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Chapter 3. Deploying applications with OpenShift Client

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You can use OpenShift Client (oc) for application deployment. You can deploy applications from source or from binary artifacts.

3.1. Deploying applications from source using oc

The following example demonstrates how to deploy the example-app application using oc, which is in the app folder on the dotnet-8.0 branch of the redhat-developer/s2i-dotnetcore-ex GitHub repository:


  1. Create a new OpenShift project:

    $ oc new-project sample-project
  2. Add the ASP.NET Core application:

    $ oc new-app --name=example-app 'dotnet:8.0-ubi8~' --build-env DOTNET_STARTUP_PROJECT=app
  3. Track the progress of the build:

    $ oc logs -f bc/example-app
  4. View the deployed application once the build is finished:

    $ oc logs -f dc/example-app

    The application is now accessible within the project.

  5. Optional: Make the project accessible externally:

    $ oc expose svc/example-app
  6. Obtain the shareable URL:

    $ oc get routes

3.2. Deploying applications from binary artifacts using oc

You can use .NET Source-to-Image (S2I) builder image to build applications using binary artifacts that you provide.


  1. Published application.

    For more information, see


  1. Create a new binary build:

    $ oc new-build --name=my-web-app dotnet:8.0-ubi8 --binary=true
  2. Start the build and specify the path to the binary artifacts on your local machine:

    $ oc start-build my-web-app --from-dir=bin/Release/net8.0/publish
  3. Create a new application:

    $ oc new-app my-web-app
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