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4.13. Configuring Red Hat Gluster Storage

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4.13.1. Peer the Nodes

From rhgs-primary-n01, peer nodes rhgs-primary-n{02..20}:
# for i in {02..20};
 do gluster peer probe rhgs-primary-n${i};
From rhgs-primary-n02, re-peer node rhgs-primary-n01:
Note the problem. This step is done in order to clean up the initial peering process which leaves rhgs-primary-n01 defined by its IP address in the other peers Gluster trusted pool configuration files. This is important because the IP addresses are ephemeral:
# gluster peer status | grep Hostname | grep -v rhgs
And correct it:
# gluster peer probe rhgs-primary-n01
peer probe: success.
# gluster peer status | grep Hostname | grep n01
Hostname: rhgs-primary-n01
From rhgs--n01, peer nodes rhgs-secondary-n{02..10}:
# for i in {02..10};
 do gluster peer probe rhgs-secondary-n${i};
From rhgs-secondary-n02, peer node rhgs-secondary-n01:
# gluster peer probe rhgs-secondary-n01

4.13.2. Creating Distribute-Replicate Volumes


Support for two-way replication is planned for deprecation and removal in future versions of Red Hat Gluster Storage. This will affect both replicated and distributed-replicated volumes.
Support is being removed because two-way replication does not provide adequate protection from split-brain conditions. While a dummy node can be used as an interim solution for this problem, Red Hat recommends that all volumes that currently use two-way replication are migrated to use either arbitrated replication or three-way replication.
Instructions for migrating a two-way replicated volume to an arbitrated replicated volume are available in Converting to an Arbitrated Volume.
Information about three-way replication is available in Creating Three-way Replicated Volumes and Creating Three-way Distributed Replicated Volumes.
On the primary trusted pool, create a 10x2 Distribute-Replicate volume, ensuring that bricks are paired appropriately with their replica peers as defined inSection 4.1.3, “Primary Storage Pool Configuration”.
# gluster volume create myvol replica 2 \
 rhgs-primary-n01:/rhgs/bricks/myvol rhgs-primary-n02:/rhgs/bricks/myvol \
 rhgs-primary-n03:/rhgs/bricks/myvol rhgs-primary-n04:/rhgs/bricks/myvol \
 rhgs-primary-n05:/rhgs/bricks/myvol rhgs-primary-n06:/rhgs/bricks/myvol \
 rhgs-primary-n07:/rhgs/bricks/myvol rhgs-primary-n08:/rhgs/bricks/myvol \
rhgs-primary-n09:/rhgs/bricks/myvol rhgs-primary-n10:/rhgs/bricks/myvol \
 rhgs-primary-n11:/rhgs/bricks/myvol rhgs-primary-n12:/rhgs/bricks/myvol \
 rhgs-primary-n13:/rhgs/bricks/myvol rhgs-primary-n14:/rhgs/bricks/myvol \
 rhgs-primary-n15:/rhgs/bricks/myvol rhgs-primary-n16:/rhgs/bricks/myvol \
 rhgs-primary-n17:/rhgs/bricks/myvol rhgs-primary-n18:/rhgs/bricks/myvol \
 rhgs-primary-n19:/rhgs/bricks/myvol rhgs-primary-n20:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
volume create: myvol: success: please start the volume to access data

# gluster volume start myvol
volume start: myvol: success

# gluster volume info myvol
Volume Name: myvol
Type: Distributed-Replicate
Volume ID: f093e120-b291-4362-a859-8d2d4dd87f3a
Status: Started
Snap Volume: no
Number of Bricks: 10 x 2 = 20
Transport-type: tcp
Brick1: rhgs-primary-n01:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
Brick2: rhgs-primary-n02:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
Brick3: rhgs-primary-n03:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
Brick4: rhgs-primary-n04:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
Brick5: rhgs-primary-n05:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
Brick6: rhgs-primary-n06:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
Brick7: rhgs-primary-n07:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
Brick8: rhgs-primary-n08:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
Brick9: rhgs-primary-n09:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
Brick10: rhgs-primary-n10:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
Brick11: rhgs-primary-n11:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
Brick12: rhgs-primary-n12:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
Brick13: rhgs-primary-n13:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
Brick14: rhgs-primary-n14:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
Brick15: rhgs-primary-n15:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
Brick16: rhgs-primary-n16:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
Brick17: rhgs-primary-n17:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
Brick18: rhgs-primary-n18:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
Brick19: rhgs-primary-n19:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
Brick20: rhgs-primary-n20:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
Options Reconfigured:
performance.readdir-ahead: on
auto-delete: disable
snap-max-soft-limit: 90
snap-max-hard-limit: 256
The resulting Gluster volume topology is:
Distribute set
+-- Replica set 0
|    |
|    +-- Brick 0: rhgs-primary-n01:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
|    |
|    +-- Brick 1: rhgs-primary-n02:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
+-- Replica set 1
|    |
|    +-- Brick 0: rhgs-primary-n03:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
|    |
|    +-- Brick 1: rhgs-primary-n04:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
+-- Replica set 2
|    |
|    +-- Brick 0: rhgs-primary-n05:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
|    |
|    +-- Brick 1: rhgs-primary-n06:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
+-- Replica set 3
|    |
|    +-- Brick 0: rhgs-primary-n07:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
|    |
|    +-- Brick 1: rhgs-primary-n08:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
+-- Replica set 4
|    |
|    +-- Brick 0: rhgs-primary-n09:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
|    |
|    +-- Brick 1: rhgs-primary-n10:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
+-- Replica set 5
|    |
|    +-- Brick 0: rhgs-primary-n11:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
|    |
|    +-- Brick 1: rhgs-primary-n12:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
+-- Replica set 6
|    |
|    +-- Brick 0: rhgs-primary-n13:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
|    |
|    +-- Brick 1: rhgs-primary-n14:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
+-- Replica set 7
|    |
|    +-- Brick 0: rhgs-primary-n15:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
|    |
|    +-- Brick 1: rhgs-primary-n16:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
+-- Replica set 8
|    |
|    +-- Brick 0: rhgs-primary-n17:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
|    |
|    +-- Brick 1: rhgs-primary-n18:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
+-- Replica set 9
      +-- Brick 0: rhgs-primary-n19:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
      +-- Brick 1: rhgs-primary-n20:/rhgs/bricks/myvol
On the secondary trusted pool, create a 10-brick Distribute volume:
# gluster volume create myvol-slave \
 rhgs-secondary-n01:/rhgs/bricks/myvol-slave \
 rhgs-secondary-n02:/rhgs/bricks/myvol-slave \
 rhgs-secondary-n03:/rhgs/bricks/myvol-slave \
 rhgs-secondary-n04:/rhgs/bricks/myvol-slave \
 rhgs-secondary-n05:/rhgs/bricks/myvol-slave \
 rhgs-secondary-n06:/rhgs/bricks/myvol-slave \
 rhgs-secondary-n07:/rhgs/bricks/myvol-slave \
 rhgs-secondary-n08:/rhgs/bricks/myvol-slave \
 rhgs-secondary-n09:/rhgs/bricks/myvol-slave \
volume create: myvol-slave: success: please start the volume to access data
# gluster volume start myvol-slave
volume start: myvol-slave: success
# gluster volume info myvol-slave
Volume Name: myvol-slave
Type: Distribute
Volume ID: 64295b00-ac19-436c-9aac-6069e0a5b8cf
Status: Started
Snap Volume: no
Number of Bricks: 10
Transport-type: tcp
Brick1: rhgs-secondary-n01:/rhgs/bricks/myvol-slave
Brick2: rhgs-secondary-n02:/rhgs/bricks/myvol-slave
Brick3: rhgs-secondary-n03:/rhgs/bricks/myvol-slave
Brick4: rhgs-secondary-n04:/rhgs/bricks/myvol-slave
Brick5: rhgs-secondary-n05:/rhgs/bricks/myvol-slave
Brick6: rhgs-secondary-n06:/rhgs/bricks/myvol-slave
Brick7: rhgs-secondary-n07:/rhgs/bricks/myvol-slave
Brick8: rhgs-secondary-n08:/rhgs/bricks/myvol-slave
Brick9: rhgs-secondary-n09:/rhgs/bricks/myvol-slave
Brick10: rhgs-secondary-n10:/rhgs/bricks/myvol-slave
Options Reconfigured:
performance.readdir-ahead: on
snap-max-hard-limit: 256
snap-max-soft-limit: 90
auto-delete: disable
The resulting Gluster volume topology is:
Distribute set
+-- Brick 0: rhgs-secondary-n01:/rhgs/bricks/myvol-slave
+-- Brick 1: rhgs-secondary-n02:/rhgs/bricks/myvol-slave
+-- Brick 2: rhgs-secondary-n03:/rhgs/bricks/myvol-slave
+-- Brick 3: rhgs-secondary-n04:/rhgs/bricks/myvol-slave
+-- Brick 4: rhgs-secondary-n05:/rhgs/bricks/myvol-slave
+-- Brick 5: rhgs-secondary-n06:/rhgs/bricks/myvol-slave
+-- Brick 6: rhgs-secondary-n07:/rhgs/bricks/myvol-slave
+-- Brick 7: rhgs-secondary-n08:/rhgs/bricks/myvol-slave
+-- Brick 8: rhgs-secondary-n09:/rhgs/bricks/myvol-slave
+-- Brick 9: rhgs-secondary-n10:/rhgs/bricks/myvol-slave

4.13.3. Setting up Geo-Replication from the Primary to the Secondary Region

From a primary region node, establish geo-replication from the local myvol volume to the remote region myvol-slave volume.
  1. As a prerequisite, all secondary/slave side nodes must allow root user login via SSH. The below commands should be run on all of nodes rhgs-secondary-n{01..10}.
    # sed -i s/PermitRootLogin\ no/PermitRootLogin\ yes/ \
    # service sshd restart
  2. Create an SSH key pair for the root user on rhgs-primary-n01, and copy the contents of the public key:
    # ssh-keygen
    # cat ~root/.ssh/
    ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAmtzZdIR+pEl16LqH0kbGQfA7sTe1iWHhV/x+5zVDb91Z+gzMVdBTBaLyugeoBlxzOeFFnc/7a9TwNSr7YWt/yKZxh+lnqq
  3. On rhgs-secondary-n01, add the SSH public key from rhgs-primary-n01 to the root user’s authorized_keys file:
    # echo "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAmtzZdIR+pEl16LqH0kbGQfA7sTe1iWHhV/x+5zVDb91Z+gzMVdBTBaLyugeoBlxzOeFFnc/7a9TwNSr7YWt
    /NqTr3hAqDzmn4USOX3FbSOvomlWa8We6tGb9nfUH6vBQGyKbWk4YOzm6E5oTzuRBGA1vCPmwpwR/cw== root@rhgs-primary-n01" | sudo tee ~root/.ssh
    /authorized_keys > /dev/null


    The above SSH public key is for illustration purposes only. Use the key from your own file on rhgs-primary-n01.
At this point, the root user on rhgs-primary-n01 should have passwordless SSH access to rhgs-secondary-n01. This is a prerequisite for setting up geo-replication.
  1. Create a common pem pub file on rhgs-primary-n01:


    This must be done on the node where passwordless SSH to the secondary node was configured.
    # gluster system:: execute gsec_create
  2. Create the geo-replication session from the primary site to the secondary site. The push-pem option is needed to perform the necessary pem-file setup on the slave nodes.
    # gluster volume geo-replication myvol \
    rhgs-secondary-n01::myvol-slave create push-pem
    # gluster volume geo-replication myvol \
    rhgs-secondary-n01::myvol-slave start
  3. Verify the geo-replication status. After a few minutes, the initialization stage should complete, and each connection should show Active or Passive for its status.
    # gluster volume geo-replication myvol rhgs-secondary-n01::myvol-slave status
    rhgs-primary-n01    myvol         /rhgs/bricks/myvol    root          rhgs-secondary-n10::myvol-slave    Active     N/A                  Changelog Crawl
    rhgs-primary-n18    myvol         /rhgs/bricks/myvol    root          rhgs-secondary-n05::myvol-slave    Passive    N/A                  N/A
    rhgs-primary-n06    myvol         /rhgs/bricks/myvol    root          rhgs-secondary-n07::myvol-slave    Passive    N/A                  N/A
    rhgs-primary-n02    myvol         /rhgs/bricks/myvol    root          rhgs-secondary-n02::myvol-slave    Passive    N/A                  N/A
    rhgs-primary-n10    myvol         /rhgs/bricks/myvol    root          rhgs-secondary-n09::myvol-slave    Passive    N/A                  N/A
    rhgs-primary-n14    myvol         /rhgs/bricks/myvol    root          rhgs-secondary-n01::myvol-slave    Passive    N/A                  N/A
    rhgs-primary-n03    myvol         /rhgs/bricks/myvol    root          rhgs-secondary-n03::myvol-slave    Active     N/A                  Changelog Crawl
    rhgs-primary-n09    myvol         /rhgs/bricks/myvol    root          rhgs-secondary-n08::myvol-slave    Active     N/A                  Changelog Crawl
    rhgs-primary-n11    myvol         /rhgs/bricks/myvol    root          rhgs-secondary-n10::myvol-slave    Active     N/A                  Changelog Crawl
    rhgs-primary-n13    myvol         /rhgs/bricks/myvol    root          rhgs-secondary-n03::myvol-slave    Active     N/A                  Changelog Crawl
    rhgs-primary-n19    myvol         /rhgs/bricks/myvol    root          rhgs-secondary-n08::myvol-slave    Active     N/A                  Changelog Crawl
    rhgs-primary-n17    myvol         /rhgs/bricks/myvol    root          rhgs-secondary-n04::myvol-slave    Active     N/A                  Changelog Crawl
    rhgs-primary-n05    myvol         /rhgs/bricks/myvol    root          rhgs-secondary-n06::myvol-slave    Active     N/A                  Changelog Crawl
    rhgs-primary-n15    myvol         /rhgs/bricks/myvol    root          rhgs-secondary-n06::myvol-slave    Active     N/A                  Changelog Crawl
    rhgs-primary-n16    myvol         /rhgs/bricks/myvol    root          rhgs-secondary-n07::myvol-slave    Passive    N/A                  N/A
    rhgs-primary-n07    myvol         /rhgs/bricks/myvol    root          rhgs-secondary-n04::myvol-slave    Active     N/A                  Changelog Crawl
    rhgs-primary-n20    myvol         /rhgs/bricks/myvol    root          rhgs-secondary-n09::myvol-slave    Passive    N/A                  N/A
    rhgs-primary-n12    myvol         /rhgs/bricks/myvol    root          rhgs-secondary-n02::myvol-slave    Passive    N/A                  N/A
    rhgs-primary-n04    myvol         /rhgs/bricks/myvol    root          rhgs-secondary-n01::myvol-slave    Passive    N/A                  N/A
    rhgs-primary-n08    myvol         /rhgs/bricks/myvol    root          rhgs-secondary-n05::myvol-slave    Passive    N/A                  N/A
At this point, the 100 TB Gluster volume is fully ready for use, with cross-zone synchronous data replication on the primary side and remote asynchronous data replication to a read-only volume on the secondary side located in a separate region.
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