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Chapter 8. Recertification requests

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8.1. Recertifying Cloud Instance Type


  1. Log in to Red Hat Certification and click the New Certification button.
  2. Select the Red Hat product, version, and platform for certification and click Next.
  3. State the Vendor, Make, Model (Name and Size), and Architecture of the product to be certified . Provide URL of Cloud Instance Type to be certified and click Next.

After the request is created, monitor the request for questions from the review team.

8.2. Certifying Cloud Instance Type Pass-Through

An Instance Type Pass-Through certification essentially creates a copy of a certified Cloud Instance Type, and lists it in a different vendor name, a different make, or a different model.

Pass-through is used when a vendor sells their Instance Type to a partner who then rebrands it, or if a vendor sells two or more Instance Type Products where one Instance Type Product is a super set of the others. In such situations, the vendor should have tested in the existing Cloud Instance Type Product certification as that covers all the Instances Sizes in the new Pass-Through certification.

After the Cloud Instance Type Product is certified, the Cloud Instance Type Size Pass-Through certification is performed. Each Cloud Instance Type Size individually undergoes Pass-Through certification and is published to catalog.


  1. Log in to the Red Hat Certification Portal.
  2. Click the existing cloud instance certification and select Related Certification.
  3. Click Add Related Certification, and select Pass-through.
  4. Select the appropriate product:

    1. If the product already exists in the list, then select it.
    2. If the product is not in the list, then create a new product.
  5. Click New Certification to create the new pass-through certification.

The Red Hat certification team certifies and publishes the newly created Cloud Instance Type Certification. After the certificate is published, it becomes public for other partners to refer as a pass-through Cloud Instance Type.

8.3. Completing certification

A certification is complete once all the items on the official test plan have been reviewed and found to have passing results. At this point the certification can be closed and published.

After a successful certification, the certified product is listed on Red Hat Certified Cloud Instance Type Page.

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