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Chapter 11. Running the IPI test

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The installer-provisioned infrastructure (IPI) test validates whether your BMC-capable bare-metal nodes can be accessed, deployed, and rebooted on an established RHOCP environment.

The test uses the Ironic service already running on the RHOCP environment to provision the bare-metal node undergoing certification.



The test must validate that the server can be turned on and off remotely. When creating the bmh.yaml file for the bare-metal node, set the online field to false. For example:

kind: BareMetalHost
  name: openshift-worker-<num>
  online: false

Failure to set this field appropriately will cause the test to fail.


  1. Identify the IP address of the node where the Ironic service is running. For example:

    # oc -n openshift-machine-api get pods -o wide | egrep -v ‘image|controller|operator’
    NAME                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP             NODE
    metal3-78b556db65-lgkrp                    7/7     Running   0          12d   worker-0

    The metal3 pod runs the Ironic service that the test uses to install the bare-metal node undergoing certification. Make a note of its IP address; this is the Ironic API endpoint that you will use in a later step.

  2. Get the credentials of the Ironic service and make a note of them. You will use them in a later step.

    # oc -n openshift-machine-api get secret/metal3-ironic-password -o template --template '{{.data.username}}' | base64 -d
    # oc -n openshift-machine-api get secret/metal3-ironic-password -o template --template '{{.data.password}}' | base64 -d
  3. Log in to any cluster node. For example:

    # oc debug host/master-0
  4. Prepare the node to run the certification test:

    1. Install podman if it is not already installed.
    2. Create the /tmp/results directory. The test will store the results in this directory


      The node must have access to the baremetal and the provisioning networks if both are available on the RHOCP environment. If you only configured the baremetal network, the node must be connected to it.

    3. Log in to the Red Hat Certification image registry:

      # podman login
      Username: <registry_service_account_username>
      Password: <registry_service_account_password>
      Login Succeeded!
    4. Download the redhat-certification-baremetal image from the Red Hat catalog:

      # podman pull
  5. Run the IPI test:

    # podman run -it --net host -v /tmp/results:/var/rhcert_results:Z redhat-certification-baremetal
    Table 11.1. IPI test parameter description


    Starts an interactive session.

    --net host

    Podman uses the network stack of the host for the container. The network configuration of the container is the same as that of the host. The container shares the same service ports that are available to the host.

    -v tmp/results:/var/rhcert_results

    Allows mounting the content of a host folder /tmp/results to /var/rhcert_results.


    Ensures you have read and write permissions on the mount point.

  6. Enter the username, password, and the URL of the Ironic service that you acquired before. The URL must be in the format https://<Ironic_IP_address>:6385.
  7. Select the bare-metal node on which you want to run the test.

    The UUID, Name, Power State, and Provision State of the selected node displays. The test will start after you select the node.

  8. Confirm whether the bare-metal node is powered on when prompted. After you confirm this, the test restarts the bare-metal node.

    Test result files are generated at /tmp/results.

  9. At the Red Hat certification website, submit the results to the supplemental RHOCP certification for your server.
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