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2.3. Launching Red Hat Gluster Storage Instances

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This section describes how to launch Red Hat Gluster Storage instances on Amazon Web Services.
The supported configuration for three-way replication is up to 24 Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes of equal size.
Table 2.1. Supported Configuration on Amazon Web Services
EBS Volume Type Minimum Number of Volumes per Instance Maximum Number of Volumes per Instance EBS Volume Capacity Range
Magnetic 1 24 1 GiB - 1 TiB
General purpose SSD 1 24 1 GiB - 16 TiB
PIOPS SSD 1 24 4 GiB - 16 TiB
Optimized HDD (ST1) 1 24 500 GiB – 16 TiB
Cold HDD (SC1) 1 24 500 GiB – 16 TiB
  • Creation of Red Hat Gluster Storage volume snapshots is supported on magnetic, general purpose SSD and PIOPS EBS volumes. You can also browse the snapshot content using USS. For information on managing Red Hat Gluster Storage volume snapshots see chapter Managing Snapshotsin theRed Hat Gluster Storage Administration Guide
  • Warning

    Tiering is considered deprecated as of Red Hat Gluster Storage 3.5. Red Hat no longer recommends its use and does not support tiering in new deployments and existing deployments that upgrade to Red Hat Gluster Storage 3.5.3.


    Gluster-NFS is considered deprecated as of Red Hat Gluster Storage 3.5. Red Hat no longer recommends the use of Gluster-NFS and does not support its use in new deployments and existing deployments that upgrade to Red Hat Gluster Storage 3.5.3.


    Using RDMA as a transport protocol is considered deprecated in Red Hat Gluster Storage 3.5. Red Hat no longer recommends its use and does not support it on new deployments and existing deployments that upgrade to Red Hat Gluster Storage 3.5.3.
    Amazon Web Service environment supports the Red Hat Gluster Storage tiering feature. You can attach bricks created out of PIOPS or general purpose SSD volumes as hot tier to an existing or new Red Hat Gluster Storage volume created out of magnetic EBS volumes. For information on creation of tiered volumes see chapter Managing Tieringin theRed Hat Gluster Storage Administration Guide
To launch the Red Hat Gluster Storage Instance
  1. Navigate to the Amazon Web Services home page at
  2. Log in to Amazon Web Services. The AWS Management Console screen displays.
  3. Click the EC2 option. The EC2 Management Console displays.
  4. Click Launch Instance. The Step 1: Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) screen is displayed.
  5. Click My AMIs and select the Shared with me checkbox.
  6. Search for the required AMI, and click Select corresponding to the AMI. The Step 2: Choose an Instance Type screen displays.
  7. Look for the required type of instance, and select it using the radio button corresponding to the instance type.
  8. Click Next: Configure Instance Details. The Step 3: Configure Instance Details screen displays.
  9. Specify the configuration for your instance or continue with the default settings, and click Next: Add Storage. The Step 4: Add Storage screen displays.
  10. In the Step 4: Add Storage screen, specify the storage details, and click Next: Add Tags. The Step 5: Add Tags screen displays.
  11. Click Add and enter the required information in the Value field for each tag.


    Adding the Name tag is required. To add the Name tag, click click to add a Name tag. You can use this name later to verify that the instance is operating correctly.
  12. Click Next: Configure Security Group. The Step 6: Configure Security Group screen displays.
  13. Create a new security group or select an existing security group.
  14. Ensure to open the following TCP port numbers in the new or selected security group:
    • 22 to allow ssh access to the instance created
  15. Click Review and Launch. The Step 7: Review Instance Launch screen displays.
  16. Review and edit the required settings, and click Launch.
  17. Choose an existing key pair or create a new key pair, and click Launch Instances.
The Launch Status screen is displayed indicating that the instance is launching.
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