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Chapter 4. Management of Ceph File System volumes, sub-volume groups, and sub-volumes

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As a storage administrator, you can use Red Hat’s Ceph Container Storage Interface (CSI) to manage Ceph File System (CephFS) exports. This also allows you to use other services, such as OpenStack’s file system service (Manila) by having a common command-line interface to interact with. The volumes module for the Ceph Manager daemon (ceph-mgr) implements the ability to export Ceph File Systems (CephFS).

The Ceph Manager volumes module implements the following file system export abstractions:

  • CephFS volumes
  • CephFS subvolume groups
  • CephFS subvolumes

4.1. Ceph File System volumes

As a storage administrator, you can create, list, and remove Ceph File System (CephFS) volumes. CephFS volumes are an abstraction for Ceph File Systems.

This section describes how to:

4.1.1. Creating a Ceph file system volume

Ceph Orchestrator is a module for Ceph Manager that creates a Metadata Server (MDS) for the Ceph File System (CephFS). This section describes how to create a CephFS volume.


This creates the Ceph File System, along with the data and metadata pools.


  • A working Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with Ceph File System deployed.
  • At least read access on the Ceph Monitor.
  • Read and write capability on the Ceph Manager nodes.


  • Create a CephFS volume on the monitor node:


    ceph fs volume create VOLUME_NAME


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph fs volume create cephfs

4.1.2. Listing Ceph file system volumes

This section describes the step to list the Ceph File system (CephFS) volumes.


  • A working Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with Ceph File System deployed.
  • At least read access on the Ceph Monitor.
  • Read and write capability on the Ceph Manager nodes.
  • A CephFS volume.


  • List the CephFS volume:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph fs volume ls

4.1.3. Viewing information about a Ceph file system volume

You can list basic details about a Ceph File System (CephFS) volume, such as attributes of data and metadata pools of the CephFS volume, pending subvolumes deletion count, and the like.


  • A working Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with Ceph File System deployed.
  • At least read access on the Ceph Monitor.
  • Read and write capability on the Ceph Manager nodes.
  • A CephFS volume created.


  • View information about a CephFS volume:


    ceph fs volume info VOLUME_NAME


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph fs volume info cephfs
        "mon_addrs": [
        "pending_subvolume_deletions": 0,
        "pools": {
            "data": [
                    "avail": 106288709632,
                    "name": "",
                    "used": 4096
            "metadata": [
                    "avail": 106288709632,
                    "name": "cephfs.cephfs.meta",
                    "used": 155648
        "used_size": 0

The output of the ceph fs volume info command includes:

  • mon_addrs: List of monitor addresses.
  • pending_subvolume_deletions: Number of subvolumes pending deletion.
  • pools: Attributes of data and metadata pools.

    • avail: The amount of free space available in bytes.
    • name: Name of the pool.
    • used: The amount of storage consumed in bytes.
  • used_size: Current used size of the CephFS volume in bytes.

4.1.4. Removing a Ceph file system volume

Ceph Orchestrator is a module for Ceph Manager that removes the Metadata Server (MDS) for the Ceph File System (CephFS). This section shows how to remove the Ceph File System (CephFS) volume.


  • A working Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with Ceph File System deployed.
  • At least read access on the Ceph Monitor.
  • Read and write capability on the Ceph Manager nodes.
  • A CephFS volume.


  1. If the mon_allow_pool_delete option is not set to true, then set it to true before removing the CephFS volume:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph config set mon mon_allow_pool_delete true

  2. Remove the CephFS volume:


    ceph fs volume rm VOLUME_NAME [--yes-i-really-mean-it]


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph fs volume rm cephfs --yes-i-really-mean-it

4.2. Ceph File System subvolume groups

As a storage administrator, you can create, list, fetch absolute path, and remove Ceph File System (CephFS) subvolume groups. CephFS subvolume groups are abstractions at a directory level which effects policies, for example, file layouts, across a set of subvolumes.

Starting with Red Hat Ceph Storage 5.0, the subvolume group snapshot feature is not supported. You can only list and remove the existing snapshots of these subvolume groups.

This section describes how to:

4.2.1. Creating a file system subvolume group

This section describes how to create a Ceph File System (CephFS) subvolume group.


When creating a subvolume group, you can specify its data pool layout, uid, gid, and file mode in octal numerals. By default, the subvolume group is created with an octal file mode ‘755’, uid ‘0’, gid ‘0’, and data pool layout of its parent directory.


See Setting and managing quotas on a file system subvolume group to set quotas while creating a subvolume group.


  • A working Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with a Ceph File System deployed.
  • At a minimum read access on the Ceph Monitor.
  • Read and write capability on the Ceph Manager nodes.


  • Create a CephFS subvolume group:


    ceph fs subvolumegroup create VOLUME_NAME GROUP_NAME [--pool_layout DATA_POOL_NAME --uid UID --gid GID --mode OCTAL_MODE]


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph fs subvolumegroup create cephfs subgroup0

    The command succeeds even if the subvolume group already exists.

4.2.2. Setting and managing quotas on a file system subvolume group

This section describes how to set and manage quotas on a Ceph File System (CephFS) subvolume group.


  • A working Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with a Ceph File System deployed.
  • At least read access on the Ceph Monitor.
  • Read and write capability on the Ceph Manager nodes.


  1. Set quotas while creating a subvolume group by providing size in bytes:


    ceph fs subvolumegroup create VOLUME_NAME GROUP_NAME [--size SIZE_IN_BYTES] [--pool_layout DATA_POOL_NAME] [--uid UID] [--gid GID] [--mode OCTAL_MODE]


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph fs subvolumegroup create cephfs subvolgroup_2 10737418240

  2. Resize a subvolume group:


    ceph fs subvolumegroup resize VOLUME_NAME GROUP_NAME new_size [--no_shrink]


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph fs subvolumegroup resize cephfs subvolgroup_2 20737418240
            "bytes_used": 10768679044
            "bytes_quota": 20737418240
            "bytes_pcent": "51.93"

  3. Fetch the metadata of a subvolume group:


    ceph fs subvolumegroup info VOLUME_NAME GROUP_NAME


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph fs subvolumegroup info cephfs subvolgroup_2
        "atime": "2022-10-05 18:00:39",
        "bytes_pcent": "51.85",
        "bytes_quota": 20768679043,
        "bytes_used": 10768679044,
        "created_at": "2022-10-05 18:00:39",
        "ctime": "2022-10-05 18:21:26",
        "data_pool": "",
        "gid": 0,
        "mode": 16877,
        "mon_addrs": [
        "mtime": "2022-10-05 18:01:25",
        "uid": 0

4.2.3. Listing file system subvolume groups

This section describes the step to list the Ceph File System (CephFS) subvolume groups.


  • A working Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with Ceph File System deployed.
  • At least read access on the Ceph Monitor.
  • Read and write capability on the Ceph Manager nodes.
  • A CephFS subvolume group.


  • List the CephFS subvolume groups:


    ceph fs subvolumegroup ls VOLUME_NAME


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph fs subvolumegroup ls cephfs

4.2.4. Fetching absolute path of a file system subvolume group

This section shows how to fetch the absolute path of a Ceph File System (CephFS) subvolume group.


  • A working Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with Ceph File System deployed.
  • At least read access on the Ceph Monitor.
  • Read and write capability on the Ceph Manager nodes.
  • A CephFS subvolume group.


  • Fetch the absolute path of the CephFS subvolume group:


    ceph fs subvolumegroup getpath VOLUME_NAME GROUP_NAME


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph fs subvolumegroup getpath cephfs subgroup0

4.2.5. Listing snapshots of a file system subvolume group

This section provides the steps to list the snapshots of a Ceph File System (CephFS) subvolume group.


  • A working Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with Ceph File System deployed.
  • At least read access on the Ceph Monitor.
  • Read and write capability on the Ceph Manager nodes.
  • A CephFS subvolume group.
  • Snapshots of the subvolume group.


  • List the snapshots of a CephFS subvolume group:


    ceph fs subvolumegroup snapshot ls VOLUME_NAME GROUP_NAME


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph fs subvolumegroup snapshot ls cephfs subgroup0

4.2.6. Removing snapshot of a file system subvolume group

This section provides the step to remove snapshots of a Ceph File System (CephFS) subvolume group.


Using the --force flag allows the command to succeed that would otherwise fail if the snapshot did not exist.


  • A working Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with Ceph File System deployed.
  • At least read access on the Ceph Monitor.
  • Read and write capability on the Ceph Manager nodes.
  • A Ceph File System volume.
  • A snapshot of the subvolume group.


  • Remove the snapshot of the CephFS subvolume group:


    ceph fs subvolumegroup snapshot rm VOLUME_NAME GROUP_NAME SNAP_NAME [--force]


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph fs subvolumegroup snapshot rm cephfs subgroup0 snap0 --force

4.2.7. Removing a file system subvolume group

This section shows how to remove the Ceph File System (CephFS) subvolume group.


The removal of a subvolume group fails if it is not empty or non-existent. The --force flag allows the non-existent subvolume group to be removed.


  • A working Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with Ceph File System deployed.
  • At least read access on the Ceph Monitor.
  • Read and write capability on the Ceph Manager nodes.
  • A CephFS subvolume group.


  • Remove the CephFS subvolume group:


    ceph fs subvolumegroup rm VOLUME_NAME GROUP_NAME [--force]


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph fs subvolumegroup rm cephfs subgroup0 --force

4.3. Ceph File System subvolumes

As a storage administrator, you can create, list, fetch absolute path, fetch metadata, and remove Ceph File System (CephFS) subvolumes. Additionally, you can also create, list, and remove snapshots of these subvolumes. CephFS subvolumes are an abstraction for independent Ceph File Systems directory trees.

This section describes how to:

4.3.1. Creating a file system subvolume

This section describes how to create a Ceph File System (CephFS) subvolume.


When creating a subvolume, you can specify its subvolume group, data pool layout, uid, gid, file mode in octal numerals, and size in bytes. The subvolume can be created in a separate RADOS namespace by specifying the --namespace-isolated option. By default, a subvolume is created within the default subvolume group, and with an octal file mode ‘755’, uid of its subvolume group, gid of its subvolume group, data pool layout of its parent directory, and no size limit.


  • A working Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with a Ceph File System deployed.
  • At least read access on the Ceph Monitor.
  • Read and write capability on the Ceph Manager nodes.


  • Create a CephFS subvolume:


    ceph fs subvolume create VOLUME_NAME SUBVOLUME_NAME [--size SIZE_IN_BYTES --group_name SUBVOLUME_GROUP_NAME --pool_layout DATA_POOL_NAME --uid _UID --gid GID --mode OCTAL_MODE] [--namespace-isolated]


    [root@mon ~]# ceph fs subvolume create cephfs sub0 --group_name subgroup0 --namespace-isolated

    The command succeeds even if the subvolume already exists.

4.3.2. Listing file system subvolume

This section describes the step to list the Ceph File System (CephFS) subvolume.


  • A working Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with Ceph File System deployed.
  • At least read access on the Ceph Monitor.
  • Read and write capability on the Ceph Manager nodes.
  • A CephFS subvolume.


  • List the CephFS subvolume:


    ceph fs subvolume ls VOLUME_NAME [--group_name SUBVOLUME_GROUP_NAME]


    [root@mon ~]# ceph fs subvolume ls cephfs --group_name subgroup0

4.3.3. Resizing a file system subvolume

This section describes the step to resize the Ceph File System (CephFS) subvolume.


The ceph fs subvolume resize command resizes the subvolume quota using the size specified by new_size. The --no_shrink flag prevents the subvolume from shrinking below the currently used size of the subvolume. The subvolume can be resized to an infinite size by passing inf or infinite as the new_size.


  • A working Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with Ceph File System deployed.
  • At least read access on the Ceph Monitor.
  • Read and write capability on the Ceph Manager nodes.
  • A CephFS subvolume.


  • Resize a CephFS subvolume:


    ceph fs subvolume resize VOLUME_NAME SUBVOLUME_NAME NEW_SIZE [--group_name SUBVOLUME_GROUP_NAME] [--no_shrink]


    [root@mon ~]# ceph fs subvolume resize cephfs sub0 1024000000 --group_name subgroup0 --no_shrink

4.3.4. Fetching absolute path of a file system subvolume

This section shows how to fetch the absolute path of a Ceph File System (CephFS) subvolume.


  • A working Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with Ceph File System deployed.
  • At least read access on the Ceph Monitor.
  • Read and write capability on the Ceph Manager nodes.
  • A CephFS subvolume.


  • Fetch the absolute path of the CephFS subvolume:


    ceph fs subvolume getpath VOLUME_NAME SUBVOLUME_NAME [--group_name _SUBVOLUME_GROUP_NAME]


    [root@mon ~]# ceph fs subvolume getpath cephfs sub0 --group_name subgroup0

4.3.5. Fetching metadata of a file system subvolume

This section shows how to fetch metadata of a Ceph File System (CephFS) subvolume.


  • A working Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with Ceph File System deployed.
  • At least read access on the Ceph Monitor.
  • Read and write capability on the Ceph Manager nodes.
  • A CephFS subvolume.


  • Fetch the metadata of a CephFS subvolume:


    ceph fs subvolume info VOLUME_NAME SUBVOLUME_NAME [--group_name SUBVOLUME_GROUP_NAME]


    [root@mon ~]# ceph fs subvolume info cephfs sub0 --group_name subgroup0

    Example output

    # ceph fs subvolume info cephfs sub0
        "atime": "2023-07-14 08:52:46",
        "bytes_pcent": "0.00",
        "bytes_quota": 1024000000,
        "bytes_used": 0,
        "created_at": "2023-07-14 08:52:46",
        "ctime": "2023-07-14 08:53:54",
        "data_pool": "",
        "features": [
        "flavor": "2",
        "gid": 0,
        "mode": 16877,
        "mon_addrs": [
        "mtime": "2023-07-14 08:52:46",
        "path": "/volumes/_nogroup/sub0/834c5cbc-f5db-4481-80a3-aca92ff0e7f3",
        "pool_namespace": "",
        "state": "complete",
        "type": "subvolume",
        "uid": 0

The output format is JSON and contains the following fields:

  • atime: access time of subvolume path in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS".
  • bytes_pcent: quota used in percentage if quota is set, else displays "undefined".
  • bytes_quota: quota size in bytes if quota is set, else displays "infinite".
  • bytes_used: current used size of the subvolume in bytes.
  • created_at: time of creation of subvolume in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS".
  • ctime: change time of subvolume path in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS".
  • data_pool: data pool the subvolume belongs to.
  • features: features supported by the subvolume, such as , "snapshot-clone", "snapshot-autoprotect", or "snapshot-retention".
  • flavor: subvolume version, either 1 for version one or 2 for version two.
  • gid: group ID of subvolume path.
  • mode: mode of subvolume path.
  • mon_addrs: list of monitor addresses.
  • mtime: modification time of subvolume path in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS".
  • path: absolute path of a subvolume.
  • pool_namespace: RADOS namespace of the subvolume.
  • state: current state of the subvolume, such as, "complete" or "snapshot-retained".
  • type: subvolume type indicating whether it is a clone or subvolume.
  • uid: user ID of subvolume path.

4.3.6. Creating snapshot of a file system subvolume

This section shows how to create snapshots of a Ceph File System (CephFS) subvolume.


  • A working Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with Ceph File System deployed.
  • At least read access on the Ceph Monitor.
  • Read and write capability on the Ceph Manager nodes.
  • A CephFS subvolume.
  • In addition to read (r) and write (w) capabilities, clients also require s flag on a directory path within the file system.


  1. Verify that the s flag is set on the directory:


    ceph auth get CLIENT_NAME


    [root@mon ~]# ceph auth get client.0
        key = AQAz7EVWygILFRAAdIcuJ12opU/JKyfFmxhuaw==
        caps mds = "allow rw, allow rws path=/bar" 1
        caps mon = "allow r"
        caps osd = "allow rw tag cephfs data=cephfs_a" 2

    1 2
    In the example, client.0 can create or delete snapshots in the bar directory of file system cephfs_a.
  2. Create a snapshot of the Ceph File System subvolume:


    ceph fs subvolume snapshot create VOLUME_NAME SUBVOLUME_NAME SNAP_NAME [--group_name GROUP_NAME]


    [root@mon ~]# ceph fs subvolume snapshot create cephfs sub0 snap0 --group_name subgroup0

4.3.7. Cloning subvolumes from snapshots

Subvolumes can be created by cloning subvolume snapshots. It is an asynchronous operation involving copying data from a snapshot to a subvolume.


Cloning is inefficient for very large data sets.


  • A working Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with Ceph File System deployed.
  • At least read access on the Ceph Monitor.
  • Read and write capability on the Ceph Manager nodes.
  • To create or delete snapshots, in addition to read and write capability, clients require s flag on a directory path within the filesystem.


        key = AQAz7EVWygILFRAAdIcuJ12opU/JKyfFmxhuaw==
        caps mds = allow rw, allow rws path=DIRECTORY_PATH
        caps mon = allow r
        caps osd = allow rw tag cephfs data=DIRECTORY_NAME

    In the following example, client.0 can create or delete snapshots in the bar directory of filesystem cephfs_a.


        key = AQAz7EVWygILFRAAdIcuJ12opU/JKyfFmxhuaw==
        caps mds = "allow rw, allow rws path=/bar"
        caps mon = "allow r"
        caps osd = "allow rw tag cephfs data=cephfs_a"


  1. Create a Ceph File System (CephFS) volume:


    ceph fs volume create VOLUME_NAME


    [root@mon ~]# ceph fs volume create cephfs

    This creates the CephFS file system, its data and metadata pools.

  2. Create a subvolume group. By default, the subvolume group is created with an octal file mode '755', and data pool layout of its parent directory.


    ceph fs subvolumegroup create VOLUME_NAME GROUP_NAME [--pool_layout DATA_POOL_NAME --uid UID --gid GID --mode OCTAL_MODE]


    [root@mon ~]# ceph fs subvolumegroup create cephfs subgroup0

  3. Create a subvolume. By default, a subvolume is created within the default subvolume group, and with an octal file mode ‘755’, uid of its subvolume group, gid of its subvolume group, data pool layout of its parent directory, and no size limit.


    ceph fs subvolume create VOLUME_NAME SUBVOLUME_NAME [--size SIZE_IN_BYTES --group_name SUBVOLUME_GROUP_NAME --pool_layout DATA_POOL_NAME --uid _UID --gid GID --mode OCTAL_MODE]


    [root@mon ~]# ceph fs subvolume create cephfs sub0 --group_name subgroup0

  4. Create a snapshot of a subvolume:


    ceph fs subvolume snapshot create VOLUME_NAME _SUBVOLUME_NAME SNAP_NAME [--group_name SUBVOLUME_GROUP_NAME]


    [root@mon ~]# ceph fs subvolume snapshot create cephfs sub0 snap0  --group_name subgroup0

  5. Initiate a clone operation:


    By default, cloned subvolumes are created in the default group.

    1. If the source subvolume and the target clone are in the default group, run the following command:


      ceph fs subvolume snapshot clone VOLUME_NAME SUBVOLUME_NAME SNAP_NAME TARGET_CLONE_NAME


      [root@mon ~]# ceph fs subvolume snapshot clone cephfs sub0 snap0 clone0

    2. If the source subvolume is in the non-default group, then specify the source subvolume group in the following command:




      [root@mon ~]# ceph fs subvolume snapshot clone cephfs sub0 snap0 clone0 --group_name subgroup0

    3. If the target clone is to a non-default group, then specify the target group in the following command:


      ceph fs subvolume snapshot clone VOLUME_NAME SUBVOLUME_NAME SNAP_NAME TARGET_CLONE_NAME --target_group_name SUBVOLUME_GROUP_NAME


      [root@mon ~]# ceph fs subvolume snapshot clone cephfs sub0 snap0 clone0 --target_group_name subgroup1

  6. Check the status of the clone operation:


    ceph fs clone status VOLUME_NAME CLONE_NAME [--group_name TARGET_GROUP_NAME]


    [root@mon ~]# ceph fs clone status cephfs clone0 --group_name subgroup1
      "status": {
        "state": "complete"

Additional Resources

4.3.8. Listing snapshots of a file system subvolume

This section provides the step to list the snapshots of a Ceph File system (CephFS) subvolume.


  • A working Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with Ceph File System deployed.
  • At least read access on the Ceph Monitor.
  • Read and write capability on the Ceph Manager nodes.
  • A CephFS subvolume.
  • Snapshots of the subvolume.


  • List the snapshots of a CephFS subvolume:


    ceph fs subvolume snapshot ls VOLUME_NAME SUBVOLUME_NAME [--group_name SUBVOLUME_GROUP_NAME]


    [root@mon ~]# ceph fs subvolume snapshot ls cephfs sub0 --group_name subgroup0

4.3.9. Fetching metadata of the snapshots of a file system subvolume

This section provides the step to fetch the metadata of the snapshots of a Ceph File System (CephFS) subvolume.


  • A working Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with CephFS deployed.
  • At least read access on the Ceph Monitor.
  • Read and write capability on the Ceph Manager nodes.
  • A CephFS subvolume.
  • Snapshots of the subvolume.


  1. Fetch the metadata of the snapshots of a CephFS subvolume:


    ceph fs subvolume snapshot info VOLUME_NAME SUBVOLUME_NAME SNAP_NAME [--group_name SUBVOLUME_GROUP_NAME]


    [root@mon ~]# ceph fs subvolume snapshot info cephfs sub0 snap0 --group_name subgroup0

    Example output

        "created_at": "2022-05-09 06:18:47.330682",
        "data_pool": "cephfs_data",
        "has_pending_clones": "no",
        "size": 0

The output format is JSON and contains the following fields:

  • created_at: time of creation of snapshot in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS:ffffff".
  • data_pool: data pool the snapshot belongs to.
  • has_pending_clones: "yes" if snapshot clone is in progress otherwise "no".
  • size: snapshot size in bytes.

4.3.10. Removing a file system subvolume

This section describes the step to remove the Ceph File System (CephFS) subvolume.


The ceph fs subvolume rm command removes the subvolume and its contents in two steps. First, it moves the subvolume to a trash folder, and then asynchronously purges its contents.

A subvolume can be removed retaining existing snapshots of the subvolume using the --retain-snapshots option. If snapshots are retained, the subvolume is considered empty for all operations not involving the retained snapshots. Retained snapshots can be used as a clone source to recreate the subvolume, or cloned to a newer subvolume.


  • A working Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with Ceph File System deployed.
  • At least read access on the Ceph Monitor.
  • Read and write capability on the Ceph Manager nodes.
  • A CephFS subvolume.


  1. Remove a CephFS subvolume:


    ceph fs subvolume rm VOLUME_NAME SUBVOLUME_NAME [--group_name SUBVOLUME_GROUP_NAME] [--force] [--retain-snapshots]


    [root@mon ~]# ceph fs subvolume rm cephfs sub0 --group_name subgroup0 --retain-snapshots

  2. To recreate a subvolume from a retained snapshot:



    • NEW_SUBVOLUME can either be the same subvolume which was deleted earlier or clone it to a new subvolume.


    [root@mon ~]# ceph fs subvolume snapshot clone cephfs sub0 snap0 sub1 --group_name subgroup0 --target_group_name subgroup0

4.3.11. Removing snapshot of a file system subvolume

This section provides the step to remove snapshots of a Ceph File System (CephFS) subvolume group.


Using the --force flag allows the command to succeed that would otherwise fail if the snapshot did not exist.


  • A working Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster with Ceph File System deployed.
  • At least read access on the Ceph Monitor.
  • Read and write capability on the Ceph Manager nodes.
  • A Ceph File System volume.
  • A snapshot of the subvolume group.


  • Remove the snapshot of the CephFS subvolume:


    ceph fs subvolume snapshot rm VOLUME_NAME SUBVOLUME_NAME SNAP_NAME [--group_name GROUP_NAME --force]


    [root@mon ~]# ceph fs subvolume snapshot rm cephfs sub0 snap0 --group_name subgroup0 --force

Additional Resources

4.4. Metadata information on Ceph File System subvolumes

As a storage administrator, you can set, get, list, and remove metadata information of Ceph File System (CephFS) subvolumes.

The custom metadata is for users to store their metadata in subvolumes. Users can store the key-value pairs similar to xattr in a Ceph File System.

This section describes how to:

4.4.1. Setting custom metadata on the file system subvolume

You can set custom metadata on the file system subvolume as a key-value pair.


If the key_name already exists then the old value is replaced by the new value.


The KEY_NAME and VALUE should be a string of ASCII characters as specified in python’s string.printable. The KEY_NAME is case-insensitive and is always stored in lower case.


Custom metadata on a subvolume is not preserved when snapshotting the subvolume, and hence, is also not preserved when cloning the subvolume snapshot.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • A Ceph File System (CephFS), CephFS volume, subvolume group, and subvolume created.


  1. Set the metadata on the CephFS subvolume:


    ceph fs subvolume metadata set VOLUME_NAME SUBVOLUME_NAME KEY_NAME VALUE [--group_name SUBVOLUME_GROUP_NAME]


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph fs subvolume metadata set cephfs sub0 test_meta cluster --group_name subgroup0

  2. Optional: Set the custom metadata with a space in the KEY_NAME:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph fs subvolume metadata set cephfs sub0 "test meta" cluster --group_name subgroup0

    This creates another metadata with KEY_NAME as test meta for the VALUE cluster.

  3. Optional: You can also set the same metadata with a different value:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph fs subvolume metadata set cephfs sub0 "test_meta" cluster2 --group_name subgroup0

4.4.2. Getting custom metadata on the file system subvolume

You can get the custom metadata, the key-value pairs, of a Ceph File System (CephFS) in a volume, and optionally, in a specific subvolume group.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • A CephFS volume, subvolume group, and subvolume created.
  • A custom metadata created on the CephFS subvolume.


  • Get the metadata on the CephFS subvolume:


    ceph fs subvolume metadata get VOLUME_NAME SUBVOLUME_NAME KEY_NAME [--group_name SUBVOLUME_GROUP_NAME]


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph fs subvolume metadata get cephfs sub0 test_meta --group_name subgroup0

4.4.3. Listing custom metadata on the file system subvolume

You can list the custom metadata associated with the key of a Ceph File System (CephFS) in a volume, and optionally, in a specific subvolume group.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • A CephFS volume, subvolume group, and subvolume created.
  • A custom metadata created on the CephFS subvolume.


  • List the metadata on the CephFS subvolume:


    ceph fs subvolume metadata ls VOLUME_NAME SUBVOLUME_NAME [--group_name SUBVOLUME_GROUP_NAME]


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph fs subvolume metadata ls cephfs sub0
        "test_meta": "cluster"

4.4.4. Removing custom metadata from the file system subvolume

You can remove the custom metadata, the key-value pairs, of a Ceph File System (CephFS) in a volume, and optionally, in a specific subvolume group.


  • A running Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
  • A CephFS volume, subvolume group, and subvolume created.
  • A custom metadata created on the CephFS subvolume.


  1. Remove the custom metadata on the CephFS subvolume:


    ceph fs subvolume metadata rm VOLUME_NAME SUBVOLUME_NAME KEY_NAME [--group_name SUBVOLUME_GROUP_NAME]


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph fs subvolume metadata rm cephfs sub0 test_meta --group_name subgroup0

  2. List the metadata:


    [ceph: root@host01 /]# ceph fs subvolume metadata ls cephfs sub0

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