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Chapter 3. Deprecated features

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The following features are being deprecated in this release.

3.1. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 support

This release removes support for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 operating system. From JBoss Web Server 6.0 onward, Red Hat does not support the installation of JBoss Web Server from an archive file or RPM packages on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 hosts.

For more information about supported operating system versions, see OS/JVM certifications.

3.2. Window 2016 Server support

This release removes support for the Windows 2016 Server operating system. From JBoss Web Server 6.0 onward, Red Hat does not support the installation of JBoss Web Server from an archive file on Windows 2016 Server hosts.

For more information about supported operating system versions, see OS/JVM certifications.

3.3. JDK 8 support

This release removes support for using JBoss Web Server with any of the following JDK versions:

  • OpenJDK 1.8.x
  • Oracle JDK 1.8.x
  • IBM JDK 1.8.x

For more information about supported JDK versions, see OS/JVM certifications.

3.4. APR connector support

With the introduction of Apache Tomcat 10.1 support, JBoss Web Server no longer supports use of the Apache Portable Portable (APR) native connector. From JBoss Web Server 6.0 onward, JBoss Web Server only supports use of the NIO connector or the NIO2 connector.

3.5. JWS_HTTPS_SECRET environment variable

From JBoss Web Server 6.0 onward, JWS for OpenShift no longer supports the JWS_HTTPS_SECRET environment variable. In previous releases, this environment variable specified the name of the secret that contained the certificate files for secure HTTPS connections (for example, jws-app-secret).

For more information, see JWS for OpenShift environment variable enhancements.

3.6. Apache CXF and Hibernate ORM artifacts removed from the JBoss Web Server Maven repository

From JBoss Web Server 6.0 onward, Red Hat no longer provides Apache CXF and Hibernate JAR files in the file that you can download from the Red Hat Customer Portal.

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