
8.2. Tuning the config timeout for the ipa-extdom plugin on IdM servers

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IdM clients cannot receive information about users and groups from Active Directory (AD) directly, so IdM servers use the ipa-extdom plugin to receive information about AD users and groups, and that information is forwarded to the requesting client.

The ipa-extdom plug-in sends a request to SSSD for the data about AD users. If the information is not in the SSSD cache, SSSD requests the data from an AD domain controller (DC). You can adjust the config timeout value, which defines how long the ipa-extdom plug-in waits for a reply from SSSD before the plug-in cancels the connection and returns a timeout error to the caller. The default value is 10000 milliseconds (10 seconds).

The following example adjusts the config timeout to 20 seconds (20000 milliseconds).


Exercise caution when adjusting the config timeout:

  • If you set a value that is too small, such as 500 milliseconds, SSSD might not have enough time to reply and requests will always return a timeout.
  • If you set a value that is too large, such as 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds), a single request might block the connection to SSSD for this amount of time. Because only one thread can connect to SSSD at a time, all other requests from the plug-in have to wait.
  • If there are many requests sent by IdM clients, they can block all available workers configured for the Directory Server on the IdM server. As a consequence, the server might not be able to reply to any kind of request for some time.

Only change the config timeout in the following situations:

  • If IdM clients frequently receive timeout errors before their own search timeout is reached when requesting information about AD users and groups, the config timeout value is too small.
  • If the Directory Server on the IdM server is often locked and the pstack utility reports that many or all worker threads are handling ipa-extdom requests at this time, the value is too large.

Conditions préalables

  • Le mot de passe du gestionnaire de répertoire LDAP


  • Use the following command to adjust the config timeout to 20000 milliseconds:

    # ldapmodify -D "cn=directory manager" -W
    dn: cn=ipa_extdom_extop,cn=plugins,cn=config
    changetype: modify
    replace: ipaExtdomMaxNssTimeout
    ipaExtdomMaxNssTimeout: 20000
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