
13.3. Optimizing libvirt daemons

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The libvirt virtualization suite works as a management layer for the RHEL hypervisor, and your libvirt configuration significantly impacts your virtualization host. Notably, RHEL 9 contains two different types of libvirt daemons, monolithic or modular, and which type of daemons you use affects how granularly you can configure individual virtualization drivers.

13.3.1. Types of libvirt daemons

RHEL 9 supports the following libvirt daemon types:

Monolithic libvirt

The traditional libvirt daemon, libvirtd, controls a wide variety of virtualization drivers, using a single configuration file - /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf.

As such, libvirtd allows for centralized hypervisor configuration, but may use system resources inefficiently. Therefore, libvirtd will become unsupported in a future major release of RHEL.

However, if you updated to RHEL 9 from RHEL 8, your host still uses libvirtd by default.

Modular libvirt

Newly introduced in RHEL 9, modular libvirt provides a specific daemon for each virtualization driver. These include the following:

  • virtqemud - A primary daemon for hypervisor management
  • virtinterfaced - A secondary daemon for host NIC management
  • virtnetworkd - A secondary daemon for virtual network management
  • virtnodedevd - A secondary daemon for host physical device management
  • virtnwfilterd - A secondary daemon for host firewall management
  • virtsecretd - A secondary daemon for host secret management
  • virtstoraged - A secondary daemon for storage management

Each of the daemons has a separate configuration file - for example /etc/libvirt/virtqemud.conf. As such, modular libvirt daemons provide better options for fine-tuning libvirt resource management.

If you performed a fresh install of RHEL 9, modular libvirt is configured by default.

Prochaines étapes

13.3.2. Enabling modular libvirt daemons

In RHEL 9, the libvirt library uses modular daemons that handle individual virtualization driver sets on your host. For example, the virtqemud daemon handles QEMU drivers.

If you performed a fresh install of a RHEL 9 host, your hypervisor uses modular libvirt daemons by default. However, if you upgraded your host from RHEL 8 to RHEL 9, your hypervisor uses the monolithic libvirtd daemon, which is the default in RHEL 8.

If that is the case, Red Hat recommends enabling the modular libvirt daemons instead, because they provide better options for fine-tuning libvirt resource management. In addition, libvirtd will become unsupported in a future major release of RHEL.

Conditions préalables

  • Your hypervisor is using the monolithic libvirtd service.

    # systemctl is-active libvirtd.service

    If this command displays active, you are using libvirtd.

  • Your virtual machines are shut down.


  1. Stop libvirtd and its sockets.

    # systemctl stop libvirtd.service
    # systemctl stop libvirtd{,-ro,-admin,-tcp,-tls}.socket
  2. Disable libvirtd to prevent it from starting on boot.

    $ systemctl disable libvirtd.service
    $ systemctl disable libvirtd{,-ro,-admin,-tcp,-tls}.socket
  3. Enable the modular libvirt daemons.

    # for drv in qemu interface network nodedev nwfilter secret storage; do systemctl unmask virt${drv}d.service; systemctl unmask virt${drv}d{,-ro,-admin}.socket; systemctl enable virt${drv}d.service; systemctl enable virt${drv}d{,-ro,-admin}.socket; done
  4. Start the sockets for the modular daemons.

    # for drv in qemu network nodedev nwfilter secret storage; do systemctl start virt${drv}d{,-ro,-admin}.socket; done
  5. Optional: If you require connecting to your host from remote hosts, enable and start the virtualization proxy daemon.

    1. Check whether the libvirtd-tls.socket service is enabled on your system.

      # cat /etc/libvirt/libvirt.conf | grep listen_tls
      listen_tls = 0
    2. If libvirtd-tls.socket is not enabled (listen_tls = 0), activate virtproxyd as follows:

      # systemctl unmask virtproxyd.service
      # systemctl unmask virtproxyd{,-ro,-admin}.socket
      # systemctl enable virtproxyd.service
      # systemctl enable virtproxyd{,-ro,-admin}.socket
      # systemctl start virtproxyd{,-ro,-admin}.socket
    3. If libvirtd-tls.socket is enabled (listen_tls = 1), activate virtproxyd as follows:

      # systemctl unmask virtproxyd.service
      # systemctl unmask virtproxyd{,-ro,-admin,-tls}.socket
      # systemctl enable virtproxyd.service
      # systemctl enable virtproxyd{,-ro,-admin,-tls}.socket
      # systemctl start virtproxyd{,-ro,-admin,-tls}.socket

      To enable the TLS socket of virtproxyd, your host must have TLS certificates configured to work with libvirt. For more information, see the Upstream libvirt documentation.


  1. Activate the enabled virtualization daemons.

    # virsh uri
  2. Verify that your host is using the virtqemud modular daemon.

    # systemctl is-active virtqemud.service

    If the status is active, you have successfully enabled modular libvirt daemons.

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