHN Satellite Server Installation
- installation task list, Summary of Steps
- maintenance, Maintenance
- mysql-server , MySQL Installation
- Network Time Protocol, Additional Requirements
- ntp, Additional Requirements
- ntsysv , Additional Requirements
- operating system
- supported, Software Requirements
- Oracle 10g, How it Works
- Organization Administrator
- definition, Terms to Understand
- osa-dispatcher , Enabling Push to Clients
- osad , Enabling Push to Clients
- PAM authentication
- implementation, Implementing PAM Authentication
- port 443, Additional Requirements
- port 4545, Additional Requirements
- port 5222, Additional Requirements
- port 5269, Additional Requirements
- port 80, Additional Requirements
- Red Hat Network
- introduction, Red Hat Network
- Red Hat Update Agent
- definition, Terms to Understand
- redundant satellite, Establishing Redundant Satellites with Stand-Alone DB
- requirements, Requirements
- additional, Additional Requirements
- database, Database Requirements
- DNS, Additional Requirements
- entitlement certificate, Additional Requirements
- firewall rules, Additional Requirements
- FQDN, Additional Requirements
- hardware, Hardware Requirements
- jabberd, Additional Requirements
- ntp, Additional Requirements
- software, Software Requirements
- TCP Ports, Additional Requirements
- components, How it Works
- RHN DB Control
- backup, Backing up the Database
- options, DB Control Options
- restore, Restoring the Database
- verify, Verifying the Backup
- RHN Entitlement Certificate
- options, Command Line Entitlement Options
- RHN Entitlement Certificates, Entitlements
- receiving, Receiving the Certificate
- RHN Satellite Activate , Managing the RHN Certificate with RHN Satellite Activate
- RHN Satellite Exporter, Exporting with RHN Satellite Exporter
- RHN Satellite Server entitlement, RHN Satellite Installation Program
- RHN Satellite Synchronization Tool , Importing with RHN Satellite Synchronization Tool
- options, satellite-sync
- RHN Task Engine, Maintaining the RHN Task Engine
- rhn-satellite, Managing the Satellite with rhn-satellite
- rhn-satellite-activate , Managing the RHN Certificate with RHN Satellite Activate
- activating, Activating the Satellite
- options, Command Line Entitlement Options
- rhn-satellite-exporter, rhn-satellite-exporter
- export, Exporting
- options, rhn-satellite-exporter
- rhn.conf
- sample file, Sample RHN Satellite Configuration File
- rhns-satellite-tools , Managing the RHN Certificate with RHN Satellite Activate, Running the Import
- rogerthat01@{mail domain} , Sendmail Configuration
- Satellite Installation Program
- Satellite Ports, Additional Requirements
- satellite redundancy, Establishing Redundant Satellites with Stand-Alone DB
- satellite-debug , Satellite Debugging by Red Hat
- satellite-sync , Running the Import, Synchronizing Errata and Packages Directly via RHN
- --step=channel-families , Running the Import
- --step=channels , Running the Import
- --step=rpms , Running the Import
- cron job, Automating Synchronization
- sendmail , Additional Requirements
- summary of steps, Summary of Steps
- synchronizing
- keeping channel data in sync, Synchronizing
- satellite data, Importing and Synchronizing
- terms to understand, Terms to Understand
- tool use, Conducting Satellite-Specific Tasks
- topologies, Example Topologies
- multiple satellites horizontally tiered, Multiple Satellite Horizontally Tiered Topology
- satellite and proxies vertically tiered, Satellite-Proxy Vertically Tiered Topology
- single satellite, Single Satellite Topology
- traceback, Terms to Understand
- definition, Terms to Understand
- troubleshooting, Troubleshooting
- /etc/hosts , General Problems
- Embedded Database, General Problems
- full disk space, General Problems
- SSL_CONNECT errors, Connection Errors
- traceback email address, General Problems
- updating the RHN Satellite, Updating the Satellite