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Chapter 2. Completing post-installation tasks

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This section describes how to complete the following post-installation tasks.

2.1. Registering your host

This section explains how to register your RHEL server to Red Hat Satellite.


Different steps apply if your system is registered to the Red Hat Customer Portal or your Cloud provider.


  • You have a valid Red Hat Enterprise Linux for SAP Solutions subscription.

    You must have a valid RHEL for SAP Solutions subscription so your server has access to required packages via a Red Hat Satellite server, the Red Hat Customer Portal, or your Cloud provider.

  • You have the following information provided to you by your Satellite administrator:

    • An activation key.
    • A string representing the name of the organization.
    • A URL for the Katello client package.

      This is required for attaching your server to a Satellite server.

  • Your server meets the hardware requirements or Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) configurations.

    For bare metal deployment, verify that your server type is mentioned in the SAP Certified and Supported SAP HANA Hardware Directory and that it matches the minimum hardware requirements in the SAP HANA Server Installation and Update Guide.

    For certified IaaS Platforms, see the Certified IaaS Platforms on the SAP Certified and Supported SAP HANA Hardware Directory.

  • System administrator access.


  1. Download the Katello client rpm package:

    # wget

    Replace the URL with the URL provided by your Satellite administrator.

  2. Install the Katello client rpm package:

    # dnf install -y katello-ca-consumer-latest.noarch.rpm

    Replace the package name with the name of the package you downloaded.

  3. Register your system:

    # subscription-manager register --org="your-organization-name" \

    Replace your-organization-name with the string representing the name of the organization and replace your-activation-key with the activation key. Both are provided by your Satellite administrator.

2.2. Applying the RHEL release lock

SAP supports SAP HANA with certain minor RHEL releases, for example RHEL 9.0. For more information on which minor RHEL 9 releases are supported by SAP, see the SAP note 2235581.

Before performing any software installation on the system, it is important that you set the RHEL release lock so that the system remains on the correct RHEL minor release even when doing package updates. Otherwise, the system might be updated to a RHEL release which is not supported by SAP.


  • System administrator access


  1. Clear the dnf cache:

    # rm -rf /var/cache/dnf
  2. Set the release lock:

    # subscription-manager release --set=9.x

    Replace 9.x with the supported minor release of RHEL 9 (for example 9.0).

2.3. Enabling required repositories

You need to enable certain RHEL repositories to have access to packages required for the SAP HANA installation. For more information on which repositories to enable, see RHEL for SAP Repositories and How to Enable Them.


  • System administrator access


  • Disable all repositories and enable the required ones:

    # subscription-manager repos \
    --disable="*" \
    --enable="rhel-9-for-$(uname -m)-baseos-e4s-rpms" \
    --enable="rhel-9-for-$(uname -m)-appstream-e4s-rpms" \
    --enable="rhel-9-for-$(uname -m)-sap-solutions-e4s-rpms" \
    --enable="rhel-9-for-$(uname -m)-sap-netweaver-e4s-rpms"

    If you intend to use the server for the SAP HANA database only, enabling the sap-netweaver-e4s-rpms repository is not required.

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