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Chapter 5. Creating Multus networks

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OpenShift Container Platform uses the Multus CNI plug-in to allow chaining of CNI plug-ins. You can configure your default pod network during cluster installation. The default network handles all ordinary network traffic for the cluster.

You can define an additional network based on the available CNI plug-ins and attach one or more of these networks to your pods. To attach additional network interfaces to a pod, you must create configurations that define how the interfaces are attached.

You specify each interface by using a NetworkAttachmentDefinition (NAD) custom resource (CR). A CNI configuration inside each of the NetworkAttachmentDefinition defines how that interface is created.

OpenShift Data Foundation uses the CNI plug-in called macvlan. Creating a macvlan-based additional network allows pods on a host to communicate with other hosts and pods on those hosts using a physical network interface. Each pod that is attached to a macvlan-based additional network is provided a unique MAC address.

5.1. Creating network attachment definitions

To utilize Multus, an already working cluster with the correct networking configuration is required, see Requirements for Multus configuration. The newly created NetworkAttachmentDefinition (NAD) can be selected during the Storage Cluster installation. This is the reason they must be created before the Storage Cluster.


Network attachment definitions can only use the whereabouts IP address management (IPAM), and it must specify the range field. ipRanges and plugin chaining are not supported.

You can select the newly created NetworkAttachmentDefinition (NAD) during the Storage Cluster installation. This is the reason you must create the NAD before you create the Storage Cluster.

As detailed in the Planning Guide, the Multus networks you create depend on the number of available network interfaces you have for OpenShift Data Foundation traffic. It is possible to separate all of the storage traffic onto one of the two interfaces (one interface used for default OpenShift SDN) or to further segregate storage traffic into client storage traffic (public) and storage replication traffic (private or cluster).

The following is an example NetworkAttachmentDefinition for all the storage traffic, public and cluster, on the same interface. It requires one additional interface on all schedulable nodes (OpenShift default SDN on separate network interface):

apiVersion: ""
kind: NetworkAttachmentDefinition
  name: ocs-public-cluster
  namespace: openshift-storage
  config: '{
  	"cniVersion": "0.3.1",
  	"type": "macvlan",
  	"master": "ens2",
  	"mode": "bridge",
  	"ipam": {
    	    "type": "whereabouts",
    	    "range": ""

All network interface names must be the same on all the nodes attached to the Multus network (that is, ens2 for ocs-public-cluster).

The following is an example NetworkAttachmentDefinition for storage traffic on separate Multus networks, public, for client storage traffic, and cluster, for replication traffic. It requires two additional interfaces on OpenShift nodes hosting object storage device (OSD) pods and one additional interface on all other schedulable nodes (OpenShift default SDN on separate network interface):

apiVersion: ""
kind: NetworkAttachmentDefinition
  name: ocs-public
  namespace: openshift-storage
  config: '{
  	"cniVersion": "0.3.1",
  	"type": "macvlan",
  	"master": "ens2",
  	"mode": "bridge",
  	"ipam": {
    	    "type": "whereabouts",
    	    "range": ""

Example NetworkAttachmentDefinition:

apiVersion: ""
kind: NetworkAttachmentDefinition
  name: ocs-cluster
  namespace: openshift-storage
  config: '{
  	"cniVersion": "0.3.1",
  	"type": "macvlan",
  	"master": "ens3",
  	"mode": "bridge",
  	"ipam": {
    	    "type": "whereabouts",
    	    "range": ""

All network interface names must be the same on all the nodes attached to the Multus networks (that is, ens2 for ocs-public, and ens3 for ocs-cluster).

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