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@Consumes, Custom readers
@Context, Context annotation, Overview
@CookieParam, Injecting information from a cookie
@DataBinding, Specifying the Data Binding
@DefaultValue, Specifying a default value to inject
@DELETE, Specifying HTTP verbs
@Encoded, Disabling URI decoding
@EndpointProperties, @EndpointProperties annotation
@EndpointProperty, @EndpointProperty annotation
@FastInfoset, @FastInfoset
@FormParam, Injecting data from HTML forms
@GET, Specifying HTTP verbs
@GZIP, @GZIP annotation
@HandlerChain, The @HandlerChain annotation
@HEAD, Specifying HTTP verbs
@HeaderParam, Injecting information from the HTTP headers
@InFaultInterceptors, The annotations
@InInterceptors, The annotations
@Logging, Enable Logging on an Endpoint
@MatrixParam, Using matrix parameters
@Oneway, The @Oneway annotation
@OutFaultInterceptors, The annotations
@OutInterceptors, The annotations
@Path, Setting the path, Requirements, Specifying a sub-resource
@PathParam, Getting data from the URI's path
@Policies, @Policies annotation
@Policy, @Policy annotation
@POST, Specifying HTTP verbs
@PostConstruct, Order of initialization
@PreDestroy, Releasing a Handler
@Produces, Custom writers
@Provider, Implementing an exception mapper, Custom readers, Custom writers
@PUT, Specifying HTTP verbs
@QueryParam, Using query parameters
@RequestWrapper, The @RequestWrapper annotation
className property, The @RequestWrapper annotation
localName property, The @RequestWrapper annotation
targetNamespace property, The @RequestWrapper annotation
@Resource, Coding the provider implementation, Obtaining a context, Order of initialization
@ResponseWrapper, The @ResponseWrapper annotation
className property, The @ResponseWrapper annotation
localName property, The @ResponseWrapper annotation
targetNamespace property, The @ResponseWrapper annotation
@SchemaValidation, Schema Validation of Messages
@ServiceMode, Message mode, Payload mode
@SOAPBinding, The @SOAPBinding annotation
parameterStyle property, The @SOAPBinding annotation
style property, The @SOAPBinding annotation
use property, The @SOAPBinding annotation
@WebFault, The @WebFault annotation
faultName property, The @WebFault annotation
name property, The @WebFault annotation
targetNamespace property, The @WebFault annotation
@WebMethod, The @WebMethod annotation, Obtaining a context
action property, The @WebMethod annotation
exclude property, The @WebMethod annotation
operationName property, The @WebMethod annotation
@WebParam, The @WebParam annotation
header property, The @WebParam annotation
mode property, The @WebParam annotation
name property, The @WebParam annotation
partName property, The @WebParam annotation
targetNamespace property, The @WebParam annotation
@WebResult, The @WebResult annotation
header property, The @WebResult annotation
name property, The @WebResult annotation
partName property, The @WebResult annotation
targetNamespace property, The @WebResult annotation
@WebService, The @WebService annotation
endpointInterface property, The @WebService annotation
name property, The @WebService annotation
portName property, The @WebService annotation
serviceName property, The @WebService annotation
targetNamespace property, The @WebService annotation
wsdlLocation property, The @WebService annotation
@WebServiceProvider, The @WebServiceProvider annotation
@WSDLDocumentation, @WSDLDocumentation annotation
@WSDLDocumentationCollection, @WSDLDocumentationCollection annotation
@XmlAnyElement, Mapping to Java
@XmlAttribute, Mapping attributes to Java
@XmlElement, Mapping to Java, Mapping to Java, Mapping to Java
required property, minOccurs set to 0
type property, What is generated, Specializing or generalizing the default mapping
defaultValue, Java mapping of elements with a default value
substitutionHeadName, Generated object factory methods
substitutionHeadNamespace, Generated object factory methods
@XmlElements, Mapping to Java, Mapping to Java
@XmlEnum, Mapping to Java
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter, What is generated
@XmlRootElement, Java mapping of elements with an in-line type
@XmlSchemaType, What is generated
@XmlSeeAlso, Using the @XmlSeeAlso annotation, Mapping to Java, Substitution groups in interfaces
@XmlType, Mapping to Java, Mapping to Java, Mapping to Java


AbstractPhaseInterceptor, Abstract interceptor class
addAfter(), Add to the chain after
addBefore(), Add to the chain before
constructor, Setting the phase
AcknowledgementInterval, Acknowledgement interval
all element, Complex type varieties
@Consumes (see @Consumes)
@Context (see @Context)
@CookieParam (see @CookieParam)
@DataBinding (see @DataBinding)
@DefaultValue (see @DefaultValue)
@Encoded (see @Encoded)
@EndpointProperties (see @EndpointProperties)
@EndpointProperty (see @EndpointProperty)
@FastInfoset (see @FastInfoset)
@FormParam (see @FormParam)
@GET (see @GET)
@GZIP (see @GZIP)
@HandlerChain (see @HandlerChain)
@HEAD (see @HEAD)
@HeaderParam (see @HeaderParam)
@Logging (see @Logging)
@MatrixParam (see @MatrixParam)
@Oneway (see @Oneway)
@Path (see @Path)
@PathParam (see @PathParam)
@Policies (see @Policies)
@Policy (see @Policy)
@POST (see @POST)
@PostConstruct (see @PostConstruct)
@PreDestroy (see @PreDestroy)
@Produces (see @Produces)
@Provider (see @Provider)
@PUT (see @PUT)
@QueryParam (see @QueryParam)
@RequestWrapper (see @RequestWrapper)
@Resource (see @Resource)
@ResponseWrapper (see @ResponseWrapper)
@SchemaValidation (see @SchemaValidation)
@ServiceMode (see @ServiceMode)
@SOAPBinding (see @SOAPBinding)
@WebFault (see @WebFault)
@WebMethod (see @WebMethod)
@WebParam (see @WebParam)
@WebResult (see @WebResult)
@WebService (see @WebService)
@WebServiceProvider (see @WebServiceProvider)
@WSDLDocumentation (see @WSDLDocumentation)
@WSDLDocumentationCollection (see @WSDLDocumentationCollection)
@XmlAttribute (see @XmlAttribute)
@XmlElement (see @XmlElement)
@XmlElementDecl (see @XmlElementDecl)
@XmlEnum (see @XmlEnum)
@XmlJavaTypeAdapter (see @XmlJavaTypeAdapter)
@XmlRootElement (see @XmlRootElement)
@XmlSchemaType (see @XmlSchemaType)
@XmlType (see @XmlType)
inheritance, Annotation Inheritance
any element, Specifying in XML Schema
anyAttribute, Defining in XML Schema
anyType, Using in XML Schema
mapping to Java, Mapping to Java
application source, How WS-RM works
asynchronous applications
callback approach, Types of Asynchronous Invocation
callback approach, Implementing an Asynchronous Client with the Callback Approach, Asynchronous invocation
polling approach, Implementing an Asynchronous Client with the Polling Approach, Asynchronous invocation
polling approach, Types of Asynchronous Invocation
implementation patterns, Overview
using a Dispatch object, Asynchronous invocation
asynchronous methods, Generated interface
callback approach, Generated interface
pooling approach, Generated interface
AtLeastOnce, Message delivery assurance policies
AtMostOnce, Message delivery assurance policies
attribute element, Defining attributes
name attribute, Defining attributes
type attribute, Defining attributes
use attribute, Defining attributes
optional, Wrapper classes


CacheControl, Setting cache control directives
cacheControl(), Setting cache control directives
choice element, Complex type varieties
close(), Implementation of handlers
code generation
consumer, Generating the consumer code
customization, Generating the Stub Code
service provider, Running the code generator
service provider implementation, Generating the implementation code
WSDL contract, Generating WSDL
code generator, Generating a Server Mainline
complex types
all type, Complex type varieties
choice type, Complex type varieties
elements, Defining the parts of a structure
occurrence constraints, Defining the parts of a structure
sequence type, Complex type varieties
complexType element, Defining data structures
concrete part, The concrete part
HTTP consumer connection properties, The client element
HTTP consumer endpoint, Using Configuration
HTTP service provider connection properties, The server element
HTTP service provider endpoint, Using Configuration
HTTP thread pool, Configuring the thread pool, Configuring the thread pool
inbound fault interceptors, Configuration elements, The annotations
inbound interceptors, Configuration elements, The annotations
Jetty engine, The engine-factory element
Jetty instance, The engine element
Netty engine, The engine-factory element
Netty instance, The engine element
outbound fault interceptors, Configuration elements, The annotations
outbound interceptors, Configuration elements, The annotations
constants, Customizing Fixed Value Attribute Mapping
implementing business logic, Implementing the Consumer's Business Logic, Consumer main function
consumer contexts, Working with Contexts in a Consumer Implementation
consumer, Overview
WebServiceContext (see WebServiceContext)
ContextResolver<T>, Adding contexts
contract resolver
implementing, Implementing the contract resolver
registering, Registering the contract resolver programmatically
cookie(), Adding a cookie
cookies, Injecting information from a cookie
createDispatch(), Creating a Dispatch object
CreateSequence, How WS-RM works
CreateSequenceResponse, How WS-RM works
cxf-codegen-plugin, Running the code generator, Generating the implementation code, Generating the Stub Code, Generating a Server Mainline


DataSource, Using DataSource objects, Using DataSource objects
DatatypeConverter, Implementing converters
definitions element, WSDL elements
Dispatch object
creating, Creating a Dispatch object
invoke() method, Synchronous invocation
invokeAsync() method, Asynchronous invocation
invokeOneWay() method, Oneway invocation
message mode, Message mode
message payload mode, Payload mode
payload mode, Payload mode
DOMSource, Using Source objects, Using Source objects
driverClassName, Configuring WS-persistence


element, XML Schema mapping
element element, Defining the parts of a structure
maxOccurs attribute, Defining the parts of a structure
minOccurrs attribute, Defining the parts of a structure
name attribute, Defining the parts of a structure
type attribute, Defining the parts of a structure
custom mapping, Customizing Fixed Value Attribute Mapping
mapping to Java
in-line type definition, Java mapping of elements with an in-line type
named type definition, Java mapping of elements with a named type
XML Schema definition, XML Schema mapping
adding to a Service object, Adding a Port to a Service
determining the address, The addPort() method
determining the binding type, The addPort() method
determining the port name, The addPort() method
getting, Getting a Proxy for an Endpoint, Generated service class, Instantiating an service provider
create(), Instantiating an service provider
creating, Instantiating an service provider
publish(), Instantiating an service provider, Publishing a service provider
stop, Stopping a published service provider
entity parameter, Parameters
custom mapping, Customizing Enumeration Mapping
defining in schema, Defining an enumerated type in XML Schema
ExceptionMapper<E>, Implementing an exception mapper
getInFaultMessage(), Determining the message's direction
getInMessage(), Determining the message's direction
getOutFaultMessage(), Determining the message's direction
getOutMessage(), Determining the message's direction
ExecutionException, Catching the exception
ExponentialBackoff, Exponential backoff for retransmission
Export-Package, Specifying exported packages


generated code
asynchronous operations, Generated interface
consumer, Generated code
packages, Generated packages, Generated code
server mainline, Generating a Server Mainline
service implementation, Generated code
service provider, Generated code
stub code, Generated code
WSDL contract, Generating WSDL
GenericEntity<T>, Returning entities with generic type information
getRequestContext(), Obtaining a context
getResponseContext(), Obtaining a context
fixedAttributeAsConstantProperty attribute, Global customization
mapSimpleTypeDef, Supporting lossless type substitution
mapSimpleTypeDef attribute, Adding the customization
typesafeEnumMemberName attribute, Member name customizer


handleFault(), Implementation of handlers, Unwinding after an error
handleMessage(), Implementation of handlers, Processing messages
handler, Handler configuration file
handler-chain, Handler configuration file
handler-chains, Handler configuration file
handler-class, Handler configuration file
handler-name, Handler configuration file
handleResponse(), Implementing the callback
constructor, Order of initialization
initializing, Order of initialization
logical, Handler types
protocol, Handler types
header(), Adding custom headers
high availability
client configuration, Add the clustering feature to your client configuration
configuring random strategy, Configuring a random strategy
configuring static failover, Overview
enabling static failover, Overview
static failover, HA with static failover
HTML forms, Injecting data from HTML forms
DELETE, Specifying HTTP verbs
endpoint address, Adding a Basic HTTP Endpoint
GET, Specifying HTTP verbs
HEAD, Specifying HTTP verbs
POST, Specifying HTTP verbs
PUT, Specifying HTTP verbs
HTTP headers, Injecting information from the HTTP headers, Types of contexts
http-conf:authorization, The conduit element
http-conf:basicAuthSupplier, The conduit element
http-conf:client, The client element
Accept, The client element
AcceptEncoding, The client element
AcceptLanguage, The client element
AllowChunking, The client element
AutoRedirect, The client element
BrowserType, The client element
CacheControl, The client element, Consumer Cache Control Directives
Connection, The client element
ConnectionTimeout, The client element
ContentType, The client element
Cookie, The client element
DecoupledEndpoint, The client element, Configuring the consumer
Host, The client element
MaxRetransmits, The client element
ProxyServer, The client element
ProxyServerPort, The client element
ProxyServerType, The client element
ReceiveTimeout, The client element
Referer, The client element
http-conf:conduit, The conduit element
name attribute, The conduit element
http-conf:contextMatchStrategy, The destination element
http-conf:destination, The destination element
name attribute, The destination element
http-conf:fixedParameterOrder, The destination element
http-conf:proxyAuthorization, The conduit element
http-conf:server, The destination element, The server element
CacheControl, The server element, Service Provider Cache Control Directives
ContentEncoding, The server element
ContentLocation, The server element
ContentType, The server element
HonorKeepAlive, The server element
ReceiveTimeout, The server element
RedirectURL, The server element
ServerType, The server element
SuppressClientReceiveErrors, The server element
SuppressClientSendErrors, The server element
http-conf:tlsClientParameters, The conduit element
http-conf:trustDecider, The conduit element
http:address, Other messages types
HttpHeaders, Types of contexts
httpj:engine, The engine element
httpj:engine-factory, The engine-factory element
httpj:identifiedThreadingParameters, The engine-factory element, Configuring the thread pool
httpj:identifiedTLSServerParameters, The engine-factory element
httpj:threadingParameters, The engine element, Configuring the thread pool
maxThreads, Configuring the thread pool
minThreads, Configuring the thread pool
httpj:threadingParametersRef, The engine element
httpj:tlsServerParameters, The engine element
httpj:tlsServerParametersRef, The engine element
httpn:engine, The engine element
httpn:engine-factory, The engine-factory element
httpn:identifiedThreadingParameters, The engine-factory element, Configuring the thread pool
httpn:identifiedTLSServerParameters, The engine-factory element
httpn:threadingParameters, The engine element, Configuring the thread pool
httpn:threadingParametersRef, The engine element
httpn:tlsServerParameters, The engine element
httpn:tlsServerParametersRef, The engine element


java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException, Catching the exception
java2ws, Generating WSDL
javaType, Syntax, Usage with javaType
parseMethod attribute, Specifying the converters
printMethod attribute, Specifying the converters, Implementing the callback (see Service object), Runtime Faults
jaxb:bindings, Using an external binding declaration
jaxb:property, Customization usage
JAXBContext, Using A JAXBContext Object
newInstance(Class...), Getting a JAXBContext object using an object factory
newInstance(String), Getting a JAXBContext object using package names
jaxws:binding, Elements, Adding functionality
abstract, Basic Configuration Properties
address, Basic Configuration Properties
bindingId, Basic Configuration Properties
bus, Basic Configuration Properties
createdFromAPI, Basic Configuration Properties
depends-on, Basic Configuration Properties
endpointName, Basic Configuration Properties
name, Basic Configuration Properties
password, Basic Configuration Properties
serviceClass, Basic Configuration Properties
serviceName, Basic Configuration Properties
username, Basic Configuration Properties
wsdlLocation, Basic Configuration Properties, Configuring the proxy
jaxws:conduitSelector, Adding functionality
jaxws:dataBinding, Elements, Adding functionality
abstract, Attributes
address, Attributes
bindingUri, Attributes
bus, Attributes
createdFromAPI, Attributes
depends-on, Attributes
endpointName, Attributes
id, Attributes
implementor, Attributes
implementorClass, Attributes
name, Attributes
publish, Attributes
publishedEndpointUrl, Attributes
serviceName, Attributes
wsdlLocation, Attributes
jaxws:exector, Elements
jaxws:features, Elements, Adding functionality
jaxws:handlers, Elements, Adding functionality, The handlers element
jaxws:inFaultInterceptors, Elements, Adding functionality
jaxws:inInterceptors, Elements, Adding functionality
jaxws:invoker, Elements
jaxws:outFaultInterceptors, Elements, Adding functionality
jaxws:outInterceptors, Elements, Adding functionality
jaxws:properties, Elements, Adding functionality
abstract, Attributes
address, Attributes
bindingId, Attributes
bus, Attributes
createdFromAPI, Attributes
depends-on, Attributes
endpointName, Attributes
id, Attributes
name, Attributes
publish, Attributes
serviceBean, Attributes
serviceClass, Attributes
serviceName, Attributes
wsdlLocation, Attributes
jaxws:serviceFactory, Elements
JaxWsProxyFactoryBean, Consuming a service
JaxWsServerFactoryBean, Publishing a service
getting JMS message headers in a service, Getting the JMS Message Headers in a Service
getting optional header properties, Optional Header Properties
inspecting message header properties, Inspecting JMS Message Headers
setting message header properties, JMS Header Properties
setting optional message header properties, Optional JMS Header Properties
setting the client's timeout, Client Receive Timeout
specifying the message type, Specifying the message type
JMS destination
specifying, Specifying the JMS address
jms:address, Specifying the JMS address
connectionPassword attribute, Specifying the JMS address
connectionUserName attribute, Specifying the JMS address
destinationStyle attribute, Specifying the JMS address
jmsDestinationName attribute, Specifying the JMS address
jmsiReplyDestinationName attribute, Using a Named Reply Destination
jmsReplyDestinationName attribute, Specifying the JMS address
jndiConnectionFactoryName attribute, Specifying the JMS address
jndiDestinationName attribute, Specifying the JMS address
jndiReplyDestinationName attribute, Specifying the JMS address, Using a Named Reply Destination
jms:client, Specifying the message type
messageType attribute, Specifying the message type
jms:JMSNamingProperties, Specifying JNDI properties
jms:server, Specifying the configuration
durableSubscriberName, Specifying the configuration
messageSelector, Specifying the configuration
transactional, Specifying the configuration
useMessageIDAsCorrealationID, Specifying the configuration
JMSConfiguration, Specifying the configuration
specifying the connection factory, Specifying the JMS address


list type
XML Schema definition, Defining list types in XML Schema
logical handler, Handler types
logical part, The logical part
handleFault(), Handling Fault Messages
handleMessage(), Handling Messages in a Logical Handler
close(), Closing a Handler
LogicalMessage, Getting the message data
LogicalMessageContext, Overview of contexts in handlers
getMessage(), Getting the message data


matrix parameters, Using matrix parameters
Maven archetypes, Useful Maven archetypes
Maven tooling
adding the bundle plug-in, Adding a bundle plug-in
maxLength, Maximum length of an RM sequence
maxUnacknowledged, Maximum unacknowledged messages threshold
getAttachments(), Getting the message contents
getContent(), Getting the message contents
getExchange(), Determining the message's direction
getInterceptorChain(), Getting the interceptor chain
message context
getting a property, Reading a property from a context
properties, How properties are stored in a context, Property scopes
property scopes
APPLICATION, Property scopes
HANDLER, Property scopes
reading values, Reading a property from a context
consumer, Setting JMS Properties
consumer, Overview, Getting JMS Message Header Properties in a Consumer
setting a property, Setting properties in a context
setting properties, Setting properties in a context
message element, WSDL elements, Overview
MessageBodyReader, Custom readers
MessageBodyWriter, Custom writers
MessageContext, Obtaining a context
get() method, Reading a property from a context
put() method, Setting properties in a context
setScope() method, Property scopes
MessageContext.MESSAGE_OUTBOUND_PROPERTY, Determining the direction of the message, Determining the direction of the message
mime:content, Describing a MIME multipart message
part, Describing a MIME multipart message
type, Describing a MIME multipart message
mime:multipartRelated, Changing the message binding
mime:part, Changing the message binding, Describing a MIME multipart message
name attribute, Describing a MIME multipart message
MTOM, Overview of MTOM
configuration, Using configuration
consumer, Consumer
service provider, Service provider
Java first, Java first
WSDL first, WSDL first


named reply destination
specifying in WSDL, Specifying the JMS address
using, Using a Named Reply Destination
package name mapping, Package naming
NewCookie, Adding a cookie
nillable, Wrapper classes
noContent(), Creating responses for successful requests
notAcceptable(), Creating responses to signal errors
notModified(), Creating responses for redirection


object factory
creating complex type instances, Complex type factory methods
creating element instances, Element factory methods
complex type factory, Complex type factory methods
element factory, Element factory methods
ok(), Creating responses for successful requests
operation element, WSDL elements
org.apache.cxf.Phase, Specifying a phase
outFaultInterceptors, Configuration elements
outInterceptors, Configuration elements


package name mapping, Generated packages
parameter constraints, Parameters
parameter mapping, Service endpoint interface
part element, Overview, Message parts
element attribute, Message parts
name attribute, Message parts
type attribute, Message parts
passWord, Configuring WS-persistence
PathSegment, Getting the path
PhaseInterceptor, Interfaces
definition, Phases
inbound, Inbound phases
outbound, Outbound phases
setting, Setting the phase
port element, WSDL elements
port-name-pattern, Handler configuration file
portType element, WSDL elements, Port types
primitive types, Mappings
Private-Package, Specifying private packages
fixedAttributeAsConstantProperty attribute, Local mapping
protocol handler, Handler types
protocol-binding, Handler configuration file
invoke() method, Implementing the invoke() method
message mode, Message mode
payload mode, Payload mode


query parameters, Using query parameters


SAXSource, Using Source objects, Using Source objects
schema validation, Enforcing facets
SecurityContext, Types of contexts
seeOther(), Creating responses for redirection
SEI, Creating the SEI, Generated code, Service endpoint interface
annotating, Overview of JAX-WS Annotations
creating, Writing the interface
creation patterns, Overview
generated from WSDL contract, Generated code
relationship to wsdl:portType, Writing the interface, Service endpoint interface
required annotations, Annotating the SEI
Sequence, How WS-RM works
sequence element, Complex type varieties
SequenceAcknowledgment, How WS-RM works
serverError(), Creating responses to signal errors
implementing the operations, Implement the operation's logic
service element, WSDL elements
service enablement, Overview
service endpoint interface (see SEI)
service implementation, Generated code, Implementing a Provider Object
operations, Implementing the interface
required annotations, Annotating the service implementation
Service object, Creating a Service Object
adding an endpoint, Adding a Port to a Service
determining the port name, The addPort() method
addPort() method, Adding a Port to a Service
bindingId parameter, The addPort() method
endpointAddress parameter, The addPort() method
portName parameter, The addPort() method
create() method, The create() methods
serviceName parameter, The create() methods
createDispatch() method, Creating a Dispatch object
creating, The create() methods, Generated service class
determining the service name, The create() methods
generated from a WSDL contract, Generated code
generated methods, Generated service class
getPort() method, The getPort() method
portName parameter, The getPort() method
getting a service proxy, Getting a Proxy for an Endpoint
relationship to wsdl:service element, Creating a Service Object, Generated code
service provider
implementation, Implementing a Provider Object
publishing, Publishing a service provider
service provider implementation
generating, Generating the implementation code
service providers contexts, Working with Contexts in a Service Implementation
service proxy
getting, Getting a Proxy for an Endpoint, Generated service class, Consumer main function
service-name-pattern, Handler configuration file
Service.Mode.MESSAGE, Message mode, Message mode
Service.Mode.PAYLOAD, Payload mode, Payload mode
ServiceContractResolver, Implementing the contract resolver
simple type
define by restriction, Defining a simple type in XML Schema
simple types
enumerations, Defining an enumerated type in XML Schema
mapping to Java, Mapping to Java
primitive, Mappings
wrapper classes, Wrapper classes
SOAP 1.1
endpoint address, SOAP 1.1
SOAP 1.2
endpoint address, SOAP 1.2
SOAP headers
mustUnderstand, Implementing the getHeaders() method
SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism, Overview of MTOM
consuming, Consuming a service
publishing, Publishing a service
soap12:address, SOAP 1.2
parts, Splitting messages between body and header
soap12:header, Overview
encodingStyle, Syntax
message, Syntax
namespace, Syntax
part, Syntax
use, Syntax
soap:address, SOAP 1.1
parts, Splitting messages between body and header
soap:header, Overview
encodingStyle, Syntax
message, Syntax
namespace, Syntax
part, Syntax
use, Syntax
getHeaders(), Implementing the getHeaders() method
handleFault(), Handling Fault Messages
handleMessage(), Handling Messages in a SOAP Handler
close(), Closing a Handler
SOAPMessage, Using SOAPMessage objects, Using SOAPMessage objects, Working with the message body
get(), Working with context properties
getMessage(), Working with the message body
Source, Using Source objects, Using Source objects
static failover, HA with static failover
configuring, Overview
enabling, Overview
status(), Setting the response status
StreamSource, Using Source objects, Using Source objects
sub-resource locator, Sub-resource locators
sub-resource method, Sub-resource methods
substitution group
in complex types, Substitution groups in complex types
in interfaces, Substitution groups in interfaces
object factory, Generated object factory methods


temporaryRedirect(), Creating responses for redirection
type customization
external declaration, Using an external binding declaration
in-line, Using in-line customization
JAXB version, Version declaration
namespace, Namespace
type packages
contents, Package contents
name generation, Package naming
types element, WSDL elements
typesafeEnumClass, Class customizer
typesafeEnumMember, Member customizer


WebApplicationException, Using WebApplicationException exceptions to report errors
getMessageContext() method, Obtaining a context
getting the JMS message headers, Getting the JMS Message Headers in a Service
WebServiceException, Runtime Faults
wrapped document style, Message design for SOAP services
using, Configuring an endpoint to use WS-Addressing
AcknowledgementInterval, Acknowledgement interval
AtLeastOnce, Message delivery assurance policies
AtMostOnce, Message delivery assurance policies
BaseRetransmissionInterval, Base retransmission interval
configuring, Configuring WS-RM
destination, How WS-RM works
driverClassName, Configuring WS-persistence
enabling, Enabling WS-RM
ExponentialBackoff, Exponential backoff for retransmission
externaL attachment, External attachment
initial sender, How WS-RM works
InOrder, Message delivery assurance policies
interceptors, Apache CXF WS-RM Interceptors
maxLength, Maximum length of an RM sequence
maxUnacknowledged, Maximum unacknowledged messages threshold
passWord, Configuring WS-persistence
rmManager, Children of the rmManager Spring bean
source, How WS-RM works
ultimate receiver, How WS-RM works
url, Configuring WS-persistence
userName, Configuring WS-persistence
wsam:Addressing, Configuring an endpoint to use WS-Addressing
binding element, The WSDL elements
name attribute, The WSDL elements
port element, The WSDL elements
binding attribute, The WSDL elements
service element, The WSDL elements
name attribute, The WSDL elements
WSDL contract
generation, Generating WSDL
WSDL design
RPC style, Message design for integrating with legacy systems
wrapped document style, Message design for SOAP services
WSDL extensors
jms:address (see jms:address)
jms:client (see jms:client)
jms:JMSNamingProperties (see jms:JMSNamingProperties)
jms:server (see jms:server)
wsdl2soap, Using wsdl2soap, Using wsdl2soap
wsdl:documentation, WSDL Documentation
wsdl:portType, Writing the interface, Generated code, Service endpoint interface
wsdl:service, Creating a Service Object, Generated code
wsrm:AcksTo, How WS-RM works
wswa:UsingAddressing, Configuring an endpoint to use WS-Addressing


xformat:binding, Hand editing
rootNode, Hand editing
xformat:body, Hand editing
rootNode, Hand editing
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