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Chapter 3. Opening a new certification case by using the Red Hat Certification portal

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  • You have established a certification relationship with Red Hat.
  • You have the user login credentials.
  • You have the vendor and products linked to your user login.


  1. Log in to Red Hat Certification Portal.
  2. On the homepage, click Open Certification.

    A new window will display.

    1. Click Next.
    2. Select the Partner from the drop-down list.
    3. On the Product drop-down list, select your product name.

      If your product does not appear, create it by entering its name in the Product field. Then, select it.

    4. In the What kind of product is this? section, select Hardware.

      Your product might qualify for more than one ecosystem.

    5. Click Next.
    6. Enter the Make.

      The Model appears automatically based on the previous inputs.

    7. Select Cloud Instance Type under Which category best describes your product?
    8. Optional: Enter the Product URL.
    9. Optional: Enter the Support URL.
    10. Optional: Enter the Specification URL.
    11. Click Next.

      A new product gets created based on the inputs you provided in the previous steps.

    12. The Partner Product appears by default based on the inputs in the previous steps.
    13. Select Red Hat Certification from the drop-down list, and click Next.
    14. Review the information you provided and click Open.


A message displays that a new certification case for your product is created.

Next steps

Red Hat will prepare your test plan based on the product specification you provided.

In the meantime, see Chapter 4, Setting up the test environment to prepare the systems for running tests.

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