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Chapter 3. Tasks

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3.1. Register Repository on New Server

3.1.1. Register Repository on a New Server

You can register a repository on a new server through the ModeShape view.
  1. Open ModeShape View

    1. To open the ModeShape view navigate to Window -> Show View -> Other.
    2. From the Show View dialog, select the ModeShape folder followed by the ModeShape view and click Open.
      Selecting the ModeShape view

      Figure 3.1. Selecting the ModeShape view

  2. Add ModeShape Repository

    1. To add a ModeShape repository, click the Create a new server icon that appears in the ModeShape view. This view is located in the lower section of your interface, along with other views such as Servers and Console.
      Adding a new server for ModeShape repositories

      Figure 3.2. Adding a new server for ModeShape repositories

    2. The New Server dialog will appear. Enter the URL of the server to connect and your authentication information in the New Server dialog. You can test your connection to the server by clicking the Test button.
      The New Server dialog

      Figure 3.3. The New Server dialog

    3. Click the Finish button to add the server to the ModeShape view.


    Upon testing the connection, if a connection cannot be established, the ModeShape server can still be created. Use the Reconnect button on the ModeShape View's toolbar to try and connect again at a later time.

Once the server with the ModeShape repository has been added three new options become available within the ModeShape view.

3.1.2. ModeShape Repository Options

After the repository is added to the new server as described in Section 3.1.1, “Register Repository on a New Server”, three new options appear within the ModeShape view. These options allow you to:
  • edit server properties,
  • delete a server from the server registry, and
  • reconnect to the selected server.
To perform one of these actions either right-click on a server and select from the presented menu of actions, or use the buttons beside the Create a new server icon.


It is possible for a ModeShape server instance to have numerous ModeShape repositories stored on it. Once you have registered a connection to the server you will have access to all ModeShape repositories on the server. You do not need to register a new connection for each repository on the same server.
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