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Chapter 2. Installing Kaoto

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It is recommended to install the Extension Pack for Apache Camel by Red Hat. It will provide a set of tools to manage, edit, run, and debug Camel integrations in various contexts.

The following procedure explains how to install VS Code and other essential extensions required to get started with Kaoto.

  1. If you do not have Visual Studio Code installed, install it from here.
  2. Launch VS Code.
  3. Install the Extension Pack for Apache Camel by Red Hat into your Visual Studio Code instance.
  4. To run and debug Camel integrations using VS Code UI, install JBang CLI. Optionally, to run Camel integrations from the command line, install Camel CLI.

Create and select a workspace folder where all the integration will be stored. Selecting a workspace is important to ensure all required commands will be available and behave correctly.

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