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1.9. Connection Properties for the Driver and Data Source Classes

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The following table shows all the connection properties that can be used with the JBoss Data Virtualization JDBC driver URL connection string and the JBoss Data Virtualization JDBC data source class.
These properties are defined in and org.teiid.jdbc.ExecutionProperties (waitForLoad is defined in org.teiid.jdbc.EmbeddedProfile), and the corresponding set methods are defined for the data source class in org.teiid.jdbc.TeiidDataSource and its superclass, org.teiid.jdbc.BaseDataSource.
Property names that can be used in the driver URL connection string are listed in the Property Name column, and the corresponding set methods for use with the data source class are listed in the Method Name column.
Table 1.2. Connection Properties
Property Name Method Name Type Description
ansiQuotedIdentifiers setAnsiQuoted Identifiers boolean Sets the parsing behavior for double quoted entries in SQL. If true, then parses doubled quoted entries as identifiers. If false, then double quoted values that are valid string literals are parsed as string literals. Default is true.
ApplicationName setApplicationName String Name of the client application; allows the administrator to distinguish between connections.
autoCommitTxn setAutoCommitTxn String This only applies when autoCommit is set to true. This determines how an executed command needs to be wrapped as a transaction inside the JBoss Data Virtualization engine to maintain the data integrity.
  • ON - Always wrap command in distributed transaction
  • OFF - Never wrap command in distributed transaction
  • DETECT (default)- If the executed command is spanning more than one source it automatically uses distributed transaction.
See Section 4.1, “JDBC Transaction Types” for more information.
autoFailover setAutoFailover boolean If true, automatically selects a new server instance after a communication exception. This is typically not needed when connections are managed, as the connection can be purged from the pool. Default is false.
disableLocalTxn setDisableLocalTxn boolean If true, the autoCommit setting, commit and rollback is ignored for local transactions. Default is false.
fetchSize setFetchSize int Size of the resultset. Default is 2048. <=0 indicates that the default should be used.
NOEXEC setNoExec String (Typically not set as a connection property.) Can be ON or OFF. ON prevents query execution, but parsing and planning still occurs. Default is OFF.
partialResultsMode setPartialResultsMode boolean Enable/disable support partial results mode. Default false. See Section 3.12, “Partial Results Mode” for more details.
Passthrough Authentication setPassthrough Authentication boolean Only applies to local connections. When this option is set to true, JBoss Data Virtualization looks for an authenticated security context on the calling thread. If one is found, it uses that user's credentials to create a session. JBoss Data Virtualization also verifies that the same user is using this connection during the life of the connection. If it finds a different security context on the calling thread and the new user is eligible to login to JBoss Data Virtualization, it switches the identity on the connection.
useCallingThread Not applicable. Must be set using setAdditionalProperties method if connecting via the data source class. boolean Only applies to local connections. When this option is set to true, the calling thread is used to process the query. If false, then an engine thread is used. Default is true.
QUERYTIMEOUT setQueryTimeout int Default query timeout in seconds. Must be >= 0. 0 indicates no timeout. Can be overridden by Statement.setQueryTimeout. Default is 0.
useJDBC4ColumnName AndLabelSemantics setUseJDBC4ColumnName AndLabelSemantics boolean
A change was made in JDBC4 to return unaliased column names as the ResultSetMetadata column name. Prior to this, if a column alias was used it was returned as the column name. Setting this property to false enables backwards compatibility when JDBC3 and older support is still required. Defaults to true.
password setPassword String Credential for user
resultSetCacheMode setResultSetCacheMode boolean ResultSet caching is turned on/off. Default is false.
SHOWPLAN setShowPlan String (Typically not set as a connection property.) Can be ON, OFF or DEBUG. ON returns the query plan along with the results and DEBUG additionally prints the query planner debug information in the log and returns it with the results. Both the plan and the log are available through JDBC API extensions. Default is OFF.
user setUser String User name.
version setDatabaseVersion String Version number of the VDB.
jaasName setJaasName String
This is the JAAS configuration name. This only applies when configuring GSS authentication. See the Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization Administration and Configuration Guide for more information about configuring GSS.
kerberosService PrincipleName setKerberosService PrincipleName String
This is the Kerberos-authenticated principle name. It only applies when you are configuring GSS authentication. See the Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization Administration and Configuration Guide for more information about GSS configuration.
encryptRequests setEncryptRequests boolean
Only applies to non-SSL socket connections. When set to true, the request message and any associated payload is encrypted using the connection cryptor. Default is false.
waitForLoad Not applicable. Needs to be specified using setAdditionalProperties if set using the data source class. String Only applies to local connections. When this option is set to a non-negative value, the connection will wait that number of milliseconds for the VDB to become active. Setting to a negative number uses the system default setting.
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