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Chapter 13. Managing container storage interface (CSI) component placements

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Each cluster consists of a number of dedicated nodes such as infra and storage nodes. However, an infra node with a custom taint will not be able to use OpenShift Data Foundation Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) on the node. So, if you want to use such nodes, you can set tolerations to bring up csi-plugins on the nodes.


  1. Edit the configmap to add the toleration for the custom taint. Remember to save before exiting the editor.

    $ oc edit configmap rook-ceph-operator-config -n openshift-storage
  2. Display the configmap to check the added toleration.

    $ oc get configmap rook-ceph-operator-config -n openshift-storage -o yaml

    Example output of the added toleration for the taint, nodetype=infra:NoSchedule :

    apiVersion: v1
        - key: nodetype
          operator: Equal
          value: infra
          effect: NoSchedule
        - key:
          operator: Equal
          value: "true"
          effect: NoSchedule
    kind: ConfigMap

    Ensure that all non-string values in the Tolerations value field has double quotation marks. For example, the values true which is of type boolean, and 1 which is of type int must be input as "true" and "1".

  3. Restart the rook-ceph-operator if the csi-cephfsplugin-* and csi-rbdplugin-* pods fail to come up on their own on the infra nodes.

    $ oc delete -n openshift-storage pod <name of the rook_ceph_operator pod>

    Example :

    $ oc delete -n openshift-storage pod rook-ceph-operator-5446f9b95b-jrn2j
    pod "rook-ceph-operator-5446f9b95b-jrn2j" deleted

Verification step

Verify that the csi-cephfsplugin-* and csi-rbdplugin-* pods are running on the infra nodes.

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