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Chapter 2. Installing the JBoss Web Server collection

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As a first step toward automating deployments of Red Hat JBoss Web Server by using Ansible, you must download and install the JBoss Web Server collection from Ansible automation hub. The JBoss Web Server collection is named redhat.jws in Ansible automation hub. Before you install the JBoss Web Server collection, you must ensure that your system complies with certain prerequisites.


  • You have installed the ansible-core package version 2.14 or later on a control node in your system by installing Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform 2.x.

    For more information about installing Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform, see the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform Installation Guide.

  • You have updated the ansible.cfg file to use Ansible automation hub as your primary source of Ansible collections. For more information about updating the ansible.cfg file, see Getting started with automation hub.


  • On your Ansible control node, enter the following command:

    $ ansible-galaxy collection install redhat.jws

    If the preceding command produces a Failed to find collection redhat.jws:* error message, ensure that you have updated the ansible.cfg file correctly to use Ansible automation hub, as described in Getting started with automation hub.

    The preceding command produces the following output:

    Starting galaxy collection install process
    Process install dependency map
    Starting collection install process
    redhat.jws:2.0.x was installed successfully
    redhat.runtimes_common:<version> was installed successfully
    ansible.posix:<version> was installed successfully

    For the sake of brevity, the preceding example uses ellipses to denote omitted text. In the preceding output, 2.0.x represents the full version number of the redhat.jws collection (for example, 2.0.0). Similarly, <version> represents the latest available versions of the installed redhat.runtimes_common and ansible.posix collections.


  • On your Ansible control node, enter the following command:

    $ ansible-galaxy collection list

    The preceding command displays the list of installed collections. For example:

    Collection                 Version
    -------------------------- -------
    ansible.posix              <version>
    redhat.jws                 2.0.0
    redhat.runtimes_common     <version>

As shown in the preceding example, when you install the redhat.jws collection, the latest versions of the ansible.posix and redhat.runtimes_common collections are also automatically downloaded and installed on your Ansible control node. The redhat.runtimes_common collection provides a set of standard utilities to support the automated deployment of various Red Hat Runtimes products such as JBoss Web Server.


If the latest versions of the ansible.posix and redhat.runtimes_common collections already exist on your Ansible control node, these collections are not automatically installed again.

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