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Chapter 23. Customizing the branding of Business Central

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You can customize the branding of the Business Central login page and application header by replacing the images with your own.

23.1. Customizing the Business Central login page

You can customize the company logo and the project logo on the Business Central login page.


  1. Start Red Hat JBoss EAP and open Business Central in a web browser.
  2. Copy an SVG format image to the EAP_HOME/standalone/deployments/business-central.war/img/ directory in your Red Hat Decision Manager installation.
  3. In the EAP_HOME/standalone/deployments/business-central.war/img/ directory, either move or rename the existing redhat_logo.png file.
  4. Rename your PNG file redhat_logo.png.
  5. To change the project logo that appears above the User name and Password fields, replace the default image BC_Logo.png with a new SVG file.
  6. Force a full reload of the login page, bypassing the cache, to view the changes. For example, in most Linux and Windows web browsers, press Ctrl+F5.

23.2. Customizing Business Central application header

You can customize the Business Central application header.


  1. Start Red Hat JBoss EAP, open Business Central in a web browser, and log in with your user credentials.
  2. Copy your new application header image in the SVG format to the EAP_HOME/standalone/deployments/business-central.war/banner/ directory in your Red Hat Decision Manager installation.
  3. Open the EAP_HOME/standalone/deployments/business-central.war/banner/banner.html file in a text editor.
  4. Replace logo.png in the <img> tag with the file name of your new image:admin-and-config/

    <img src="banner/logo.png"/>
  5. Force a full reload of the login page, bypassing the cache, to view the changes. For example, in most Linux and Windows web browsers, press Ctrl+F5.
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