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Chapter 10. Leveraging

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Leveraging is the reuse of passing test results from hardware in a certified system to cover testing of identical hardware in a new certification request. It can only be used for certain optional items, and these items must be identical. You cannot leverage test results for a new model component with the test results from an old model, no matter how similar they are; the items must be an exact match. Furthermore, leveraging can only be used on tests that your organization or its agent has performed.

10.1. Rules for Leveraging from system certification for same vendor

Following are the guidelines that should be taken care of while performing leveraging from system or component certification in case of same vendor:

  1. Components must be identical.
  2. Results generated must be from hardware of identical architecture.
  3. System leveraging component results must certify the same major release.
  4. Cross-vendor leveraging can not be performed for leveraging from system certification.

For example,

  • Acme Computers can leverage the passing test results from any of its component to cover the identical item of another Acme system


  • Acme Computers cannot refer the test results from certifications performed by the Cloverleaf Industries

10.2. Rules for leveraging from system certification for different vendors

  1. In a scenario where a component manufacturer creates pass-through of original certification using Vendor, Make, and Model information of the component as sold by the reseller the following guidelines should be considered:

    1. In the Advanced tab select Create using Pass-Through of the original certification, just like the system pass-through certification
    2. If many resellers are using the same component, component manufacturer should create one pass-through for each reseller
    3. If a reseller uses multiple names for the same card, component manufacturer should create one pass-through for each name
  2. After the Red Hat certification team confirms the hardware used are identical and the pass-through certification is complete by using the specification file documentation, the certification will be published or unpublished.
  3. Reseller should use certification ID of their pass-through in the appropriate Leverage field of their system certification requests that contain this hardware.

10.3. Generating test result ID for leveraging from system certification

Following are the steps for generating a test result ID for leveraging from system certification.


  1. Create the source hardware product and certification from Red Hat Certification web user interface.
  2. To add components to the newly created certification, from the Red Hat Certification web user interface, click the hardware cert that is certified. Click on the Product section and click the Product Details tab.
  3. In the Attachments section, click the Choose File button to upload the specification file. The specification file consists of the component(s) that needs to be added.
  4. Select the is this a specification checkbox, and add a brief note in the Attachment Description textbox. For example, "this is a spec.file".
  5. From the Red Hat Certification web user interface, click the hardware cert that is certified. Click the Certification Section. In the Progress tab you will see the test plan is generated with respect to the components.

    The Red Hat certification team reviews and adds the components mentioned in the specification file, and later creates a test plan for the added components.

  6. Click the Run button to run tests for the components shown in the table. This will take you to the Testing tab.
  7. Click Add Test System. This will take you Select Host web page.
  8. Select the host for which you want the test to run and click the Test button.
  9. In the Testing tab, click the Continue Testing button, this will generate the list of components.
  10. Select the components for which you want to run the test and click the Run Selected button.
  11. Once the test run is completed, you will get the message Finished test run.
  12. Click on the test, the components on which the tests were run will have the results as PASS. To submit the test results to Red Hat certification team, from Actions field select Submit from the drop down list. This will take you to the Submitting File web page.
  13. Click the Submit button.

    The Red Hat certification team approves the test results. The approved test results generates a test result id that is associated with the component.

  14. From the Red Hat Certification web user interface, click the hardware cert that is certified. Click the Certification Section. In the Progress tab, you will see the Test Plan Credit as Confirmed. The Test Result column will show the generated Test Result ID.

10.4. Leveraging from existing component

If you want to create a new certification using the same components, you can leverage that component in two ways:


  1. Leveraging by copying Result ID

    See Generating test result ID for leveraging from system certification.

    The Red Hat Certification team approves the components to leverage mentioned in the specification file.

    1. From the Red Hat Certification web user interface, click the hardware cert that is certified and whose test result id you will leverage. Click the Certification Section. In the Progress tab, go to the Test Result column that shows the generated Test Result ID of the component that you will leverage. Copy the test result id by selecting the ID.
    2. If the ID is successfully copied, you will get a message “Copied Leverage Information from System Certification<the_component_name>”.
    3. From the Red Hat Certification web user interface, click the hardware cert on which you want to add the leverage component.
    4. Click the Certification Section. In the Progress tab, go to the Test Result column and click on the Test Result ID to apply the copied Test Result ID.

      If the leverage ID is successfully applied you will get a message “Leverage of System Test successfully applied”.

  2. Leveraging using Result ID or Certification ID

    1. Click on the Certification section. In the Progress tab, go to the Test Result ID column and click on the Leverage Result.
    2. On the Leverage Result window choose Result ID or Certification ID from Leverage Using drop-down.


      Use Result ID for leveraging using test result ID and choose Certification ID for leveraging using the pass-through certificate.

    3. Enter Leverage ID and click Submit.

      You will get a success message if Leveraging is successful, else a failure message is displayed if submitted ID has an error.

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