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Chapter 1. Security options

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You can configure security settings for Cryostat, so that you can better protect your Cryostat instance.

An application can send an API request that includes the JMX Authentication header to Cryostat. Cryostat must then pass an authentication challenge, so that Cryostat can connect to the application. The Red Hat build of Cryostat Operator stores credentials in memory for the duration of establishing a connection between Cryostat and the target JVM application.

Cryostat can encrypt and store credentials for a target JVM application in a database that is stored on a persistent volume claim (PVC) on Red Hat OpenShift. Cryostat supports SSL/TLS on the HTTP request that adds credentials to the database and on the JMX connection that uses those credentials to connect to the target application. Cryostat also encrypts the credentials within the database by using a passphrase that is either provided by the user or that is generated by the Red Hat build of Cryostat Operator.

1.1. Uploading an SSL certificate

If you receive an SSL error message from the Recordings or Events tab in your Cryostat web console, you must upload an SSL certificate for your target JVM. Otherwise, you cannot access Cryostat tools, such as tools for creating a JFR recording.


  • Entered your authentication details for your Cryostat instance.
  • Created a target JVM from the Dashboard panel.
  • Downloaded the SSL certificate for your target JVM.


  1. Navigate to the Recordings menu or the Events menu on your Cryostat instance.


    The remaining steps use the Recordings menu as an example, but you can follow similar steps on the Events menu.

  2. From the Recordings panel, select your target JVM from the drop-down list. You will receive a prompt if your target JVM does not contain a trusted SSL certificate, as demonstrated in the following example:

    Figure 1.1. SSL error message

    SSL error message
  3. Click the Security button. A window opens on the Cryostat web console that shows the Security dialog box.

    Figure 1.2. Security dialog box

    *Security* dialog box
  4. Click the Upload button. An Upload SSL certificate window opens on your Cryostat web console.

    Figure 1.3. Upload SSL certificate window

    *Upload SSL certificate* window
  5. Click the Browse button and locate the SSL certificate on your local system.


    Your SSL certificate must be DER-encoded in either binary or base64 format. Cryostat supports .der and .cer file extensions.

  6. Restart your Cryostat instance.
  7. Navigate to the Recordings menu on your Cryostat instance.
  8. If you get prompted with an Authentication Required message on your web console, enter your credentials. Some target JVMs require you to authenticate before you can access the data for auditing purposes.

1.2. Storing and managing credentials

If you enable Java Management Extensions (JMX) authentication or HTTP authentication for your target JVM application, Cryostat prompts you to enter your credentials before Cryostat can access any of the application’s JFR recordings.

When you click the Recordings or Events menu item on the Cryostat web console, an Authentication Required window opens on the console. You must enter the username and password of the target JVM application. You can then view the recordings or perform any additional recording operations on the application.

Figure 1.4. Example of a Cryostat Authentication Required window

Example of a Cryostat *Authentication Required* window

Cryostat stores credentials that it uses to connect to Cryostat agents or target JVMs.


If you need to restart your target JVM application, ensure that you complete one of the following tasks to avoid losing JFR recording data for the application:

  • Click the Recordings menu item on the Cryostat web console and archive your JFR recording.
  • Create an automated rule that schedules Cryostat to copy a snapshot recording to the storage location for the Cryostat archives.

When you want to monitor multiple target JVMs by creating an automated rule, you can configure Cryostat to store and then reuse your credentials for each target JVM connection. By using this configuration, you do not need to re-enter your credentials whenever you want to revisit the JFR recording for your application on the Cryostat web console.


  • Enabled JMX or HTTP authentication for your target JVM application.


  1. Click the Security menu item.
  2. From the Store Credentials window, click the Add button. The Store Credentials window opens.

    Figure 1.5. Example of a Store Credentials window

    Example of a *Store Credentials* window on the Cryostat web console
  3. In the Match Expression field, specify the match expression details.


    Select the question mark icon to view suggested syntax in a Match Expression Hint snippet.

  4. Click Save. A table entry is displayed in the Store Credentials window that shows the Match Expression for your target JVM.

    Figure 1.6. Example of a table entry on the Store Credentials pane

    Example of a table entry on the *Store Credentials* pane

    For security purposes, a table entry does not display your username or password.

  5. Optional: If you want to delete your stored credentials for a target JVM, you can select the checkbox next to the table entry for this target JVM and then click Delete.
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