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Chapter 2. New features and enhancements

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Red Hat JBoss Web Server 6.0 includes the following new features and enhancements.

2.1. Apache Tomcat 10.1 support

The JBoss Web Server 6.0 release is based on Apache Tomcat 10.1.8. This version of Apache Tomcat implements the following specifications that the Jakarta Enterprise Edition (EE) 10 platform requires:

2.2. Java package namespace changes from javax to jakarta

With the introduction of Apache Tomcat 10.1 support, which implements Jakarta EE 10, a major difference between JBoss Web Server 6.0 and previous product versions is the renaming of the Jakarta EE API Java packages from javax. to jakarta..


This change does not affect javax packages that are part of Java Standard Edition (SE).

Adapting to this namespace change is the biggest change involved in migrating applications to JBoss Web Server 6.0. For more information, see Migrating applications from Red Hat JBoss Web Server 5.x to Red Hat JBoss Web Server 6.

2.3. Naming enhancements for JBoss Web Server native archive files

From JBoss Web Server 6.0 onward, the native archive files that you can download from the Red Hat Customer Portal use the following naming format:


This supersedes the behavior in previous releases where the native archive files used the following naming format:


2.4. ARM64 architecture support

JBoss Web Server 6.0 introduces support for using JBoss Web Server with the ARM64 (aarch64) architecture in the OpenShift environment.

2.5. JWS for OpenShift image for OpenJDK 17

JBoss Web Server 6.0 introduces support for importing JWS for OpenShift images that are compatible with OpenJDK 17. In this release, you can import a jboss-webserver60-openjdk17-tomcat10-openshift-ubi8 image.

2.6. JWS for OpenShift environment variable enhancements

Because of modifications in Apache Tomcat connector settings, the JWS for OpenShift environment variables include the following enhancements for secure HTTPS connections:

  • JWS_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE_CHAIN is a new variable that specifies the name of the certificate chain file (for example, ca-chain.cert.pem).
  • JWS_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE_DIR is a new variable that specifies the name of the directory where the certificate is stored (for example, cert).
  • JWS_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE now specifies the name of the certificate file (for example, rsa-cert.pem). This supersedes the behavior in previous releases where the JWS_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE variable specified the name of the certificate file within a secret (for example, server.crt).
  • JWS_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE_KEY now specifies the name of the certificate key file (for example, rsa-key.pem). This supersedes the behavior in previous releases where the JWS_HTTPS_CERTIFICATE_KEY variable specified the name of the certificate key file within a secret (for example, server.key).

2.7. Enhanced default AccessLogValve pattern

From JBoss Web Server 6.0 onward, the default AccessLogValve pattern in the JWS_HOME/tomcat/conf/server.xml file also contains %S, %I, and %T replacement strings. These replacement strings enable JBoss Web Server to include the following information in access logs to help diagnose session or performance issues:

  • User session ID
  • Current Request thread name
  • Length of time (in seconds) to process the request

Similar to previous releases, the default AccessLogValve pattern in JBoss Web Server 6.0 still contains %h, %l, %u, %t, "%r", %s, and %b replacement strings for logging other diagnostic information.

For more information about the Access Log Valve, see the Apache Tomcat documentation.

2.8. StuckThreadDetectionValve enabled by default

From JBoss Web Server 6.0 onward, the StuckThreadDetectionValve setting is enabled by default in the JWS_HOME/tomcat/conf/server.xml file. This feature is useful for detecting requests that take an excessively long time to process, which might indicate that a processing thread is stuck. By default, if the StuckThreadDetectionValve setting is enabled and a request takes more than 600 seconds (10 minutes) to process, JBoss Web Server considers that a thread is stuck.

For more information about the Stuck Thread Detection Valve, see the Apache Tomcat documentation.

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