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Chapter 13. Using the Red Hat Process Automation Manager installer

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This section describes how to install Business Central and KIE Server using the installer JAR file. The JAR file is an executable file that installs Red Hat Process Automation Manager in an existing Red Hat JBoss EAP 7.4 server installation. You can run the installer in interactive or command line interface (CLI) mode.


Red Hat Decision Manager is a subset of Red Hat Process Automation Manager. You must install Red Hat Process Automation Manager in order to use Red Hat Decision Manager.


The Red Hat Process Automation Manager JAR file installer does not support the Red Hat JBoss EAP distribution installed by yum or RPM Package Manager. If you want to install Red Hat Process Automation Manager in this type of Red Hat JBoss EAP installation, download the Red Hat Process Automation Manager 7.13 Deployable for Red Hat JBoss EAP 7.4 file and follow the steps in Chapter 14, Installing Red Hat Process Automation Manager from ZIP files.


Because IBM JDK cannot use keystores generated on other JDKs, you cannot install Red Hat Process Automation Manager into an existing Red Hat JBoss EAP installation running on IBM JDK with a keystore generated on another JDK.

Next steps:

Follow the instructions in one of the following sections:

13.1. Using the installer in interactive mode

The installer for Red Hat Process Automation Manager is an executable JAR file. You can use it to install Red Hat Process Automation Manager in an existing Red Hat JBoss EAP 7.4 server installation.


Red Hat Decision Manager is a subset of Red Hat Process Automation Manager. You must install Red Hat Process Automation Manager in order to use Red Hat Decision Manager.


For security reasons, you should run the installer as a non-root user.



  1. In a terminal window, navigate to the directory where you downloaded the installer JAR file and enter the following command:

    java -jar rhpam-installer-7.13.5.jar

    When running the installer on Windows, you may be prompted to provide administrator credentials during the installation. To prevent this requirement, add the izpack.mode=privileged option to the installation command:

    java -Dizpack.mode=privileged -jar

    Furthermore, when running the installer on a 32-bit Java virtual machine, you might encounter memory limitations. To prevent this issue, run this command:

    java -XX:MaxHeapSize=4g -jar

    The graphical installer displays a splash screen and a license agreement page.

  2. Click I accept the terms of this license agreement and click Next.
  3. Specify the Red Hat JBoss EAP 7.4 server home where you want to install Red Hat Process Automation Manager and click Next.
  4. Select the components that you want to install and click Next.


    You can install Business Central and KIE Server on the same server. However, you should install Business Central and KIE Server on different servers in production environments. To do this, run the installer twice.

  5. Create a user and click Next. By default, if you install both Business Central and KIE Server in the same container the new user is given the admin, kie-server, and rest-all roles. If you install only KIE Server, the user is given the kie-server role. To select another role, deselect admin. For information about roles, see Chapter 11, Red Hat Decision Manager roles and users.


    Make sure that the specified user name is not the same as an existing user, role, or group. For example, do not create a user with the user name admin.

    The password must have at least eight characters and must contain at least one number and one non-alphanumeric character, but not & (ampersand).

    Make a note of the user name and password. You will need them to access Business Central and KIE Server.

  6. On the Installation Overview page, review the components that you will install and click Next to start the installation.
  7. When the installation has completed, click Next.
  8. When Processing finished appears at the top of the screen, click Next to complete the installation.
  9. Optional: Click Generate Installation Script and Properties File to save the installation data in XML files, and then click Done.

    The installer generates two files. The auto.xml file automates future installations and the auto.xml.variables file stores user passwords and other sensitive variables. Use the auto.xml file to repeat the Red Hat Process Automation Manager installation on multiple systems with the same type of server and the same configuration as the original installation. If necessary, update the installpath parameter in the auto.xml file. To perform an installation using the XML file, enter the following command:

    java -jar rhpam-installer-7.13.5.jar <path-to-auto.xml-file>

You have successfully installed Red Hat Process Automation Manager using the installer.

13.2. Using the installer in CLI mode

You can use the command-line interface (CLI) to run the Red Hat Process Automation Manager installer.


Red Hat Decision Manager is a subset of Red Hat Process Automation Manager. You must install Red Hat Process Automation Manager in order to use Red Hat Decision Manager.


For security reasons, you should run the installer as a non-root user.



  1. In a terminal window, navigate to the directory where you downloaded the installer file and enter the following command:

    java -jar rhpam-installer-7.13.5.jar -console

    The command-line interactive process will start and display the End-User License Agreement.

    press 1 to continue, 2 to quit, 3 to redisplay.
  2. Read the license agreement, enter 1, and press Enter to continue:

    Specify the home directory of one of the following servers:  Red Hat JBoss EAP 7 or Red Hat JBoss Web Server 5. For more information, see[Red Hat Process Automation Manager 7 Supported Configurations].
  3. Enter the parent directory of an existing Red Hat JBoss EAP 7.4 installation.

    The installer will verify the location of the installation at the location provided. Enter 1 to confirm and continue.


    You can install Business Central and KIE Server on the same server. However, you should install Business Central and KIE Server on different servers in production environments.

  4. Follow the instructions in the installer to complete the installation.


    When you create the user name and password, make sure that the specified user name does not conflict with any known title of a role or a group. For example, if there is a role called admin, you should not create a user with the user name admin.

    The password must have at least eight characters and must contain at least one number and one non-alphanumeric character (not including the character &).

    Make a note of the user name and password. You will need them to access Business Central and KIE Server.

  5. When the installation has completed, you will see this message:

    Would you like to generate an automatic installation script and properties file?
  6. Enter y to create XML files that contain the installation data, or n to complete the installation. If you enter y, you are prompted to specify a path for the XML files.
  7. Enter a path or press the Enter key to accept the suggested path.

    The installer generates two files. The auto.xml file automates future installations and the auto.xml.variables file stores user passwords and other sensitive variables. Use the auto.xml file on multiple systems to easily repeat a Red Hat Process Automation Manager installation on the same type of server with the same configuration as the original installation. If necessary, update the installpath parameter in the auto.xml file. To perform an installation using the XML file, enter the following command:

    java -jar rhpam-installer-7.13.5.jar <path-to-auto.xml-file>
  8. If you installed only Business Central, repeat these steps to install KIE Server on a separate server.
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