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4.2. Local Transactions

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A connection uses the autoCommit flag to explicitly control local transactions. By default, autoCommit is set to true, which indicates request level or implicit transaction control:
// Set auto commit to false and start a transaction

    // Execute multiple updates
    Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
    statement.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO Accounts (ID, Name) VALUES (10, 'Mike'™)");
    statement.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO Accounts (ID, Name) VALUES (15, 'John'™)");

    // Commit the transaction
catch(SQLException e) 
    // If an error occurs, rollback the transaction
This example demonstrates several things:
  1. Setting autoCommit flag to false. This will start a transaction bound to the connection.
  2. Executing multiple updates within the context of the transaction.
  3. When the statements are complete, the transaction is committed by calling commit().
  4. If an error occurs, the transaction is rolled back using the rollback() method.
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