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Chapter 2. Operating Docker-containerized environments

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2.1. Troubleshooting APIcast on the Docker-containerized environment

This section describes the most common issues that you can find when working with APIcast on a Docker-containerized environment.

2.1.1. Cannot connect to the Docker daemon error

The docker: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host? error message may be because the Docker service hasn’t started. You can check the status of the Docker daemon by running the sudo systemctl status docker.service command.

Ensure that you are run this command as the root user because the Docker containerized environment requires root permissions in RHEL by default. For more information, see here).

2.1.2. Basic Docker command-line interface commands

If you started the container in the detached mode (-d option) and want to check the logs for the running APIcast instance, you can use the log command: sudo docker logs <container>. Where <container> is the container name ("apicast" in the example above) or the container ID. You can get a list of the running containers and their IDs and names by using the sudo docker ps command.

To stop the container, run the sudo docker stop <container> command. You can also remove the container by running the sudo docker rm <container> command.

For more information on available commands, see Docker commands reference.

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