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7.2. Upgrading an in-service integrated environment

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Follow the instructions below to upgrade an integrated Red Hat Virtualization and Red Hat Gluster Storage environment that is online and in-service.
  1. Upgrade the Red Hat Gluster Storage nodes

    Perform the following steps for each Red Hat Gluster Storage node, one node at a time. If you have multiple replica sets, upgrade each node in a replica set before moving on to another replica set.
    1. Stop all gluster services on the storage node that you want to upgrade by running the following commands as the root user on that node.
      # systemctl stop glusterd
      # pkill glusterfs
      # pkill glusterfsd
      # pgrep gluster
    2. In the Administration Portal, click Storage Hosts and select the storage node to upgrade.
    3. Click Management Maintenance and click OK.
    4. Reboot the storage node.
    5. In the Administration Portal, click Storage Hosts and select the storage node.
    6. Click Management Activate.
    7. Click the name of the storage node Bricks, and verify that the Self-Heal Info column of all bricks is listed as OK before upgrading the next storage node.
  2. Upgrade Gluster client software on virtualization hosts

    After upgrading all storage nodes, update the client software on all virtualization hosts.
    1. For Red Hat Virtualization hosts

      1. In the Administration Portal, click Compute Hosts and select the node to update.
      2. On Red Hat Virtualization versions earlier than 4.2, click Management Maintenance and click OK.
      3. Click Installation Upgrade and click OK.
        The node is automatically updated with the latest packages and reactivated when the update is complete.
    2. For Red Hat Enterprise Linux hosts

      1. In the Administration Portal, click Compute Hosts and select the node to update.
      2. Click Management Maintenance and click OK.
      3. Subscribe the host to the correct repositories to receive updates.
      4. Update the host.
        # yum update
      5. In the Administration Portal, click Management Activate.
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