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Chapter 2. Creating embedded caches

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Data Grid provides an EmbeddedCacheManager API that lets you control both the Cache Manager and embedded cache lifecycles programmatically.

2.1. Adding Data Grid to your project

Add Data Grid to your project to create embedded caches in your applications.


  • Configure your project to get Data Grid artifacts from the Maven repository.


  • Add the infinispan-core artifact as a dependency in your pom.xml as follows:

2.2. Creating and using embedded caches

Data Grid provides a GlobalConfigurationBuilder API that controls the Cache Manager and a ConfigurationBuilder API that configures caches.


  • Add the infinispan-core artifact as a dependency in your pom.xml.


  1. Initialize a CacheManager.


    You must always call the cacheManager.start() method to initialize a CacheManager before you can create caches. Default constructors do this for you but there are overloaded versions of the constructors that do not.

    Cache Managers are also heavyweight objects and Data Grid recommends instantiating only one instance per JVM.

  2. Use the ConfigurationBuilder API to define cache configuration.
  3. Obtain caches with getCache(), createCache(), or getOrCreateCache() methods.

    Data Grid recommends using the getOrCreateCache() method because it either creates a cache on all nodes or returns an existing cache.

  4. If necessary use the PERMANENT flag for caches to survive restarts.
  5. Stop the CacheManager by calling the cacheManager.stop() method to release JVM resources and gracefully shutdown any caches.
// Set up a clustered Cache Manager.
GlobalConfigurationBuilder global = GlobalConfigurationBuilder.defaultClusteredBuilder();
// Initialize the default Cache Manager.
DefaultCacheManager cacheManager = new DefaultCacheManager(;
// Create a distributed cache with synchronous replication.
ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
// Obtain a volatile cache.
Cache<String, String> cache = cacheManager.administration().withFlags(CacheContainerAdmin.AdminFlag.VOLATILE).getOrCreateCache("myCache",;
// Stop the Cache Manager.

getCache() method

Invoke the getCache(String) method to obtain caches, as follows:

Cache<String, String> myCache = manager.getCache("myCache");

The preceding operation creates a cache named myCache, if it does not already exist, and returns it.

Using the getCache() method creates the cache only on the node where you invoke the method. In other words, it performs a local operation that must be invoked on each node across the cluster. Typically, applications deployed across multiple nodes obtain caches during initialization to ensure that caches are symmetric and exist on each node.

createCache() method

Invoke the createCache() method to create caches dynamically across the entire cluster.

Cache<String, String> myCache = manager.administration().createCache("myCache", "myTemplate");

The preceding operation also automatically creates caches on any nodes that subsequently join the cluster.

Caches that you create with the createCache() method are ephemeral by default. If the entire cluster shuts down, the cache is not automatically created again when it restarts.


Use the PERMANENT flag to ensure that caches can survive restarts.

Cache<String, String> myCache = manager.administration().withFlags(AdminFlag.PERMANENT).createCache("myCache", "myTemplate");

For the PERMANENT flag to take effect, you must enable global state and set a configuration storage provider.

For more information about configuration storage providers, see GlobalStateConfigurationBuilder#configurationStorage().

2.3. Cache API

Data Grid provides a Cache interface that exposes simple methods for adding, retrieving and removing entries, including atomic mechanisms exposed by the JDK’s ConcurrentMap interface. Based on the cache mode used, invoking these methods will trigger a number of things to happen, potentially even including replicating an entry to a remote node or looking up an entry from a remote node, or potentially a cache store.

For simple usage, using the Cache API should be no different from using the JDK Map API, and hence migrating from simple in-memory caches based on a Map to Data Grid’s Cache should be trivial.

Performance Concerns of Certain Map Methods

Certain methods exposed in Map have certain performance consequences when used with Data Grid, such as size() , values() , keySet() and entrySet() . Specific methods on the keySet, values and entrySet are fine for use please see their Javadoc for further details.

Attempting to perform these operations globally would have large performance impact as well as become a scalability bottleneck. As such, these methods should only be used for informational or debugging purposes only.

It should be noted that using certain flags with the withFlags() method can mitigate some of these concerns, please check each method’s documentation for more details.

Mortal and Immortal Data

Further to simply storing entries, Data Grid’s cache API allows you to attach mortality information to data. For example, simply using put(key, value) would create an immortal entry, i.e., an entry that lives in the cache forever, until it is removed (or evicted from memory to prevent running out of memory). If, however, you put data in the cache using put(key, value, lifespan, timeunit) , this creates a mortal entry, i.e., an entry that has a fixed lifespan and expires after that lifespan.

In addition to lifespan , Data Grid also supports maxIdle as an additional metric with which to determine expiration. Any combination of lifespans or maxIdles can be used.

putForExternalRead operation

Data Grid’s Cache class contains a different 'put' operation called putForExternalRead . This operation is particularly useful when Data Grid is used as a temporary cache for data that is persisted elsewhere. Under heavy read scenarios, contention in the cache should not delay the real transactions at hand, since caching should just be an optimization and not something that gets in the way.

To achieve this, putForExternalRead() acts as a put call that only operates if the key is not present in the cache, and fails fast and silently if another thread is trying to store the same key at the same time. In this particular scenario, caching data is a way to optimise the system and it’s not desirable that a failure in caching affects the on-going transaction, hence why failure is handled differently. putForExternalRead() is considered to be a fast operation because regardless of whether it’s successful or not, it doesn’t wait for any locks, and so returns to the caller promptly.

To understand how to use this operation, let’s look at basic example. Imagine a cache of Person instances, each keyed by a PersonId , whose data originates in a separate data store. The following code shows the most common pattern of using putForExternalRead within the context of this example:

// Id of the person to look up, provided by the application
PersonId id = ...;

// Get a reference to the cache where person instances will be stored
Cache<PersonId, Person> cache = ...;

// First, check whether the cache contains the person instance
// associated with with the given id
Person cachedPerson = cache.get(id);

if (cachedPerson == null) {
   // The person is not cached yet, so query the data store with the id
   Person person = dataStore.lookup(id);

   // Cache the person along with the id so that future requests can
   // retrieve it from memory rather than going to the data store
   cache.putForExternalRead(id, person);
} else {
   // The person was found in the cache, so return it to the application
   return cachedPerson;

Note that putForExternalRead should never be used as a mechanism to update the cache with a new Person instance originating from application execution (i.e. from a transaction that modifies a Person’s address). When updating cached values, please use the standard put operation, otherwise the possibility of caching corrupt data is likely.

2.3.1. AdvancedCache API

In addition to the simple Cache interface, Data Grid offers an AdvancedCache interface, geared towards extension authors. The AdvancedCache offers the ability to access certain internal components and to apply flags to alter the default behavior of certain cache methods. The following code snippet depicts how an AdvancedCache can be obtained:

AdvancedCache advancedCache = cache.getAdvancedCache(); Flags

Flags are applied to regular cache methods to alter the behavior of certain methods. For a list of all available flags, and their effects, see the Flag enumeration. Flags are applied using AdvancedCache.withFlags() . This builder method can be used to apply any number of flags to a cache invocation, for example:

advancedCache.withFlags(Flag.CACHE_MODE_LOCAL, Flag.SKIP_LOCKING)
   .put("hello", "world");

2.3.2. Asynchronous API

In addition to synchronous API methods like Cache.put() , Cache.remove() , etc., Data Grid also has an asynchronous, non-blocking API where you can achieve the same results in a non-blocking fashion.

These methods are named in a similar fashion to their blocking counterparts, with "Async" appended.  E.g., Cache.putAsync() , Cache.removeAsync() , etc.  These asynchronous counterparts return a CompletableFuture that contains the actual result of the operation.

For example, in a cache parameterized as Cache<String, String>, Cache.put(String key, String value) returns String while Cache.putAsync(String key, String value) returns CompletableFuture<String>. Why use such an API?

Non-blocking APIs are powerful in that they provide all of the guarantees of synchronous communications - with the ability to handle communication failures and exceptions - with the ease of not having to block until a call completes.  This allows you to better harness parallelism in your system.  For example:

Set<CompletableFuture<?>> futures = new HashSet<>();
futures.add(cache.putAsync(key1, value1)); // does not block
futures.add(cache.putAsync(key2, value2)); // does not block
futures.add(cache.putAsync(key3, value3)); // does not block

// the remote calls for the 3 puts will effectively be executed
// in parallel, particularly useful if running in distributed mode
// and the 3 keys would typically be pushed to 3 different nodes
// in the cluster

// check that the puts completed successfully
for (CompletableFuture<?> f: futures) f.get(); Which processes actually happen asynchronously?

There are 4 things in Data Grid that can be considered to be on the critical path of a typical write operation. These are, in order of cost:

  • network calls
  • marshalling
  • writing to a cache store (optional)
  • locking

Using the async methods will take the network calls and marshalling off the critical path.  For various technical reasons, writing to a cache store and acquiring locks, however, still happens in the caller’s thread.

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