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Chapter 4. Running the playbook

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After you define variable settings, you can run the playbook to begin the automated installation process. You can run a playbook by using the ansible-playbook command on the control node or by using the Red Hat Ansible automation controller. The JBoss Web Server collection then handles all installation and deployment tasks automatically.


The following procedure assumes that you have created and updated a custom playbook.


  • You have enabled an automated deployment of JBoss Web Server.
  • You are familar with general Ansible concepts and creating Ansible playbooks. For more information, see the Ansible documentation.
  • Your playbook includes a become: true directive to activate user privilege escalation at the play level.

    For example:

    - name: "Red Hat JBoss Web Server installation and configuration"
      hosts: all
      become: true

    The become: true directive allows the JBoss Web Server collection to perform any tasks that require root privileges on your target hosts. For more information about privilege escalation and the become: true directive, see the Ansible documentation.

  • Your playbook also includes an appropriate link to the location where you have defined your variables.

    For example:

        - <path_to_vars_file>/vars.yml

    The preceding example assumes that you have defined variables in a vars.yml file. Replace <path_to_vars_file> with the appropriate path.

  • Your playbook also specifies the redhat.jws.jws role.

    For example:

        - redhat.jws.jws
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) version 8 or 9 is already installed on your target hosts.


  • Perform either of the following steps:

    • On your Ansible control node, enter the following command:

      $ ansible-playbook <playbook_name>.yml

      In the preceding command, replace <playbook_name> with the name you have assigned to your playbook. The preceding command assumes that your user account supports passwordless authentication.


      If your user account requires password authentication, you can run the preceding command with the --ask-sudo-pass option and specify the required password when prompted. For example:

      $ ansible-playbook <playbook_name>.yml --ask-sudo-pass

    • Use the Red Hat Ansible automation controller to run your playbook. For more information about getting started with the automation controller, see the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform documentation page.
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