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Chapter 6. Configuring the systems and running tests using Cockpit

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To complete the certification process, you must configure cockpit, prepare the host under test (HUT) and test server, run the tests, and retrieve the test results.

6.1. Setting up the Cockpit server

Cockpit is a RHEL tool that lets you change the configuration of your systems as well as monitor their resources from a user-friendly web-based interface.

  • You must set up Cockpit on a new system, which is separate from the host under test and test server.
  • Ensure that the Cockpit has access to both the host under test and the test server.

For more information on installing and configuring Cockpit, see Getting Started using the RHEL web console on RHEL 8, Getting Started using the RHEL web console on RHEL 9 and Introducing Cockpit.


  • The Cockpit server has RHEL version 8 or 9 installed.
  • You have installed the Cockpit plugin on your system.
  • You have enabled the Cockpit service.


  1. Log in to the system where you installed Cockpit.
  2. Install the Cockpit RPM provided by the Red Hat Certification team.

    # yum install redhat-certification-cockpit

You must run Cockpit on port 9090.

6.2. Adding the host under test and the test server to Cockpit

Adding the host under test (HUT) and test server to Cockpit lets the two systems communicate by using passwordless SSH.

Repeat this procedure for adding both the systems one by one.


  • You have the IP address or hostname of the HUT and the test server.


  1. Enter http://<Cockpit_system_IP>:9090/ in your browser to launch the Cockpit web application.
  2. Enter the username and password, and then click Login.
  3. Click the down-arrow on the logged-in cockpit user name→Add new host.

    The dialog box displays.

  4. In the Host field, enter the IP address or hostname of the system.
  5. In the User name field, enter the name you want to assign to this system.
  6. Optional: Select the predefined color or select a new color of your choice for the host added.
  7. Click Add.
  8. Click Accept key and connect to let Cockpit communicate with the system through passwordless SSH.
  9. Enter the Password.
  10. Select the Authorize SSH Key checkbox.
  11. Click Log in.


On the left panel, click ToolsRed Hat Certification and verify that the system you just added displays under the Hosts section on the right.

6.3. Getting authorization on the Red Hat SSO network


  1. Enter http://<Cockpit_system_IP>:9090/ in your browser’s address bar to launch the Cockpit web application.
  2. Enter the username and password, and then click Login.
  3. Select Tools Red Hat Certification in the left panel.
  4. On the Cockpit homepage, click Authorize, to establish connectivity with the Red Hat system.

    The Log in to your Red Hat account page displays.

  5. Enter your credentials and click Next.

    The Grant access to rhcert-cwe page displays.

  6. Click Grant access. A confirmation message displays a successful device login. You are now connected to the Cockpit web application.

6.4. Downloading test plans in Cockpit from Red Hat certification portal

For Non-authorized or limited access users:

For authorized users:


  1. Enter http://<Cockpit_system_IP>:9090/ in your browser’s address bar to launch the Cockpit web application.
  2. Enter the username and password, and then click Login.
  3. Select Tools Red Hat Certification in the left panel.
  4. Click the Test Plans tab. A list of Recent Certification Support Cases will appear.
  5. Click Download Test Plan. A message displays confirming the successful addition of the test plan.
  6. The downloaded test plan will be listed under the File Name of the Test Plan Files section.

6.5. Using the test plan to prepare the host under test for testing

Provisioning the host under test performs a number of operations, such as setting up passwordless SSH communication with the cockpit, installing the required packages on your system based on the certification type, and creating a final test plan to run, which is a list of common tests taken from both the test plan provided by Red Hat and tests generated on discovering the system requirements.

For instance, required hardware packages are installed if the test plan is designed for certifying a hardware product.


  1. Enter http://<Cockpit_system_IP>:9090/ in your browser address bar to launch the Cockpit web application.
  2. Enter the username and password, and then click Login.
  3. Select Tools Red Hat Certification in the left panel.
  4. Click the Hosts tab, and then click the host under test on which you want to run the tests.
  5. Click Provision.

    A dialog box appears.

    1. Click Upload, and then select the new test plan .xml file. Then, click Next. A successful upload message is displayed.

      Optionally, if you want to reuse the previously uploaded test plan, then select it again to reupload.


      During the certification process, if you receive a redesigned test plan for the ongoing product certification, then you can upload it following the previous step. However, you must run rhcert-clean all in the Terminal tab before proceeding.

    2. In the Role field, select Host under test and click Submit.
    3. By default, the file is uploaded to path, /var/rhcert/plans/<testplanfile.xml>.

6.6. Using the test plan to prepare the test server for testing

Running the Provision Host command enables and starts the rhcertd service, which configures services specified in the test suite on the test server, such as iperf for network testing, and an nfs mount point used in kdump testing.


  1. Enter http://<Cockpit_system_IP>:9090/ in your browser address bar to launch the Cockpit web application.
  2. Enter the username and password, and then click Login.
  3. Select ToolsRed Hat Certification in the left panel.
  4. Click the Hosts tab, and then click the host under test on which you want to run the tests.
  5. Click Provision.

    A dialog box appears.

    1. Click Upload, and then select the new test plan .xml file. Then, click Next. A successful upload message is displayed.

      Optionally, if you want to reuse the previously uploaded test plan, then select it again to reupload.


      During the certification process, if you receive a redesigned test plan for the ongoing product certification, then you can upload it following the previous step. However, you must run rhcert-clean all in the Terminal tab before proceeding.

    2. In the Role field, select Test server and click Submit. By default, the file is uploaded to the /var/rhcert/plans/<testplanfile.xml> path.

6.7. Running the certification tests using Cockpit


  1. Enter http://<Cockpit_system_IP>:9090/ in your browser address bar to launch the Cockpit web application.
  2. Enter the username and password, and click Login.
  3. Select Tools Red Hat Certification in the left panel.
  4. Click the Hosts tab and click on the host on which you want to run the tests.
  5. Click the Terminal tab and select Run.

    A list of recommended tests based on the test plan uploaded displays. The final test plan to run is a list of common tests taken from both the test plan provided by Red Hat and tests generated on discovering the system requirements.

  6. When prompted, choose whether to run each test by typing yes or no.

    You can also run particular tests from the list by typing select.

6.8. Reviewing and downloading the test results file


  1. Enter http://<Cockpit_system_IP>:9090/ in your browser address bar to launch the Cockpit web application.
  2. Enter the username and password, and then click Login.
  3. Select Tools Red Hat Certification in the left panel.
  4. Click the Result Files tab to view the test results generated.

    1. Optional: Click Preview to view the results of each test.
    2. Click Download beside the result files. By default, the result file is saved as /var/rhcert/save/hostname-date-time.xml.

6.9. Submitting the test results from Cockpit to the Red Hat Certification Portal


  1. Enter http://<Cockpit_system_IP>:9090/ in your browser’s address bar to launch the Cockpit web application.
  2. Enter the username and password, and then click Login.
  3. Select Tools Red Hat Certification in the left panel.
  4. Click the Result Files tab and select the case number from the displayed list.

    1. For the authorized users click Submit. A message displays confirming the successful upload of the test result file.
    2. For non-authorized users see, Uploading the results file of the executed test plan to Red Hat Certification portal.

The test result file of the executed test plan will be uploaded to the Red Hat Certification portal.

6.10. Uploading the test results file to Red Hat Certification Tool

Use the Red Hat Certification Tool to submit the test results file of the executed test plan to the Red Hat Certification team.


  • You have downloaded the test results file from Cockpit or HUT.


  1. Log in to Red Hat Certification Tool.
  2. On the homepage, enter the product case number in the search bar.

    Select the case number from the list that is displayed.

  3. On the Summary tab, under the Files section, click Upload.

Next steps

Red Hat reviews the results file you submitted and suggest the next steps. For more information, visit Red Hat Certification Tool.

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