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Chapter 2. Backing up important files

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Backing up important configuration files, inventory files, and modified playbooks makes it easy to restore or redeploy your cluster.

Red Hat recommends backing up your configuration after initial deployment, and after confirming the success of any major changes in your cluster. You can also take backups after a node has failed if necessary.


  • Example playbooks and inventory files are stored in the /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.ansible/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment directory. If you have manually created or modified inventory and playbook files and you are not storing them in this directory, ensure that you know the path to their location.


  1. Log in to a hyperconverged host as the root user.
  2. Change into the hc-ansible-deployment directory and back up the default archive_config_inventory.yml file.

    # cd /etc/ansible/roles/gluster.ansible/playbooks/hc-ansible-deployment
    # cp archive_config_inventory.yml archive_config_inventory.yml.bk
  3. Edit the archive_config_inventory.yml file with details of the cluster you want to back up.

    The backend FQDN of each host in the cluster that you want to back up.
    The directory in which to store backup files.
    If you use Network-Bound Disk Encryption, set this to true. Otherwise, set to false.
    Set to false.

    For example:

        backup_dir: /rhhi-backup
        nbde_setup: true
        upgrade: false
  4. Run the archive_config.yml playbook using your updated inventory file with the backupfiles tag.

    # ansible-playbook -i archive_config_inventory.yml archive_config.yml --tags=backupfiles

    This creates an archive in the /root directory specific to each host FQDN in the hosts section of the inventory, for example, /root/

  5. Transfer the backup archives to a different machine.

    # scp /root/
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