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Chapter 1. Diagnosing the problem

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To start troubleshooting Ansible Automation Platform, use the must-gather command on OpenShift Container Platform or the sos utility on a VM-based installation to collect configuration and diagnostic information. You can attach the output of these utilities to your support case.

1.1. Troubleshooting Ansible Automation Platform on OpenShift Container Platform by using the must-gather command

The oc adm must-gather command line interface (CLI) command collects information from your Ansible Automation Platform installation deployed on OpenShift Container Platform. It gathers information that is often needed for debugging issues, including resource definitions and service logs.

Running the oc adm must-gather CLI command creates a new directory containing the collected data that you can use to troubleshoot or attach to your support case.

If your OpenShift environment does not have access to and you cannot run the must-gather command, then run the oc adm inspect command instead.


  • The OpenShift CLI (oc) is installed.


  1. Log in to your cluster:

    oc login <openshift_url>
  2. Run one of the following commands based on your level of access in the cluster:

    • Run must-gather across the entire cluster:

      oc adm must-gather --dest-dir <dest_dir>
      • --image specifies the image that gathers data
      • --dest-dir specifies the directory for the output
    • Run must-gather for a specific namespace in the cluster:

      oc adm must-gather --dest-dir <dest_dir> – /usr/bin/ns-gather <namespace>
      • – /usr/bin/ns-gather limits the must-gather data collection to a specified namespace
  3. To attach the must-gather archive to your support case, create a compressed file from the must-gather directory created before and attach it to your support case.

    • For example, on a computer that uses a Linux operating system, run the following command, replacing <must-gather-local.5421342344627712289/> with the must-gather directory name:

      $ tar cvaf must-gather.tar.gz <must-gather.local.5421342344627712289/>

Additional resources

  • For information about installing the OpenShift CLI (oc), see Installing the OpenShift CLI in the OpenShift Container Platform Documentation.
  • For information about running the oc adm inspect command, see the ocm adm inspect section in the OpenShift Container Platform Documentation.

1.2. Troubleshooting Ansible Automation Platform on VM-based installations by generating an sos report

The sos utility collects configuration, diagnostic, and troubleshooting data from your Ansible Automation Platform on a VM-based installation.

For more information about installing and using the sos utility, see Generating an sos report for technical support.

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